RE: Talk Channel: "Comment or ask a question"/ Comente o pregunte (week 265) in the WOX
Easy peasy I don't play games on my phone. On a former phone, I did sudoku and several word games and with the family, we raised some weird pet (we shared a phone together). We still play (more like collecting) pokemon go.
Sims, Minecraft and in the old days Wolfenstein and a few more on PC
Duckhunt is a favourite but I can no longer play it because it only works on an old TV. We have several games (more like many) for playstations.
A looong looong time ago I played games on Facebook, the farming kinds, no idea if they still exist.
I mainly play for distraction and let my brain be focussed on something else, a mind game, a puzzle. I do this now with pen and paper, next to drawing, watching a short film or listen to a song if shared on Steemit. I might play it if I am here for longer but I am not sure if I would sign in for the game only. Hopefully, it's not too addictive.
I am not sure what is meant by "they" in question two.
I arrived here and those I knew left. So I mainly read, read and read and somehow figured out how to write, post, comment and upvote and that is what I basically did next to reading. I wrote one post in the morning and at the end of they day I voted and commented a few. After a certain time I left. As I came back I met @marblely who hosted a contest, next I arrived at CCC and the freewriters. Both helped me a bit with tips or more answering a few questions and one of them told me how to post more efficiently and the benefits of more than one account (an account per topic/interest). That's basically it. Did I understand all the info? No, no way so I never had the benefits from a bit bot or some whale. I once read a post of one of them and the long list of comments from beggars and I found it shameful. Today I understand more but I don't see much point in getting 'all the benefits' (curating for example) and I still work kind of the same as when I started. I guess that's me or what I learned back than is still a habit.
@greatketty @lightcapture @fajrularifst @almaguer do you like to play games on Steemit and who helped you out or did you find it out yourself?
I confess that I am a Sudoku lover, I always tried to compete with myself, in terms of the time to solve the expert level. Without intending to underestimate the ability of the developers, mind games can be suitable to apply to Steem/Steemit since they require less graphic work, and an easy-to-manage reward ratio can be generated for each level passed or lost.
In video games, I used to play the versions of Super Mario Bros, and Mario Kart.
I remember the dynamics of CCC, from time to time I participated in their contests, I remember one where I had to use a lot of emojis to develop the content, it was fun because it was my first time using those small figures.
Each of us has a particular way of interacting on the platform, no matter how much someone teaches us, we will always tend to evolve according to our own criteria. Some visualize the environment and absorb the experiences to take advantage of the positive points and avoid the bad ones.
Thank you for interacting on our channel.
I noticed xpilar / stef1 is asking about introducing oneself and gaming as well. Is this the reason no one shows up? Kind of pity since you have more questions. It makes me wonder if people feel connected to Steemit if they are not willing to share their opinion/vote.
@solperez @krucekoncept @jiva34 there are questions about Steemit which you might like to share your thoughts about? If you have another question here is your chance.
@anuekpineung78 do you like to play games? We can bake pies? I remember one of the games on my old phone was a game like that. Or do you like Sudoku or rather a shooting game?
There's not enough time in a day. The talk channel is a great resource I hope people can keep it up and running. It really is needed. Forgive me for not taking part right now.
Я не играю в игры, между играми и написанием дневника я, конечно же, выберу дневник - это тренирует навык письма, это позволяет запоминать события дня и оставлять их в вечности:)
Удивительно, но в этом конкурсе меня отметили сразу трое авторов:) Спасибо всем, я польщена!)
Приятно слышать, что ситуация изменилась. Я верю, что мы все играем, даже если это касается слов или наших детей. Игры — это не обязательно что-то вроде стрелялок или соревнований. Словесные игры что-то добавляют, как шахматы, судоку и некоторые игры, которые хороши для выяснения того, как или что. Если игра недостаточно интересна, то я ею доволен и больше не играю. Я не фанатик игр, даже настольных. У меня семья, где мужчины всегда изменяют и не выносят, когда их бьют, а еще хуже, если их бьет ребенок. Я знаю, что моя дочь сама научилась играть в шахматы. Она победила моего отца, и он стал очень злым. Больно и стыдно видеть, как взрослый мужчина ведет себя так по отношению к ребенку. Неудивительно, что он сделал то же самое со мной, поэтому если я играю в настольные игры, то в основном позволяю другим выигрывать. Так проще.
О, настольные игры мне, пожалуй. нравятся. Я с удовольствием выигрываю, а потом всегда получаю предложение сыграть еще - мои домашние не любят проигрывать, и часто мы играем до тех пор, пока кто-то из них не победит:)