Hi! You've been trying to gain a foothold here on the Steem for a few months now. You haven't heard a welcome yet, so welcome! You haven't heard much else either. I'm sorry to have to say this, but I'm sure it's mainly due to your appearance... Who are you? What drives you, what do you want to achieve? How did you get into photography, what technology do you use...?
Steemit is about blogging, often about art. Presenting random photos, among which I do recognise a few good ones, is not blogging. Write something about the photos, about yourself. Choose such images that you have not yet posted on the Hive, as this is not appreciated here.
Take a look at the contributions of other users; there are very good photographers here who like to talk about their work and life itself ;-)) That's how you generate an audience, that's how you make yourself known. At some point you'll get votes and support...
Don't be discouraged, but take a close look to see if such a community thing is something for you. If so: all the best!
This is seriously one of the most useful comments I have ever gotten on social media.
Thank you for the explanation.
It is very helpful.
Have a great day.