How to help Steemit to grow. Ideas + invitation to the brainstorm | club75

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)


In the previous post I show the stats related to top1000 users that I was writing down for the last two days. The results are not very positive. Only around 25% of the most powerful users actively participate in the Steemit platform by writing quality posts (with no bid bots or partially with bid bots) or curating other accounts. 75% remain inactive, shares spam, and delegate 100% of their VP to bid bots or exclusively self-upvote. To make Steemit survive until 2023 and longer, we need to start working harder right now.

I summarized some of my ideas on how can we make this platform grow. The last thing I would like to do is to give you the impression that I am telling you how to do your job. Obviously, the Steemit team is much more experienced and I'm grateful for their work until now. The Steemit is our home though and I believe that every brainstorm is a step in the right direction. If you will take even one idea from the list or comments below or if it will stimulate you to find other solutions that may be successful, it will be a win-win situation.

1. Steemcurator 01 and 02

I have noticed that SC01 is upvoting posts from 05:00-09:00 (GMT-3) to 20:00-24:00 (GMT -3), nearly always for 15 hours (uff, I can imagine it's a lot of work). The time when it's not active is +/- 9h but... when the team is ending work, they leave approximately 90% of voting power and it regenerates much faster. If the voting power would be used until 85%, the accounts would have time to regenerate until 100% before the next working day and users would get extra 1 300 USD daily rewards (with today's rate. 750 USD from SC01 and 550 USD from SC02 who becomes inactive a bit earlier).

That money could do a lot of good. If reading posts and upvoting it takes too much time to distribute it until the end of the day, I get it. The value of the average upvote could be increased though or the remaining rewards could be distributed between the community accounts Tier1. Then it would be guaranteed that 1300 USD (over 2750 STEEM) will be powered-up completely or almost completely.

2. What about @misterdelegation?

That account is the mother of the platform, as I understand it. From there SP was delegated to all steemcurator accounts. It remains inactive though and it has frozen 2 400 000 SP. Why not distribute it in some way?
There are multiple options for how it could be done:

  • steemcurator 02 - 08 could have increased VP value
  • boomings could have increased VP value
  • the team could select 40 users with the high voting CSI, who never downvoted or delegated to bots, and delegate them 50k SP each to increase the decentralization
  • it could be used directly to upvote users. It doesn't have to take a lot of time. It can give just 20 x 100% upvotes daily (60 USD each) or its votes can be automatized to upvote with 50% VP one post daily for 40 best communities/users. Automatization could be reviewed once per month. 3 hours of work monthly and over 81 800 STEEM extra in the Steemian hands.

3. Create new orcas

WoX launched a program that helps users to become dolphins by upvoting their posts regularly. Why wouldn't the SC team do the same with orcas? Users could apply if they never downvoted or delegated to bid bots (to make sure they won't do it when they will grow) and if their CSI is high (to make sure they will use SP to upvote others).

Currently, there is a conflict between those who use all SP to delegate to bots and those who want Steemit to be decentralized social media. We can win this conflict only by increasing the VP of the bloggers and even if everyone will become a dolphin it will not be enough. We need orcas, double orcas, triple... As you can see from my previous post, bloggers lose that war for now. In effect, the value of STEEM goes down and everyone loses. Even bot delegators are leaving the platform. The only way to keep everything working is to restore the balance.

Launching the program could mean that one person gets 100% upvotes from SC01 and SC02 daily after agreeing to remain #club100 for the time of curating. As I mentioned before, in point 1, approximately 2,5x 100% extra upvotes could be distributed each day. The SC team could easily nominate 2-3 users at the same time to that kind of program. With 100% upvotes from SC01 and SC02 daily, the SC team could make a minnow to become orca in... 15 days! If misterdelegation would upvote too, it would take only 10 days. Of course, some users will start from the level of dolphin or double dolphin so it would take even less time.

