I am a Double Dolphin 🐬 🐬. It's a Surprise Even For Me

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Due to recent events in my country, I paid little attention to writing content and building an account. So the fact that I became a double dolphin today came as a surprise to me.

Usually in such posts, the authors talk about what they plan to do with their SP next. Given the circumstances, I do not plan anything. It is likely that I will even have to move to #club75.

I will briefly tell you about my weekend.

During the weekend, two rocket attacks were carried out at the nearest airport. It was in the morning, when there was no noise pollution yet, so we could hear many powerful explosions. According to the mayor, porridge remained from the airport.

Many people intend to return to agriculture this year. Many plots of land used to be overgrown with weeds, as it is much easier to buy vegetables than to grow them. But now everything has changed. People are preparing to plant all their gardens to avoid a food crisis. I also have such plans.

Today at 02:20 the air alarm sounded again, which ended at 07:40. This was the longest air alarm we had.


This is the way out of the shelter where we spent most of the night. It was very nice to go out in good sunny weather, a little frosty, but rich in solar heat.

On Saturday, I visited the school where my daughter is studying. There is now a temporary collection point for various humanitarian aid needed by refugees. Until now, we have been collecting humanitarian aid on our own, but now trucks from caring Europeans are arriving one by one. I unloaded baby food, animal feed, clothes, food... In general, everything you need to help people survive difficult times. These were trucks from Poland, Slovakia and Belgium.

People with big hearts do not forget even about animals. This week, several animals from our city shelter were sent abroad for treatment.

When I see how almost the whole world supports Ukraine, it gives me confidence that we will survive this war. Your support and help are invaluable. Thank you all for that.

19 days of war ... Ukraine does not give up!


I heard disturbing news today regarding agriculture in Ukraine. There might only be 20% of the crops planted. The tractors don't have fuel and many of the tractor drivers have been diverted elsewhere.

Growing Microgreens

I have a suggestion for you to try, and if you are successful, you might mention this to your neighbour. Microgreens take from 7-10 days from start to harvest depending on the seed. You would start a set of trays every day so you would have fresh greens every day.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for the advice. I have done something similar in the past, but only for my own consumption.

I have about 1 hectare of field, which I intend to plant this year. This is in case the war continues and there will be a food crisis. But you reminded me of an interesting job. If I have time, I'll do it too.

I have good friends in Cherkasy, and I am concerned about the food situation. I had warned them weeks before the invasion, so they had some food set aside "just in case." I visited Ukraine in May, so I know the markets had vegetables then. I don't know how it will be this year.

A lady who lives an hour south of where I am has flown over there, brought Ukrainian families back to Canada, and helped them take refuge locally. How many are in your family? I hope this will be over soon and conditions will return to normalcy. If I am wrong, and your family needs to escape, contact me, and I will help in any way possible.

I am in the province (similar to an Oblast) of Ontario, but the province of Alberta has the best options for people wanting to get work. I have relatives there (including my son). If you end up there, I will put you in contact.

 3 years ago 

My wife and daughter and I live in Kalush, near Ivano-Frankivsk. This is Western Ukraine. Now we are calm here, sometimes the airport is bombed, but in general it is calm. I hope we don't need to emigrate. If the situation worsens, then I will have to take my wife and daughter out of the country, I will most likely stay. Leaving the country and being a burden to someone is also not a good prospect. But if there is a question of life or death, it is certainly better to be a burden. I will remember your offer, but I hope I don't have to bother you again.

My friend in Cherkasy has joined an exchange. How do you convert your crypto to hryvnia? I usually send money through the bank, but it can take up to a week. Do people use local bitcoin?

 3 years ago 

Hi there! I have never converted STEEM into hryvnia, but I have converted other cryptocurrencies. I don't know if this is the best way, but I do it like this:

Thanks for the information.

Hello, I am so glad you are well. I spoke with a Turkish citizen who came from Ukraine yesterday, he left his pet behind and is waiting impatiently for the day he will return. You are the winner of the war, I believe and pray wholeheartedly. 🤲 May the miracles be with you..

 3 years ago 

Thank you for not being indifferent to this war. You are an amazing person :)

 3 years ago 

Congratulations to the double dolphin rank

I hope the war stops soon.
We have many refugees coming to Norway now and they are well received

 3 years ago 

Yes, now Ukrainians are scattered all over the world. Your country is one of those that accepts our refugees and provides everything we need. This is often reported by our media. It is a pity that we have become a burden for many countries. But I hope that when the war is over, most refugees will return home.

