Menggambar melukis bulan terang. 11 April 2022 #club75
Halo teman-teman.... Saya hari ini. berbagi satu karya lukisan bersama anda di manapun anda berada. Terima kasih anda semua sudah mendukung dan mengunjungi melihat postingan saya, Terima kasih kepada : world of xpilar
Terima kasih, salam [email protected]
I liked your drawing, did you use wax crayons? What type or material of crayons (paint) do I use?
Hi friends, what I use is just a simple brand of Greebel oil pastel crayon, the color is not that classy brand and it's very cheap for Rp. 15000 rupiah 12 colors
You are a great artist some simple colors and you do magic, congratulations!
Have a beautiful day!
thank you very much for your words
Wow teman saya, keindahan seni yang telah Anda ciptakan dengan krayon lilin. Selamat, itu sangat indah.