Reaching the level of orca could mean that the attention of the SC team goes to another person but as long as we don't have 100 orcas (achievable in a year), SC would have to still upvote those users from time to time to keep them motivated to play fair and use their VP to upvote others instead of using bid bots. That's also why studying the previous behavior of the candidates would be so important. If someone delegated earlier to the bid bots, they will most likely do it again, if not - there is a big chance they believe in this platform and will remain bloggers or curators (like @pennsif, @steemchiller, etc)

That idea has only good sides. By decentralization we are speeding up growing the SP of the bloggers, more people remain upvoted, less feel excluded and leave the platform, and finally... 2-3 people in the current orca program are obligated to power up 100% of their rewards, other users power-up to get a chance to participate in the program in the future, so the value of STEEM grows significantly.

4. Fight with plagiarism

After endplagiarism and endingplagiarism left the platform, we are left without protection. We may power down and mute spammers as the admins, but even at the top1000 there are bloggers who have multiple accounts or self-upvote themselves constantly. Nobody will treat Steemit seriously if it will go too far and without any supervise, at some point, it will. I believe it would be a good idea to change one of the steemcurator account tasks (3 or 4 maybe) into fighting with plagiarism. If Steemit Inc. does not have enough workers, they could give it to some users to manage, but they would have to choose them wisely and not leave all the power in the hands of one person to not create a possibly abusive situation. Maybe 10 users would fight plagiarism in a special community and after confirming that in some cases the content has been plagiarized by at least 5 of them, it could be reported to the Steemit team who would downvote it from the account. That way users don't have direct access to the account with the high SP but they together can point out abusers.

5. Promote Steemit

We have lost almost a fourth part of active users (bloggers) in the last 1,5 months. We need more people, we need people who treat Steemit as the social platform, not the machine to produce the money because the money is produced only as long as the dream of the first creators is alive.

Sure, we all are making the promotion on social media, but the videos recorded with the phone and posters prepared in Canva do look more like spam and I highly doubt anyone joined the platform thanks to them. The professional video clip can be made for 2000 USD, possibly less, depending on where from will be a company. STEEM of that value can be produced by SC01 in one day with simple upvotes so I don't believe money is the issue here.

Maybe you could hire someone who is recognizable to make a short but professional spot. You could pay in social media to distribute it, targeting it for more developed countries, 25-45 years, average and higher income, in the hope they will more likely invest in buying STEEM.

Sure, hiring Beyonce or David Beckham could be expensive and Justin Sun would probably not be interested to do it, but you can hire writers or some less popular stars. It would fit Steemit very much. Stephen King or Al Pacino will do it for less than 200 000 USD (I googled it), Tony Hawk could mention Steem Sports for 150 000 USD, John Besh could talk about Steemit Iron Chef, and Steem Foods for only 50 000 USD and Ashanti takes only 25 000 USD.

The professional advertisement brings a different type of user. If we want to be treated professionally, it's absolutely necessary. The cost may seem to be high, but STEEM lost 50% of its value compared to the top value this year. Only SC and misterdelegator STEEM are worth 8.8 million USD less. Spending 0.5 million to come back to that value is nothing.

6. Prepare tutorials

Currently, new Steemians have to know someone on the platform or they are giving up after a few weeks. The Steemit does not have a professional tutorial, Newcomers Community is good but many things are not included there and everything works quite poorly in that matter. A good youtube channel with video tutorials could be created, some easily visible links to the tutorials on the main page could be useful too. The tutorial should include everything that's important, like club5050 info or information about the hashtags, bid bots, withdrawing the money, etc. It would have to be actualized every time something changes on the platform. It's not a one-time job. Without it, we will remain an exclusive platform for selected ones who already know someone here.

7. Country Representatives

I miss the place where CRs could get feedback from any user. I believe some of them should be rewarded even more while others deserve to be fired. Even though my single opinion does not matter, when many users would say the same, that could be the red light for the Steemit team. Review could help to explore who is making a good job and who is not. As far as I love stats, I believe making the report of active users each week is not the most productive way to earn the spot as CR. CRs, as I understand them, should mainly help users from their own countries, promote Steemit, be always available to answer their questions, and help newcomers in making the first steps on the platform.

