Contest|Worst book ever read|My participation

BOOK TITLE: Fifty Shades of Grey
PUBLISHER: Vintage Books

About Book

This book was about a deep and explicit relationship between a young businessman named Christian Grey and a recent English literature graduate Anastasia Steele.Christian is a very successful businessman and indulged in the world of BDSM toys and gear which he introduces to Anastasia(Ana), Upon their encounter he sign a contract with Ana stating that their relationship will be sexual with no romantic feelings at all for each other Ana being a romantic by nature, in the end realizes the two are incompatible for each other.
My least favorite character in this book was no one in particular as truth be told, the characters are sketched out pretty well, even though the plot of the story didn't intrigue me it was the characters and their personalities that made book bearable to read.
i dislike this book because it romanticizes a toxic as well as complex relationship the world of BDSM, I personally believe is something people should know just enough about, but too much detail as in this book is really not required for any particular purpose except either making a person flabbergasted upon the existence of such things or lead to the realization that they might be a sadist like Christian i.e they enjoy inflicting pain on others for varying psychological reasons
I'll definitely not recommend anyone either the book or movie you should not read this book because it depicts how ana is enjoying a toxic ans abusive relationship with Christian upon consent, Violence and abuse isn't something to be done even with consent, and if done for the sake of pleasure, then there are psychological issues in person's head due to past traumas, just like Christian.


Haven't read or watched this one! Can already tell it is a waste of time 😅

yes i wont recommend this one!! that's why i wrote it in a worst one 😂

I totally agree with your thoughts about this book. For me, the movie was a total flop. I couldn't connect with the characters. Whereas, in book the characters are deep and you can feel their strong personalities.
Personally, I liked the plot. It was strong unlike other books or movies in the same genre. But you are right, morally this book teaches nothing except some crappy life choices.

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