Fulfilling a promise: German food / In Erfüllung eines Versprechens: Deutsches Essen

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

Deutsch im Anschluß...

I still have one promise to fulfil: @ubongudofot asked to write to him and show him what we, far away from his African homeland, typically eat.

Well, if you ask a German about typical food, everyone immediately has something in mind. But what exactly depends largely on which region you ask: in the north, near the coast, there are local classics like matjes - a herring fillet preparation. In the south, e.g. in Bavaria, the famous Weißwurst (white sausage) would be more likely to be mentioned, or in Berlin perhaps the Currywurst... But there is one thing in common, I would say: original German food is hearty, strong and substantial. And no matter where you ask around, you will find lovers of schnitzel with fried potatoes, knuckle of pork and sauerkraut or goulash with dumplings...

Pork knuckle with sauerkraut / Eisbein mit Sauerkraut

Nowadays, however, there are many "modern" eating habits that have not spared these traditions either. We see vegetarians and vegans, people with lactose intolerance and also special trends like macrobiotic or ketogenic diets. This means that the above-mentioned dishes are no longer on the table in many households. In addition, many people have expanded their eating habits to include experiences from foreign travel. I myself love to cook Italian or Indian food. I like Greek cuisine and Creole and Mexican and generally: I am curious about new taste experiences! This probably also unites most German consumers - our food is no longer homogeneously German, but influenced by a plethora of other national dishes, food trends and, last but not least, health and ecological considerations (Can I cope with such high-calorie meals?, Is it still okay to eat tuna?, Was the beef kept in a species-appropriate way?, Can I still afford the expensive asparagus?,...).

Roulades with red cabbage and dumplings / Rouladen mit Rotkohl und Klößen

Stuffed courgettes with boiled potatoes / Gefüllte Zucchini mit Salzkartoffeln

Scallops in dill soup / Jacobsmuscheln in Dill-Suppe

Jerusalem artichoke pan with croquettes / Topinambur-Pfanne mit Kroketten

Saddle of hare with cauliflower / Hasenrücken mit Blumenkohl

Food should be varied, be fun twice (to prepare and to enjoy) and keep us fit and full of life! I hope you recognise this - wherever you cook ;-))

Asparagus with ham and hollandaise sauce / Spargel mit Schinken und Sauce Hollandaise

Deutsche Version:

Ein Versprechen habe ich noch zu erfüllen: @ubongudofot bat darum, ihm zu schreiben und zu zeigen, was wir, fernab von seiner afrikanischen Heimat, so typischerweise essen.

Nun ja: wenn man einen Deutschen nach landestypischem Essen fragt, hat jeder wohl sofort etwas dazu im Kopf. Was genau, hängt aber maßgeblich davon ab, in welcher Region man fragt: im Norden, in Küstennähe gibt es einheimische Klassiker wie Matjes - eine Heringsfilet-Zubereitung. Im Süden, z.B. in Bayern, würde eher die berühmte Weißwurst genannt oder in Berlin vielleicht die Currywurst... Es gibt aber eine Gemeinsamkeit dabei, würde ich sagen: ursprüngliches deutsches Essen ist deftig, kräftig und gehaltvoll. Und egal, wo man sich umhört, wird man Liebhaber von Schnitzel mit Bratkartoffeln, Eisbein und Sauerkraut oder Gulasch mit Knödeln finden...

Pork knuckle with sauerkraut / Eisbein mit Sauerkraut

Heutzutage gibt es allerdings viele "moderne" Ernährungsgewohnheiten, die auch diese Traditionen nicht verschont haben. Wir sehen Vegetarier und Veganer, Menschen mit Laktoseunverträglichkeit und auch besondere Trends wie makrobiotische Ernährung oder ketogene Diät. Das heißt, die oben genannten Gerichte kommen in vielen Haushalten eben nicht mehr so auf den Tisch. Außerdem haben viele Leute ihre Eßgewohnheiten um Erfahrungen von Auslandsreisen erweitert. Ich selber koche liebend gerne italienisch oder indisch. Ich mag die griechische Küche und kreolisch und mexikanisch und überhaupt: ich bin neugierig auf neue Geschmackserlebnisse! Das eint wohl auch wieder die meisten deutschen Verbraucher - unser Essen ist heutzutage nicht mehr homogen deutsch, sondern beeinflußt von einer Fülle anderer Nationalgerichte, Lebensmitteltrends und nicht zuletzt gesundheitlichen sowie ökologischen Erwägungen (Kann ich so kalorienreiche Mahlzeiten verkraften?, Ist es weiterhin okay, Thunfisch zu essen?, Wurde das Rind artgerecht gehalten?, Kann ich mir den teuren Spargel noch leisten?,...)