8. Inform us about your plans

Let's come back to the country representatives for a second. It's required that they write weekly reports from their work in the POD community. Owners of the communities are rewarded if they write the posts in which they inform their users about the SP, future plans, etc. While all Steemit seems to be based on the reports, we never have any reports with the info on what improvements are planned to do on the platform. As we all have frozen money here (some of us more, others less), we would like to know what will happen with the actions of the company we have. Because STEEM for me are a bit like the actions, aren't they? Will it increase its value thanks to good management or should we expect that it will drop because of stagnation? Obviously, without any information about the planned improvements, most of us will suspect the second option.

It would be great if @steemitblog would write once in a while about what's planned to do and what has been done until now. It can be once monthly, once per two months - it doesn't matter, as long as it's done at all. For now, it seems that the only thing Steemit is focused on is Steemit Crypto Academy. It shouldn't. Crypto Academy is great but it has fewer active writers than WoX where I am writing right now, and there are tens of other communities.


Some of the mentioned ideas do not require any investment, other small sums of money. About the most time and money-consuming, but absolutely necessary, I'm not even mentioning it. About the graphic design, searchers, chats and all that stuff has been written in many posts. It all can wait a few months but I cannot believe none of that things will be introduced to the platform in the following year. It has to be, to show that Steemit wants to grow, or at least keep its current value. Hive is upgraded each month. Steemit soon will be left by 41 of the biggest users who are already powering down. Many of them will move to Hive. Together we need to work to keep the others here instead of closing the eyes or ignoring those who are pointing the problems. I will do what I can to save Steemit, hopefully, we all, thousands of users and the SC team, can say the same.

I'm curious about your opinion as well as your ideas about what could be improved. Both: in long term and right now, because some actions has to be taken immediately




The article is interesting, but a bit utopian.
The most important question is why is all this for rich accounts? The same 01-06. Why do they need the development of small steem members? How long do you think the programs 50, 75, 100 will work?
01 supported me only 2 times last month and that's it. If I rent my SP to the bot, I will have more income. I have already written an article - how much time does it take for one article and how much do I get in dollars for it? For a good article with photos for at least an hour or two. And how much will I get for it? Maximum $1. Is this the price of my time?
And at the same time, I see how for empty articles about how someone went to the store, went to paint his nails and a couple of muddy photos, curator01 puts up to $ 100. What's it?

I get you. I wrote something similar on general Steemit discord but my message was removed. I mentioned there that even with booming the rewards are 5 usd, but being the part of club75 gives me only a bit over 1 usd to withdraw for a work of 2-3h. I called it humiliating.

Personally, I believe the attention of SC team should be put on creating whales or at least double orcas than dolphins. Even 20 upvotes of 5-10 cents is not satisfying for most of steemians and those who are satisfied with it, are in a very difficult financial situation and obviously will be powering down in some point, forced to that by circumstances.

And at the same time, I see how for empty articles about how someone went to the store, went to paint his nails and a couple of muddy photos, curator01 puts up to $ 100.

Agreed. I have two theories. First, I described before - I assume some users, mostly CRs are pushed forward with upvotes to grow fast. Some of them power up a lot, others just use that to withdraw more so in general it does not work well.

Second theory is that low quality photos and imperfect posts describing the day are easier to check. Obviously it's not plagiarism, photos does not need to be checked if are copyrighted so SC team upvote it. Just as posts about power up, reports and other things that does not require extra work to review. Checking good quality content is always more time consuming. Now, by saying that, I have to admit that it's not the excuse at all. Quality always should be the most important factor. Besides that, many admins do reviews for the SC team so it would be enough to follow the "posts of the day" list. Sure, not all communities are truly checking every single element, but some does. In my case it takes me every day around 4h (with writing "posts of the days" article). Also, job that is not paid, as mostly I get 20 cents for that - 20 cents that is powered up.

I know I am considered to be the successful steemian and yes, I do get a lot of income comparing to most people on the platform. Yet, 400 usd per week is a very good result in my case (for 58-69h weekly, now less because of the Christmas). 300 is powered up, 100 withdrawn. It's 400 USD monthly if everything goes perfectly well.

Minimal salary in Poland, paid for the least difficult jobs is 515 usd for 40h.

We measure by the month. 40 hours is a week for us. 515*4 = approximately 2100 per month. That would be great!

 3 years ago (edited)

I was not specific. The minimum salary in Poland is 515 USD but monthly, not weekly. We work 40h weekly, which is 160h in a month unless there are some public holidays, then less.

