Announcement of the WINNERS of the collage contest "The Sea"Announcement NEW COLLAGE CONTEST, theme "TWO IMAGES" - WOX Booming Support ProgramsteemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)

Hello friends of the WOX community!

Today I present the winners of the collage contest "The Sea" and announce a new collage contest.

Thank you for your participation!

FIRST PRIZE ...@barski!

Captura de pantalla 2023-02-17 a las 18.17.41.png

A balanced and very original composition.

You will be rewarded with Booming Upvote.

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SECOND PRIZE... @lanegra2804!

Captura de pantalla 2023-02-17 a las 18.18.15.png

A funny analogue collage, made the old-fashioned way. The only analogue collage presented.

It will also be rewarded with Booming Upvote.

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THIRD PRIZE... @ajay27!

Captura de pantalla 2023-02-17 a las 18.17.31.png

An elegant and surrealistic beach collage.

It will be awarded with Wox Trial Upvote.

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I'm calling you for a new collage contest, you will have to make a collage with only TWO IMAGES.

I show you two different examples I made.

They only contain two images, related to each other, and a somewhat worked background... a white paper is not enough.

In the first collage we combined a body with a head of different proportions, obtaining this grotesque and funny result.


In the second collage, the images have nothing to do with each other but we relate them.

Captura de pantalla 2023-02-17 a las 18.09.21.png

*** Although digital collages are allowed in the contest, I strongly encourage you to experiment with the analogue one, cutting and pasting, you will like it ***


.In the title write Wox Booming Support Program / Collage Contest, theme: TWO IMAGES

.Only one publication per person.

.Use the hastags #steemexclusive #wox-contest #contest #art and the club you belong to, club5050, club75 or club100. To have access to the booming prizes, you have to belong to a club.

.You can invite two friends although it is not mandatory.

.Both analogue and digital collages are accepted.

.Upload three or four photographs of the process. If you choose digital, upload three or four screenshots.

.A brief explanation of the process is sufficient.

.Plagiarism is prohibited.

.Leave a link to your post in the contest comments thread.


1st Place: Booming Upvote
2st Place Booming Upvote
3st Place Wox Trial Upvote

The contest will end on 24 Friday at 12 PM Central European Time (CET).

C.c. @disconnect


Hola amigos de la comunidad WOX, os presento a los ganadores del concurso de collages "El Mar" y anuncio un nuevo concurso de collages.

Gracias por participar!

.Primer premio...@barski!

una composición equilibrada y muy original.

Será recompensado con Booming Upvote.

. Segundo premio... @lanegra2804

un divertido collage analógico, elaborado a la vieja usanza

También será premiada con Booming Upvote.

.Tercer premio... @ajay27

un elegante y surrealista collage playero.

Será premiado con Wox Trial Upvote.

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Os convoco para un nuevo concurso de collages, tendréis que elaborar un collage con sólo DOS IMAGENES.

Arriba os enseño dos ejemplos diferentes que hice.

Sólo contienen dos imagenes, relacionadas entre sí, y un fondo algo sirve un papel blanco.

En el primer collage combinamos un cuerpo con una cabeza de diferentes proporciones, obteniendo este grotesco y divertido resultado.

En el segundo collage, las imagenes no tienen nada que ver entre sí pero las relacionamos.

Aunque en el concurso se admiten collages digitales os animo encarecidamente a que experimentéis con el analógico, cortando y pegando, os gustará.


.En el título escribir Wox Booming Support Program / Collage Contest, tema: DOS IMAGENES

.Sólo una publicación por persona.

.Utiliza los hastags #steemexclusive #wox-concurso #contest #art y el club al que perteneces, club5050, club75 o club100. Para acceder a los premios en auge, tienes que pertenecer a un club.

.Puedes invitar a dos amigos, aunque no es obligatorio.

.Se aceptan tanto collages analógicos como digitales.

.Sube tres o cuatro fotografías del proceso. Si eliges digital, sube tres o cuatro capturas de pantalla.

.Basta con una breve explicación del proceso.

.El plagio está prohibido.

.Deja un enlace a tu publicación en el hilo de comentarios del concurso.


1er premio: Booming Upvote
2º puesto: Booming Upvote
3er puesto: Wox Trial Upvote

El concurso finalizará el viernes 24 a las 12 PM hora central europea (CET).


Thank you for a pleasant surprise and an unexpected twist :) Congratulations to all participants of the contest!

Congratulations @barski, hope to see you at the next collage challenge!

Thank you! In principle, I am already ready for the second round, but I want to clarify the rules. Judging by the collage that you provided, there are not two images, but three, a background image, a dress and a head. Can the background image be ignored? And, will it be considered an image of some form manipulation, for example, the creation of a ball, or something else?

The background shall not be considered as an image. The point is to try to relate two images that are in principle unconnected.

Thank you for taking part in the contest, your work is really deserved first place.

Thanks, nice to hear that :)

Gracias por el apoyo, felicidades a todos los participantes , espero estar presente nuevamente 😉👏

Saludos y éxitos

Gracias a tí, esperamos verte en el nuevo desafío!

Thank you for your participation, for me it was always a bit difficult to create collage, really enjoyed your, Booming support will follow.

Thankyou for choosing me as one of the winner and congratulations to all the winners & participants

Thanks to you @ajay27, I hope to see you at the next Collage Challenge "Two Images"

Definitely, I will

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