This is the second time @aceh-team and I are disappointed that a member uses his steempower to delegate to others for his own gain after becoming a dolphin in our program in the WOX community

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

This time, @adi.pisces who became a dolphin in our program 3 months ago, he has chosen to use parts of his steempower delegated to @justyy to get a vote

As a dolphin, @adi.pisces got 15% upvote from our trail fixed for a post every 24 hours, he now loses that opportunity.
(Our trail now has 1 millinon + Steempower)



My achievement of being a dolphin
Hello dear steemit friends wherever you are, today I am very grateful and of course I am very happy because I have completed my mission to become a dolphin on this steemblockchain platform, of course today I can celebrate being a new dolphin in the WOX community

And then this happens after 3 months, of course we are disappointed


If it turns out in the future that we are a springboard to become a dolphin and then choose to delegate their steempower to others to be rewarded for themselves, I may end the dolphin program

The time has come to build our own steem power


WORLD OF XPILAR LOGO BILDE 2 beskjært 855x416 bruk 2.png


Voting for me: type in xpilar.witness and click VOTE


I want to invite to our server WOX NATION - WoxFi


JM logo.jpg

 3 years ago (edited)

This is very disappointing to hear. I hope that @adi.pisces reconsiders this decision.

I see no reason to allow @adi.pisces to continue posting in this community if this is the gratitude he shows for your help in getting him to where he is. It's your world after all!

 3 years ago 

We'll see if he thinks about it, and if he reverses his decision

 3 years ago 

Greetings friend @xpilar

It is a pity that some users, after achieving a good amount SP, decide to use those SP for their own and only benefit, however, we must continue to trust that there are truly community users .

 3 years ago 

we must continue to trust that there are truly community users

Yes, they do exist, but we need to change the rules

 3 years ago 

Perhaps we can require them to give a certain amount of votes and comments per day, equal to or greater than 10 within the community.

 3 years ago 

This situation is both disappointing and a situation that prevents those who want to be a real dolphin. There are successful users like @o1eh that this program brought to us. I agree with @art-venture. I have an idea. If users meet the conditions, priority can be given to the @the-gorilla's presented Queen, King and Top Commenters.

 3 years ago 

Yes, @o1eh is a user who deserved to join the program and became a dolphin and he gives a lot back for our communityy

Maybe there will be more ideas on the table and that the program of becoming a dolphin will develop to be even better in the future

Maybe @steemcurator01 has some ideas to add

saya sangat sedih, setelah membaca postingan xpilar, saya sebagai generasi baru di komunitas local Aceh team, saya sangat hormat dan menaruh harapan besar kepada senior-senior saya seperti bg @adi.pisces untuk membimbing kami sebagai pemula, membuat komitmen, kebersamaan, dan kekeluargaan, yang selama ini kita bina dan kita pertahankan, demi memperkuat @Aceh-Team yang lebih mandiri, seharusnya loyalitas dan komitmen selama ini kita tunjukkan hendaknya bersifat permanen atau kontinyu, jangan lah untuk mengejar kepentingan pribadi, dulu minta didukung dan mencari dukungan. setelah didukung...mendelegasikan ke pihak lain. semua itu hanya bersifat semu semata, idealnya hal-hal positif kita tunjukkan sebagai senior atau pemain lama steemit. untuk menjadi contoh kepada kami pemain pemula di @aceh-team, yang berjumlah 48 orang

I am very sad, after reading xpilar's post, I am a new generation in the local Aceh team community, I have great respect and have high hopes for my seniors like bg @adi.pisces to guide us as beginners, make commitment, togetherness, and kinship , far we have fostered and maintained it, in order to strengthen the @Aceh-Team which is more independent, the loyalty and commitment we have shown so far should be permanent or continuous, not for pursuing personal interests, first asking for support and seeking support. after.supported...delegating to other parties. all of that is just pseudo, ideally positive things we show as seniors or old steemit players. to be an example to us newbie players in @aceh-team, which numbered 48 people..

This is a very sad news for us who really want to be dolphins in the WOX community in the future, I personally also feel very disappointed with some users who only use @aceh-team and WOX as stepping stones for their own sake . indeed it is all your SP but we also have to ponder for a moment who brought us in that position. and we also ask @xpillar to continue with the dolphin program, because that is our dream.

Ok, es importante que continûe, pero el cambio de las reglas no deben afectar a los menores como nosotros. Sucedió al cambiar el requisito de 100 a 500sp. No puede pagar justo por pcador.

to @xpilar, Greetings from me to you.
I am also disappointed with this incident, which I myself did not expect that this would happen again in my beloved @aceh-team after it had previously happened because it was provoked by some irresponsible parties (DO NOT KNOW THANK YOU) and the good faith of others who has been willing to help both in terms of energy and effort.