On Steemit, since I joined club75 I can expect a maximum of 400 USD monthly to withdraw (maximum was counted based on my best week. The reality is much crueler. In the last 30 days it was 214 USD only) for 58-69h of work per week (around 245h monthly). Less than one dollar per hour.

Before all clubs, I managed to power up half of my income or nearly half of that and I was earning much more (I could always withdraw 500 USD, sometimes up to 650 USD per month)

I can work hard for the guaranteed 500 USD and possibly more, even though it's not the salary that will make me rich. For 214 USD monthly, I'm getting less motivated each day.

I was not specific. The minimum salary in Poland is 515 USD but monthly, not weekly. We work 40h weekly, which is 160h in a month unless there are some public holidays, then less.


In Russia, the minimum wage is 12792 rubles ($ 174.38) per month, provided you work in hours like yours. (5 days8 hours or 6 days7 hours per week)

I wrote an article about our situation 16 days ago - My dollar per hour. But I wrote it only in Russian, I think that this situation has developed only in the BRU community. A few months ago, I read an article in this community of ours about some Korean woman from their national community who was given the keys of SC01 and she supported only her own people.
I see that in BRU now SC01 regularly supports only the same people. It seems to me that this is the whole problem. This is just a deception of ordinary community members.
Therefore, I will probably stop following the rules of clubs and delegate my SP to bots.

I read an article in this community of ours about some Korean woman from their national community who was given the keys of SC01 and she supported only her own people.

😔 Horrible. Pure nepotism...

That's what I'm talking about!

Hey! I enjoy reading posts like this, your interest in the success of Steemit is obvious. Some ideas are close to me. I usually talk about the need for a fair reward system. On average, in our community, from 1 to 5 people receive rewards every day. Most of the authors do not receive support. With the fall of the exchange rate, the power of our curator account has depreciated and does not give the same effectiveness. More rewards and less value and we won't lose so many contributors! If it is difficult for sc01, country representatives vote on regional sc accounts every day to encourage as many quality posts as possible. By increasing delegations to regional accounts, support would be much more widespread. As far as clubs are concerned, participation in them does not guarantee any kind of support. There are members # club100 in our cooo who have never withdrawn steem, but they do not receive support. Another point sc offered to publish daily tops of posts for support, thanks to this we could also encourage underappreciated authors and great content, but this initiative also did not work for long, now the top members are not supported! It would be great if someone from the team would join the discussions, but lately they have not even left comments, leaving no channels for communication.

I get you. Steem Travelers grew in some point to 215 active users becoming 11th biggest community on the platform but SC was up-voting our members once per week (3-4 posts). Same with the community which power up nearly everything but all it's income is from boomings and maybe 1-2 SC votes per month. It was obvious that people without the support will leave and community will never get a chance to grow. Now we are much smaller.

The support is not distributed equally neither quality is always appreciated. I get it that reading everything is nearly impossible but there are "post of the day" lists...

Maybe if less money would go to the POD and Crypto Academy, we'd have enough to reward quality. Also, the ratio between the articles and diary games could be fixed. Diary Games are valuable and interesting sometimes but shouldn't receive 75% of all the rewards because it excludes the communities that does not accept them.

I am against leaving the decision about up-voting posts in hands of CRs. Some users does not belong to any country with the CRs on the platform (I have Moroccan, Iranian and Portuguese members), besides that some of the CRs (less than half, but still) are quite unprofessional and I assume they keep their chair just because they are plenty of time on the platform.

The fact that club75 and club100 does not increase the income is truly disappointing. In fact my income after joining club75 dropped so much that I started to look for the job. If I will find it, I'll probably be writing much less due to lack of time. So club75 marginalize my activity in some way.

Hey, as much as I am open to the idea of checking the rewards in the steemit crypto academy, I also would like for us to note that the steemit crypto academy is one of the strongest holds steemit has(well around this part, it is for us) and a lot more people are going to want to start powering down once the academy goes down or rewards are not good anymore. It is one of the best things that promote steemit and keeps newbies motivated. We tell newbies “complete your achievement taks and you can earn better when you power up and join the steemit crypto academy”. It is embarrassing, but we need to accept the fact that the greater number of us are here for the rewards.

