Last minutes of our lives…

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Dear ones, I don't know how many of you have read or thought about what Suffering means !?

To give it its own definition, suffering would be something that grinds you, on the inside, torments you, strangles you, hurts you physically, and teaches you a lot. I believe that the greatest teacher and guide in Life is Suffering.
By suffering you have the opportunity to know yourself as a whole: mind, body, soul. Suffering puts your mind to the contribution and you have the opportunity to philosophize enormously. I was thinking today, as I lay motionless, lifeless, like a dying man: how irrational we are. We have so many things around us that we don't need, kg of clothes in our wardrobes, but people are still on the street and they don't have a coat on. We have so much food in addition to the fact that we throw even more, and people are starving all over the world, and we pass by them carelessly, making them look like we don't see 🙈 Shame on me in the first place, that I can't get rid of the imprint of society, which has made me so ignorant. We hated loneliness, but we drove our loved ones away from us. We judge foolishly without knowing what our neighbor went through, until he got to where he is. We behave as if we were God, and we judge human behavior as if we in ourselves were the standard of the world.

Where did I leave Love? What was the turning point? How can we change the fate of this world? Is there anything we can do to improve our neighbor's life? When will we soak our hearts? When are we going to put pride and ego aside? When we embrace Love for the world, how do we love ourselves? There are so many questions that I didn't even give them my life. They lie in wait for me to rebel!

The word is a very powerful thing. The word gives birth and the word kills. You choose what you want to do with Him. Love and let Beloved…

I am not sure if You got until this point with Reading, Buț if You Did that, i want You to know that I Love You, and You are amazong. Lets change this WORLD

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