14-04-2021 Today's smartphone photographer is made according to my own mind (competence in writing stories 108)

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)


Tarawih prayers together at the Baiturrahman Banda Aceh Grand Mosque


A holy and glorious moon beside the creator of the universe


The beauty of togetherness in carrying out worship to achieve the pleasure of God the Almighty Creator.


Hello Steemians and all the amazing people in THE XPILLAR WORLD this is my entry for the 108 story writing competition, inspired by today's digital image by @xpilar.

This is the month that the Islamic ummah has been waiting for, a pure and holy month full of glory and forgiveness on the side of ALLAH SWT for her faithful servants. ALLAHUAKBAR WALILLAHILHAM.

This month, ALLAH SWT gives multiple bonuses in performing worship. The reward is multiplied by 10, one virtue that is done by 10 rewards, which multiplies the noble and wise qualities of ilahirabbi.

Tarawih prayer itself is a Sunnah prayer that is performed when entering the month of Ramadan. In tarawih, you can do 20 cycles of prayer, with 3 cycles of witr prayers added at the end.

Following are the intentions and procedures for tarawih and witir prayers

Intention of Tarawih Prayers as Imam.

Ushalli sunnatat Tarawihi rak'atayni mustaqbilal qiblati ada'an imaman lillahi ta'ala. "

This means, "I deliberately prayed two rak'ah Tarawih sunnahs facing the Qibla, cash as the priest because of Allah Ta'ala."

The intention of the Tarawih prayer as a commoner

"Ushalli sunnatat Tarawihi rak'atayni mustaqbilal qiblati ada'an ma'muman lillahi ta'ala."

This means, "I deliberately prayed two rak'ahs of Tarawih sunnah facing the Qibla, cash as a congregation because of Allah Ta'ala."

Readings of Witir Prayer Intentions

The intention to pray witir, if done in congregation, can be divided into intention for the priest and intention to congregate. For the record, witir prayers are only performed in congregation during the month of Ramadan.

Intention of Witir Dua Rakaat Prayers as Imam

"Ushalli sunnatan minal Witri rak'ataini mustaqbilal qiblati ada'an imaman lillahi ta'ala."

It means, "I deliberately prayed as part of the witir prayer for two rak'ahs facing the Qibla, cash as the priest because of Allah Ta'ala."

Intention of Witir Dua Rakaat Prayers as a General

"Ushalli sunnatan Witri rak'ataini mustaqbilal qiblati ada'an makmuman lillahi ta'ala."

This means, "I deliberately prayed as part of the witir prayer for two rak'ahs facing the Qibla, cash as a congregation because of Allah Ta'ala."

Tarawih Prayer Procedures

Here's how to pray 2 cycles of Tarawih prayer.

Saying the intention to pray Tarawih.

Intention in the heart when takbiratul Ihram.

Say takbir when takbiratul ihram while the intention is in the heart.

Read ta'awuz and Surah al-Fatihah, followed by one of the letters in the Koran



The first prostration

Sitting between two prostrations.

Second prostration.

Sit rest or sit for a while before getting up to do the second cycles.

Get up from sitting, then do the second cycles with the same movement as the first cycles.

Greetings to the second rak'ah.

Continue until even 20 cycles.

Istighfar and it is recommended to recite the kamilin prayer after the completion of the tarawih prayer.

Witir Prayer Procedures The following is the Witir prayer procedure for 3 cycles with two greetings, namely 2 cycles followed by 1 cycles.

Pronunciation of witir prayer in accordance with his position as imam or congregation and based on the number of rakats

Intention in the heart when takbiratul Ihram

Say takbir when takbiratul ihram

with the intention in the heart Read Taawud and Surat Al-Fatihah.

After that read one of the letters in the Qur'an



The first prostration

Sit between the two

prostration. Second prostration. Second rak'ah, repeating what was done in the first rak'ah, followed by greeting.

Takbir to perform one more rak'ah, then greetings.

See you again.


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