The introduction of the clubs, good as the idea is to increase steem value, has caused a lot of people to power down too. And the only thing helping most of us keep up with the power up requirements is the rewards from the steemit crypto academy. The source of STEEM for power ups by a lot of us is from the steemit crypto academy. Even though each one of us do not power up nearly as much as most of you like papi yourself, we power up good amounts of STEEM too, and the reason we don’t power up as much is because we don’t earn as much.

On another topic, on the issue of fair and equal treatment, we need to distinguish whether by fair and equal we mean everyone should receive upvotes or whether quality content that is deserving should receive upvotes. BTW, we’re doing a poor job at both, but I would like to think you mean good quality content should receive upvotes. I don’t understand the criteria for selection of posts for curation. We see many quality posts that receive no upvotes, especially by newbies. And the posts that do receive upvotes are from the same 5-7 people when there are clearly much better posts . It sometimes makes me wonder if there isn’t some sort of favoritism going on behind the scenes.

Oh man, I wrote such a long comment and yet it is not published for some weird reason...

On another topic, on the issue of fair and equal treatment, we need to distinguish whether by fair and equal we mean everyone should receive upvotes or whether quality content that is deserving should receive upvotes

Yes, of course I meant quality posts, not every content. You are right that many best posts are invisible for the SC team.

It sometimes makes me wonder if there isn’t some sort of favoritism going on behind the scenes

I wouldn't say it's favoritism. It's mostly country representatives. I bet SC team want them to build their SP quickly to decentralize the platform a bit. In some cases it works, in some not. Most of them get equally much upvotes and yet some have 50k SP, others 7k...

and a lot more people are going to want to start powering down once the academy goes down or rewards are not good anymore

Agreed. But notice it happens with many bloggers now. There is 10-20 times more bloggers than students in Crypto Academy, so the fund distribution should be more equal. I'm totally against closing Crypto Academy

Thank you for your important comment.

I do not doubt that Steemit Crypto Academy for many users is the reason to stay on the platform and I do not suggest that it should disappear. No - it's a great project, although, in my opinion, it receives too much money compared to bloggers. In most cases, bloggers do not make Steemit Crypto homework, and students from the Academy do not blog, so both that things are important as they bring different kinds of Steemians. Although, if you will notice that Academy has around 500 active users while there is at least ten times more bloggers from all the communities, I think the distribution of the rewards should be changed in favor of the second group.

Also, in Crypto, I do not like that professors are scoring things that depend on interpretation, like "originality" or "presentation".

Yes, I do absolutely agree with you - when I mean "fair rewards distribution", I mean rewarding the best writers, not distributing the upvotes equally to everyone, or guaranteeing it just based on the membership in one of the clubs. Although, if the author is talented, they should get more money for being in club75 or club100 than for being in club5050. To withdraw 20 USD, 40 USD upvotes of club5050 is needed, but in club75 it's already 80 USD. The difference is enormous.

Definitely CRs are visited and upvoted more often than other users, maybe some community admins too. I get it, they were selected before as one of the most productive and helpful members of the community so SC team is hoping they will build their SP quickly and help to distribute rewards between other users. It works... partially. The differences between country representative SP are huge - we have CRs with over 50 000 SP and those who joined the platform at the same time, receive the same number of upvotes but they have 7 000 - 9 000 SP instead... I'm not sure if it works in every situation. It could be reviewed by the SC team.

if you will notice that Academy has around 500 active users while there is at least ten times more bloggers from all the communities, I think the distribution of the rewards should be changed in favor of the second group

I think the rewards are distributed to tally with the effort. Yes, there are good bloggers here, but it takes relatively less time to prepare a blog than it is to do a homework in the steemit crypto academy(not all blogs obviously but on average; I’ve seen that your blogs that involves stats and some others also take up time and effort) . It takes you days sometimes, or even an entire week to find answers or charts to certain questions there and I believe this is possibly one of the reasons there are greater rewards there.