Roulades with red cabbage and dumplings / Rouladen mit Rotkohl und Klößen

Stuffed courgettes with boiled potatoes / Gefüllte Zucchini mit Salzkartoffeln

Scallops in dill soup / Jacobsmuscheln in Dill-Suppe

Jerusalem artichoke pan with croquettes / Topinambur-Pfanne mit Kroketten

Saddle of hare with cauliflower / Hasenrücken mit Blumenkohl

Essen sollte abwechslungsreich sein, zweimal Spaß machen (beim Zubereiten und beim Genießen) und uns fit und lebensfroh halten! Ich hoffe, das erkennt Ihr wieder - wo auch immer Ihr kocht ;-))

20% of the proceeds go to the WOX helpfund ;-)) / 20% der Erträge gehen an den WOX-Helpfund ;-))


Oh my..., this is awesome ...trust me, i already feel like having a taste of it, i mean all of them😊, but the way to there is too far.

Well, i wont really blame those people who dosent eat these foods again, maybe they haver thier reasons and rights.

But if i must confess, i really like the food, hopefully Germany woulr be one of the Countries i will pay a visit when i Entered Europe Someday😊, and i'll taste this too.

Thank you so much for fulfilling your promise🙏, i don't keep lazy friends but hardworking Friends like you and a good Content Creator😊, thank you so much Ma.

I believe this also serve my Mama @chriddi, because i just discovered the Food now...😀👍

Thank you 🙏

Hahaha, as a true North German I'm sorry to say: @weisser-rabe "lies".
Well, she's right: German food is very dependent on the regions in this country. But we northern Germans are very peculiar - what is peculiar to us is German, everything else is foreign... 😂

If I had time, I would like to offer you a North German culinary excursion. However, that will have to wait - for days I've been poring over an article that explains why I don't have time.

Fact is, if you ever really get to Europe, you'll have a bed in Northern Germany! I will cook for you and you may cuddle my tame sheep... 😉

Ich hatte die Hoffnung, Deinen Protest herauszufordern ;-)))

I had the hope to challenge your protest ;-)))

😀😀 atleast she showed me how it looks like , i am so grateful , i like it.

Sure i can't wait for you take me for the excurtion, and it will be a nice thing to work with you in your farm.

And to eat that food...SURE...!!, I will 😊🙏

It was a pleasure - I like cooking ;-))

Thats great, hopefully someday i will show the whole world my cooking skills😀

Sehr schön. Aber: Wo lebst du denn?!... 😂

In Currywurst-Nähe ;-))))

Nearby Currywurst ;-)))

Super Beschreibung ;-))

I never ate any of it during my time in Germany except for Currywurst in every Bundesland I was 😋, pommes and... Well, I guess what I usually eat?

It all looks like how we ate in the old days: meat, potatoes and vegetables.

No pea soup / Erbsensuppe?

It's a great variety you show there. 🍀💖

Thanks for sharing with us here, all the food looks delicious and enticing, but I'm drawn to this particular one 👇

I can imagine the flavor and the taste, well i hope to have a taste of it one day.

 2 years ago 

Eisbein! My favorite BUT without the sauerkraut (•ิ‿•ิ)
Also my favorite dessert, Bienenstich cake.
My aunt was married to a German, Ernst, and that is how we got to know German food. She always spoiled us when visiting.
You brought back a lot of memories.

Fine! Sauerkraut can be so delicious! And it's healthy. But you are right of course: german taste ist versatile and everyone finds his favourites ;-))

Hihi , da tipp´ste ´was .


Nice post and complacent with the friend from Africa.

In Venezuela there is a German community that formed a commune at the beginning of the last century, it is a very nice tourist place, I frequented it a lot with my wife when we did not have children.

the traditional food that is usually served in the restaurants of that region is the baked pork knee with KARTOFFELSALA salad or sauerkraut, also the famous charcuterie, frankfurters.

Although they are expensive dishes for my budget at the time, we opted for a succulent pizza or a roast chicken.

the stuffed zucchini look very delicious my wife prepares a similar one, (stuffed with chicken stew and glazed with cheese).

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@udabeu thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

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