Staying Motivated In Your Work [Part 2]
A lot of people have lost motivation in their work and it has become one of their major banes. Obviously, when you do what you do not have the zeal for, you will not put in your best and of course, it will tell in your result, because it will not be up to par. To get one to always put in their best, one needs to stay motivated in what they do. In our last episode, we saw ways by which one can be motivated in their work. Here, we shall also be considering some more tips on staying motivated.
1. Love the work you do
The first and foremost motivation comes from having love for what you do. When you love your work, you will strive for perfection towards what you do. It is not the nature of work that matters but the zeal that arises from the love of your work. You can see someone that works in a high-paying organisation but may not love what he does, but another person may not be in a work that pays as much and still be fulfilled. Obviously, fulfilment as well as satisfaction of work is a direct function of the love you have for your work.
If you are not satisfied with your work, there are chances that you may not put in your best towards it. One thing to know is that if you are not satisfied with what you have now, even if you get something higher, you may still not be satisfied with it. So satisfaction comes from the love of what you do, not the size of what you do. Of course, if you are not contented with the little, then you may not even be contented with much. Even if you are looking for something better, you still need to condition your mind to be contented first with what you have and where you are at the moment.
2. Understand more about your work
In order to be motivated to undertake a particular work, you need to possess extensive knowledge about the work. Obviously, the more you know about something, the more affinity you grow for it, because it will make it easier for you. So you have to know how the work you are engaged in actually fits into the world. You do not work just because you have found something to do, but try to gain more knowledge about what you do. You will be surprised that the work you think is difficult is because you are yet to know more about it.
In this era, a lot of inventions are now making work easier, so when you understand them, you will discover how easy your own work will be. For instance, if you are into document processing or you are a typist and you still use the manual typewriter, your job will be so difficult and discouraging. However, if you are using the computer system, you will do it with ease and you will be motivated to do more. More so, in this era, there are Artificial Intelligence programs that can even type for you with voice prompts. If you are using these kinds of systems, you will discover that work will be easy and the motivation will be increased.
3. Know when to rest, and have enough of it
Most times, people are normally demotivated when they are stressed out or when they have not taken time to rest. When you are burnt-out and exhausted, there will be very little you can achieve, and you become fed-up about the entire system. So each time you feel exhausted, try to take a rest. You can even engage in other social activities or even go on vacation to get yourself recharged to face the challenges of work again. You will be surprised that when you have rested and resumed your work, there will be a new release of motivation within you.
One should also take caution not to overwork themself so as not to end up being tired of the work itself. When you are stuck at a task, before you blame the system and before you become demotivated in it, just take a moment to recharge yourself by resting a bit. You will agree with me that the decisions you make when you have rested are normally more productive than the ones you make when you are tired. So try to rest to make your work more productive, and you will be motivated to do more.
Thanks for reading