You've got me here - Crypto Academy is surely more time-consuming than writing the Diary or publishing the photo story, although many articles to be written well take a lot of time. Stats, as you say, days, but even regular, good quality article that requires research can take up to 3 hours to write. Well, okay, I feel convinced (that that rarely happens on the Internet) - Steemit Crypto Academy deserves the rewards that it receives. Thank you for the conversation!

I am a huge fan of your work and I believe if the steemit team actually paid attention to what we, the community is talking about, we will bring steemit back to the days of glory again.

And at the expense of advertising and attracting users, I do not agree. If the first point is we are fighting for fairness of rewards, then how can we attract newcomers without rewards? Entering the word "Steemit" in the search bar gives feedback on the site as a way to make money. Not having received anything, newbies will also leave the platform, regretting the wasted time! There are many social networks that look better and are much more functional.

Regarding the crypto academy and POD rewards, I agree. Professors receive huge sums, which are immediately sent to the exchange in full. I started writing POD reports a month ago after seeing a representative from turkey and others write 4-5 reports each. I wanted to use this as another way to build strength for community growth and support for authors, but it seems my last report was also not supported.

It's also frustrating for the authors that the support rules are not the same for everyone! the same professors receiving the most support do not participate in any clubs. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Plus, any person who understands the topic cannot become a crypto professor. We asked to appoint a Russian-speaking professor for us to avoid the difficulties of translation, but we were refused!

I stand corrected - the advertising should be the last missing puzzle. Many things have to be fixed before, but I still believe the professional advertisement is absolutely necessary at some point.

First decentralizing the platform, making all elements work correctly, simplifying the rules, making the platform visually more attractive, distributing rewards in a better way and then advertising. Preferably everything in 2022, because it's a race.

Crypto Academy is full of unfair situations. About refusing Russian proffesor I didn't know, but the rewards for the professors are huge, scoring the homework is often the festival of nepotism, not to mention that one of the professors was (or "is" - I think he never stopped because there were no consequences) having his own account farm. Because of ignoring the problem by SC team the Mosquito squishes team (endplagiarism, endingplagiarism) decided to leave Steemit.

If we consider your proposals as a sequential chain, then I agree! :)👍🏻

It turns out that the fight against plagiarism is now only in our hands, I already notice the deterioration of the situation.

 3 years ago 

This post has been featured in the latest edition of Steem News...

I am very new to compensate you with my vote but I support you with my comment! hugs an interesting post of yours!


 3 years ago 

I also like working with statistics, so I don't even want to imagine how long this analysis took you.

You are probably surprised that you have made so much effort, and no one is commenting on the post. Perhaps he is not interesting to the community? Not at all. You just wrote everything correctly, but recently several similar posts have been written. People are already waiting for development, updates, etc. The topic of bots was also raised. But all the chatter remains chatter. Nothing changes.

I support all your suggestions. One thing that shocked me was the number of users who are now Power Down. It's more than I expected. Looks like we'll have to see STEEM for 10 cents. And it is worth preparing for this now. It is necessary to pass this stage.

I wonder why these users power down. With their SP, you could make good money with bots. Apparently, they have completely lost faith in this platform.

Concerning regular bloggers. I chose this side, but it seems to be hopeless and will be defeated in time. It's very simple, using bots is more cost-effective. As long as they are more profitable, they will win.

I don't even want to imagine how long this analysis took you.

16 hours in total :P It was fun though. I mean most of the time.

recently several similar posts have been written

True, I read some and even participated in one or two discussions under those posts. Of course I do not expect people to repeat their thoughts and I'm fine if there will be no discussion under this post. I just wanted to add my opinion and a few ideas that I didn't see under any of the previous posts :)

Apparently, they have completely lost faith in this platform.

Yes, and they might be right. I think it's the last minute for Steemit to show they want to fight for this portal. Otherwise we will become one of the shit coins with no value.

It's very simple, using bots is more cost-effective. As long as they are more profitable, they will win.

The problem with the bidboters is that many of them are like the parasites. After achieving some level of income they withdraw all they earn. Same with unactive users who generate the income and transfer everything out, mostly to Hive. Unfortunately the parasites after killing the organism die too. When the number of bloggers will drop too much, value of STEEM will be so low that even those users who delegate to bidbots will power down. Some of them already do.

