I Want to Live Forever Today

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)


Painting With Knives in My Back, Lilacs, and a Dinosaur 2021. Acrylic on canvas, 20 x 16"

Last April, during a long drive, I listened to a book on tape: Natural Causes: An Epidemic of Wellness, the Certainty of Dying, and Killing Ourselves to Live Longer by Barbara Ehrenreich. It was the right book for me at the right time. I found myself nodding throughout, and sometimes declaring out loud, “Yes, that’s right,” and “Absolutely!”. She covered several of my own cultural concerns and criticisms. Apparently those of many others too (it’s a bestseller). For instance, I have long believed doctor and dentist visits to be more ritual than effective medicine. Because my heart sometimes beats like a Tom Waits syncopation, I used to be on a regimen of drugs that have side effects that could kill me. I was on tenterhooks when taking them. Cardiologists continued my prescriptions unchanged, although my heart went back to normal sinus rhythm while my blood pressure and pulse rate resembled that of the healthiest person who had ever lived. I’ve written about the irony here, while my mind was suffering the dissonance for far too long. Whether I like it or not, there’s a me inside who better be ready to die. I seek a path to take me there with some dignity and beautiful acceptance.

She ended her book with hope for the godless in a world where, depressingly, self worship has become the norm. Pointing out a way to kill the self to welcome death without fear, she alluded to recent studies on psychedelic drugs and their positive effects on the dying. Controlled doses of psilocybin to see the oneness all around and replace, or at least embellish, an outdated authoritative god franchise that made promises to the suffering long before the invention of airplanes and antibiotics. She never mentioned Zen Buddhism, and probably for good reason. The sick and dying are in no position to undergo an intense discipline toward satori. Chew on a psychedelic mushroom and instantly grasp the meaning/un-meaning of squirrels. Die with the dignity and unmentionability of a daisy. Take your Soma pills until it’s time to go to the phosphorous factory and fertilize the grass.

I painted this picture with intense lower back pain the morning after the long drive. Faith is great when you’re feeling good, though I would have preferred an IV drip of morphine and a psilocybin cracker to stop the pain.


It reminds me of a book I read about the drugged mind, where it said that human nature sometimes generates irrational behavior, which reaches the absurd or the ridiculous.

It amazes me how some people are obsessed with going to the doctor, while others barely take care of themselves 🤷‍♀️

I hope that pain will go away, it looks very funny and with a double meaning you can see the knives in the painting or you are stabbing yourself in the back of pain or betrayal, as both are painful!


The pain is gone, thank you.
Good health—good feeling is everything that matters in a present moment. Seeking a painless future is futile right now, which means forever:)
Some of the most amusing paragraphs in the book were about the monumental investments billionaires are making in cryogenics. Always tomorrow, and more,more, more.
They expect immortality can be bought.
Funny and pathetic.
I hope they get their return on investment and then some. I want them to live forever.

They hope that immortality can be bought.
Funny and pathetic.



It is funny that we accept life as something that must be there and while living we do not appreciate it. While loosing our friends and relatives that leave such shock in our mental health, maybe because we do not know what will be then and that makes us scared. At least I feel not comfortable with this idea, although try to not concentrate on it. Like your painting :)

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I am convinced I need to contemplate/meditate on this subject for longer each day. You hit it on the head. Fear of nothingness is a powerful bummer:) I have an overabundance of it. More walks and listening to the birds.
Thank you for the nomination!

That is called passion for art. Greetings.

Ha, yes, it must be!

The passion towards painting is admirable. Painted even in lower back pain

Passion... Desperation.... Fanaticism... Different sides of the same three-sided coin:)

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