A climate of change by George the poet, poetry analysissteemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)

You may have heard about some of the havoc climate change is causing in most places around the world. I would tell you to take your own personal climate action now but George the poet puts it better.
watch him perform here

Now on to my analysis

The seven-stanza poem has the major theme of changing the way we do things by starting with ourselves. It reiterates that positive change can be brought on when each of us decides to do their own part instead of waiting on bigger entities like the “Government”. Afterall the government is really us represented by the people we have chosen. There is much to be found when we look at a climate of change stanza by stanza.

In the first stanza, the issue of too much talk or research is raised in relation to changing minds, the status quo way of doing things and bringing in action after or while conducting all the research we are wont to do.

In the second stanza, the influential people of science are admonished to endorse the change and encourage all to get involved, not in word only but also in action. It is not only up to scientists, we are also implored to advise people to get on board, listen and be doers of the word. We can go green by being the future and making sustainable lifestyle choices for our future.

Changing the world is a continuous process that involves little actions here and there. Technology would play a big part while we are efficiently using our individual talents. Ground level collaboration is what would create a sustainable strong future that our descendants would thank us for.

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 2 years ago 

Greetings friend @sagejade

Interesting way to show the behavior or action we should take to counteract the effects of climate change.

Thanks for joining the dynamic.

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