 3 years ago 

The good news is that your views (or most of them) coincide with those of the SC team. This is evidenced by their vote for your previous post. But this team has very limited powers. They can only support the posts, but not initiate any titanic changes. They have no authority to do so. At least that's what I came to.

All the best that the SC team could do within its mandate, it has already done. These are clubs.

I had a discussion with endingplagiarism. Why did he retire? While he was catching a small fish, everything was fine. When he found a big scam, for thousands of dollars, there were problems. Since then, the SC team has stopped Downvote. Although the team continues to support the fight against petty plagiarism.

The SC command does not support bots. This follows from the conditions of participation in clubs. But the team can't do anything with them. So, everything is based on an even higher level, which unfortunately is in a lethargic dream.

As for your proposals, I must admit that these are the highest quality and real proposals that I have met.

Thank you!

The question remains, who is on the top and who can make the decisions which the SC team can't? Justin Sun? He just resigned from the CEO chair of TRX. I assume, that if he wants to play the diplomat of the tiny country that he probably has never visited before, he should resign from the centralized management of Steemit as well. That was not announced because every mentioning Steemit in media is like the most painful reminder of his failure as the businessman who bought the platform hoping to sell it fast with a big income.

Would that mean that we are without the leader? If there is just hard "no" for any changes if nobody could give the green light for any improvements, we can write a million posts, start promotion campaigns and try to make Steemit prettier and more functional but it will collapse anyway. As long as the decentralization is just the target and was not achieved yet, we need someone who will lead us in that direction or at least won't disturb by blocking any good changes.

 3 years ago 

Justin's resignation won't change anything. He will still have sole power in the Tron. You rightly said that Steemit is a painful topic for him, it is his defeat.

Let's analyze what we have. We have a SC team that is obviously part of the old team. They support quality content. They came up with clubs. In one comment, SC01 wrote that their team could operate within certain limits. Therefore, the support of SC content by the team is authorized from above.

What else do we know? We know that any funding for Steemit development is blocked by the new owners.

As far as I know, booming accounts have appeared on Steemit since the change of ownership.

From all this we can conclude that no one will invest new money in this platform. Support for users who create quality content continues. But for what? Maybe if it raises the popularity of Steemit then it can be sold with minimal losses.

It looks like we are in free swimming. For something to change, another major player needs to be interested in the platform.

What can we do about it? Create tons of quality content? Advertise Steemit on your own? It is unlikely to help.

No need to invent a bike. Everything is good to see somewhere else. There are many projects where the community succeeds on its own. I believe that all people who care about the future of Steemit should be united by a common goal. This requires a large project. Now all the best users are scattered in different communities. Everyone is trying to do something, but these efforts are scattered. We need to recruit a team and work, and it's not just about programming.

I don't think the SC team is the part of the old members. I may be wrong though. Whoever it is, they are on the good side of the rainbow - this one I'm sure. I believe they care a lot about the platform although can't change too much. Also, I miss their comments under posts like this. It would be great if we would have the opportunity to debate with them directly. Know what's possible and what's not. I know they want to be the Switzerland of this platform and it's cool, but the communication in some way has to be possible.

JS won't sell Steemit. It's a young ambitious guy, younger than me. That generation lives with the high ego and image created by social media mostly. Selling Steemit would be admitting that he failed here and he cannot allow that sort of picture to be attached to his history, especially now, when he plays a "politician". He won't sell but also, angry for the community for the Hive war and making a fool of him in all the medias two years ago, he won't invest the money here. It doesn't matter that nearly nobody from those times is on the platform now, that we do not care about Hive, as the conflict is a v-prehistory for us. That's why I'm worried the solution he has chosen is to let steemit die in a natural way and milk it before as much as possible with the bidbots. I wouldn't be surprised if over the half of the top100 users would be his friends or his personal accounts.

Even if he would want to sell, Hive is getting stronger and more developed each month. Who would buy Steemit? It's like buying 1 kg of oranges to make the juice in front of the coca-cola company. A year more of stagnation and we won't be able to develop at all because we will loose that race.