It's really disappointing for the party concerned who has the heart to forget the trust and help that has been given to him so far, I don't know what's on his mind, I hope the party concerned can apologize for this action (TRUST IS EVERYTHING).

For the dolphin program
Hi @xpilar, I'm a new member of the @aceh-team who really wants to grow in this WOX community.

If it turns out in the future that we are a springboard to become a dolphin and then choose to delegate their steempower to others to be rewarded for themselves, I may end the dolphin program

I hope the dolphin program can continue even with some additional requirements. Please give me a chance.

I want to be known as the dolphin (Not as a TRAITOR).

Thank you for your hard work.

Hello Mr. @xpilar, I myself have read your post, I am a new person who has chosen the WOX Community as a support community, this can be seen from my post that has bought steem power and some of my delegates to @aceh-team. if you stop this dolphin program I am very sad and I hope you continue the dolphin program because this program is not owned by other communities.

As long as I joined the WOX Community I got a lot of knowledge as well as got direction and guidance, I don't want to use the WOX community as a stepping stone to get Steem Power to delegate others. I also feel the disappointment you are feeling at this moment

I think there are many people who will chose t his easy way to go forward, but what is noticeable those people they were not really much involved in any other activities, they just got used to easy path.

I think in the future, when choosing the people for dolphin program they should show engagement and themself to reach at least 2K SP themselves and do something like creating contests, guiding newcomers or do some work. For them it was easy to do the post and wait for Upvote. No this is not the way just take and nothing to give back.

I agree with Gorilla we should exclude him from WOX. @stef1

 3 years ago 

I think in the future, when choosing the people for dolphin program they should show engagement and themself to reach at least 2K SP themselves and do something like creating contests, guiding newcomers or do some work. For them it was easy to do the post and wait for Upvote. No this is not the way just take and nothing to give back.

Agree it should also include some work in WOX to be part of the program to become a dolphin, the rules need to be adjusted

Is there any update how the program works?
I did not use Steem regualary in the last couple of months, but I would like to get back, more active. I did not figure out how things exactly work here.

 3 years ago 

If it turns out in the future that we are a springboard to become a dolphin and then choose to delegate their steempower to others to be rewarded for themselves, I may end the dolphin program

I understand your feelings @xpilar . It's like spitting into an open soul.
It looks like you've been taken advantage of and gone your own way. But maybe @adi.pisces just thought badly about his decision. He wanted to continue growing with new opportunities, but he didn't take into account all the circumstances and the fact that he owes something to the community.

I do not think that such behavior by individuals should lead to the closure of the program. I understand that other disappointments are possible in the future.

Apparently it's time to introduce into the rules of the program certain obligations for its participants in terms of activity and devotion to the community. And if these rules are not followed, the participant will simply lose further support. I think it will be fair.

Now I understand the meaning of scum expressed by a friend who I consider like my family in this community hi @diary-macro. And now I have seen it with my own eyes. I have now felt the meaning of bastard, the meaning of traitor. It's true what @diary-macro said. But I don't know who the words "Bastard" and "Traitor" are for.

To @xpilar. Very disappointing for those of you who saw what happened. But it's a shame you don't feel what you can't see. What happened to this beloved @aceh-team family.

What caused the members one by one to leave the @aceh team with disappointment that no one else could feel.

Who can feel everything. Only those who are silent with a thousand languages. That figurative smile is only felt by those who care about their families.

Greetings @grisaia-steem from the @aceh-team family.

Thank you very much my friend, I'm glad you can understand this situation, you must know about the aceh-team, why do they come out one by one.
I've had it for almost 1 year.

Now I have experienced what caused friends to leave @aceh-team. It's a shame that some people took advantage of this, some people have lit the fire that makes the comfort have been lost. The comfort and warmth in this family has now disappeared.

Now the warmth of the big family of @aceh-team has been felt. Those who used to work together, help each other, are now blaming each other. It's a shame that the @aceh-team I know is no longer what I felt before.

many of the members who left with hidden reasons and true as you said mate. everything that happens there is something that is not known. By the way, thank you very much mate.

thanks again friend

thanks again friend

It's very true what you said, @grisaia-steem, a lot of things happened in this beloved aceh-team family, and the reason why I from the @skil-photography account resigned from this steemit platform, especially me from a local member of the aceh-team, because for me it's not there is a sense of respect for other people here, and the directions I have heard so far are just nonsense, I hope the WORLD OF XPILAR community leader @xpilar can solve this problem, and can find out what has happened in local aceh-team, why what was initially fine could turn out to be like this. And I am very grateful to @xpilar for accepting me in this community some time ago. And one more thing, maybe for me those who left the local aceh-team because they experienced something similar. the same as I feel, only disappointment and nonsense that has been obtained so far.

I apologize to everyone if any of my words hurt you, greetings from @skil-photography

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