🤖 Games | 💰 FreeBtc | Affiliate game| Week 3 | 1000 SBGames | Season II
🎮Hello player!
SBGames congratulates the winner of the 1st week!🎉
And became: @serfdeneg
He collected: 30 satoshi!🚀
Please attach your TON wallet in the comment. So that we can send you your prize!
🎮Start playing today and next Tuesday you can become a winner and become the owner of 1000 SBGames.
👨🏫All instructions in the telegram bot.
👩💻But the most important rule is to be our referral.
We also have x.com
Subscribe so as not to miss the Airdrop.
Let's go to the bot. Let's go to the game.
The first stage is we follow the link:
Or scan the QRcode
Thank you for your attention to our project.
Thank you for supporting the project @steemcurator01.
Thanks to @pennsif for talking about our development on his blog.
Big thanks to @steemchiller for providing an API that is so easy to work with.
Let's make the app better together!
To be continued...
Beta version 5.31
Same message from the first week :)
The winner is different. And unfortunately, only two users are playing this game so far.
oh ok, I don't understand this game so :)
You just need to log in every hour and collect satoshi. And if you collect more satoshi in a week, you will receive 1000 SBGames tokens.
Hello. Here's my wallet. I liked the game. I will continue to play.
We've sent you your prize!🏆
No entiendo que debo hacer
You need to register. And collect satoshi every hour. And that's it. If you collect more than anyone else in a week, you're the winner.
tengo que llenar este formulario?

Yes, you need to register. So that you can have an account and start collecting your satoshi.
ya me registre. pero ando perdido, todavía no lo entiendo... trabajare en ello
Now you solve the captcha and get satoshi.
A ver...
le doy clip al botón que dice: ROLL
luego me sale esto:
Ahora que debo hacer?
Now you have a button at the very top called Deposit. There you need to copy the wallet number and add it to the telegram bot.
Como se cual es el numero de billetera de Telegram?
It's not in telegram. It's on the site itself. Deposit button.