I agree that we need a team, we need to work together but I also know it's easier to say than to do. Not all of us have the same skills to do the same things. Also, even if so, under what leader should we unite? Again, just someone most powerful to change one decentralization by other? Maybe someone who remains on Steemit the longest time instead? Or someone most popular? I think we should learn how to cooperate and cooperate frequently, going with promotion out of our communities, helping each others on every possible way, but not necessarily unite under the leadership of one person or team.

Thanks for your comment and sorry for late response :) also, forgive me if my message is quite unclear, it's very late here. Insomnia makes me more productive but also increases the chances that I will write some bullshit instead of sharing clever thoughts 😉

 3 years ago 

Since you invited everyone to a brainstorming session, here's an idea that would really help. We all produce content here, most of us produce original content, some of us produce original and quality content. What is content? Content is a product that costs money. Why? Because it attracts visitors, and where there are visitors, there is money. Installing Google Adsence ad units would help this platform.

According to this source:

Steemit is visited by 5.6 million visitors a month, which is about 187,000 visitors a day. With the worst CTR = 2%, 3,740 visitors will click on ads daily. If the average revenue from a click is about 50 cents, the daily revenue from advertising will be $ 1,870.

This revenue should be immediately converted to STEEM and distributed to curation accounts in proportion to the number of views their community has received. In this way, STEEM will be under additional constant purchasing pressure, curation accounts will be constantly strengthened, and communities will compete with quality posts for the number of views attracted.

Business plan :)

It will be an opportunity for anyone who develops a new front end for Steem to include advertising. Profits from ads could be shared with users to encourage usage.

Maybe one for @the-gorilla, @starlord28 & co.

cc @papi.mati

That's very innovative, tremendous idea. I have never read it before and it seems to be truly useful for everyone!

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


Thanks, I appreciate it!

Amigo he leído cada palabra y he sentido esto como un claro llamado a steemit inc y a cada uno de nosotros. Espero que mucho de lo que planteas acá pueda ser llevado acabo por el bien de la plataforma, y para salvar la moneda en un futuro y en el ahora.

Creo que algo que mencionas en cuanto a los CR es totalmente cierto, hay sus ventajas y.desventajas tanto como las excusas, y personalmente creo en steemit como una red SOCIAL el sueño de sus primeros creadores, esto en mi caso fue lo que me atrapó, a pesar de que el dinero se volvió el centro y muchísimo más en los latinos en lo cual lamentablemente me incluyo sino sería un hipócrita, pero vaya que si podemos cambiar esto.

Espero ver un cambio pronto, en mi caso siempre he deseado hacer más que diarios, pero ya llegara el momento de poder dar algo mejor a este gran ecosistema, hasta ahora a mi parecer único e inigualable, sigamos trabajando.

Gracias por tu trabajo!!

Gracias por su comentario! Si, sin sueño de creadores, Steemit se va a morir muy pronto. Upvu y Tipu no es suficiente para mantener viva esta plataforma y STEEM con cualquier valor

I have included this post in the 28th issue of Steem News Magazine For Steemit Platform | December 18, 2021.

Hoooola querido amigo, VAYA, excelente publicación.!! Creo que tocas puntos muy buenos e interesantes, ciertamente debemos enfocarnos en más promoción y combatir el plagio, además de crear contenido ORIGINAL. Hacer crecer nuestras cuentas también es importante, a pesar de que muchas personas viven de ello también debemos pensar a largo plazo!!

Gracias por compartir tu ideas con nosotros :)


Gracias. Creo que la promoción debe ser responsabilidad del equipo de Steemit y realizarse de manera profesional. Creo que las promociones de calidad media o baja que realizan los usuarios a veces son más perjudiciales que útiles. necesitamos una campaña enorme y muy profesional.

una vez más, gracias por leer y comentar.

 3 years ago 

I have another question for you who have nothing to do with this thread, did you add tag #club100 or did it come by itself along with those tags?
Because I see you have 8 tags


Nah, I'm in club75, so I did not add the #club100 tag. As far as I know, 7 tags can be added by the user, and everything extra is added by the system and taken from the publication.

I used #club100 in the text, so it was added as the last tag automatically. I could remove it by editing, but it will come back anyway.

 3 years ago 

Ok, then I can understand because I experience the same thing myself

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