 3 years ago 

Good afternoon @o1eh Congratulations for becoming a double dolphin. I miss the magazine that you were putting together for all of us here in the WORLD OF XPILAR. But these are unfortunately crazy times which we live in. Over here in England at the town squares we have the Ukrainian flag up 🇺🇦 showing support. Pretty much every five minutes when walking between places you see random crafty handmade items based on your country’s flag which people hang just because they care. Some are quite happy with Chelsea’s assets being frozen. We got invited and attended a fundraiser. The staff volunteered their time. The menu was inspired by a Ukrainian chef. There was an auction too. I do hope that there is a way out of this current situation as soon as possible so you never have to go down in a shelter ever again. Stay safe.


 3 years ago 

Thank you. I admire the support that your people give to Ukrainians. We will never forget that.

I will definitely publish the magazine again, but now I have days when it is impossible to plan anything in advance. Everything is very turbulent and chaotic now. Working on the magazine took a long time because I had to read a lot. I will return to the magazine as soon as it gets a little calmer.

Так, світ підтримує нас! І це наповнює моє серце вдячністю та вірою що Добро переможе зло. Ми з моїми дітьми вже відчули цю підтримку реально в Будапешті та в Кемері. І ми вдячні чоловікам , таким як ви, які воюють на невидимому фронті, розвантажуючи гуманітарну допомогу і тримаючи оборону! Вірю в Перемогу!

 3 years ago 

Дякую, але моя роль дуже маленька. Ті, хто на передовій, це люди перед якими у величезному боргу.

Я читаю ваші дописи і радий, що ви у безпеці. Тримайтеся там, переїзд у незнайоме середовище це також нелегке випробування.

Дякую. Ваша роль велика. Тим хто на передовій теж потрібні чоловіки в тилу, щоб допомогти жінкам та дітям.

first of all congratulations for being a double dolphin.
As a Turk, it is possible that we will also be affected by this crisis. Since we export wheat and sunflower oil from Ukraine, oil and flour crisis awaits our country.
Even in these situations, it is very valuable not to forget the animals. I would like to thank the big-hearted people who have not forgotten our beautiful friends.

 3 years ago 

first of all congratulations for being a double dolphin.

Thank you.

oil and flour crisis awaits our country

Yes, Ukraine has huge fields of chernozems, where we grew wheat, sunflowers and other crops. These were such large quantities of grain that even distant China will experience a shortage of wheat due to the war in Ukraine. I am sure that everywhere, and in Turkey in particular, prices for flour, bread, oil and other products will soon rise. This war will also hit your tourism industry.

 3 years ago 

My dear friend @o1eh first of all Congratulations. Despite these very tough times, you kept in touch with us and informed us about the situations there. You have united so well as a nation that people who unite in the same feeling reach a great power.

You're saying your country doesn't give up reminds me of this phrase: Winners aren't those who make mistakes, but those who never give up.

You mentioned that there will be a tendency towards agriculture. It's a pretty good decision born out of difficulties. This perseverance and struggle is a very honorable attitude. I hope these hard times will end soon.

 3 years ago 

In fact, nothing is predictable right now. Ukrainians are really united and everyone is trying to be useful and contribute to the end of this devastating war. But this is not enough. Everything can change at any moment. For example, if China decides to help Russia, then we will not be able to defend ourselves. Authoritarian regimes easily engage in foreign wars, while the people of any democracy will not forgive their government for dragging the country into another's war. But we hope for the best.

Traditionally, our country was agricultural and people had a lot of land. During the occupation by the Soviet Union, these lands were taken away from the people and created collective farms. When Ukraine became independent, the lands of collective farms were again divided among the people. So now most people have enough land.

As the country's economic situation improved, people began to cultivate less and less land. When I was a teenager, we planted potatoes, sowed wheat, and grew so many vegetables that we didn't have to buy almost anything in the store. Although we lived in the city. But it's a lot of work.

Now that I have a good job, I grow almost nothing but greens. However, I'm not sure that I will have a job in the future, so I'd better be safe and remember how to be a peasant :)

 3 years ago 

You all took responsibility as a union. This situation is very precious and history records it. Future generations will gain strength from this sacrifice.
You are so right in this sentence, that's exactly what happens:

Authoritarian regimes easily engage in foreign wars, while the people of any democracy will not forgive their government for dragging the country into another's war.

Unfortunately, as you said, there are unpredictable things. But by focusing on good thoughts, hope can be kept alive and motivated to do more.

I did not know about the land and farms in your country, I learned it thanks to you. Having sufficient land for the people is a good advantage for agriculture.

It is very valuable to produce your own agricultural products. In agriculture, in my country, it used to be the same as in your past times, but unfortunately, many food products are imported now. This situation increases foreign dependency. Agriculture is really important.

I believe that you all will return to the days when you were happy, peaceful and safe, but it will take time. You all will become more mature and all of you will be very beneficial for your society. I hope the better times happen as soon as possible.

 3 years ago 

Maybe later I will write a post about my successes in agriculture :)

I believe that you all will return to the days when you were happy, peaceful and safe, but it will take time. You all will become more mature and all of you will be very beneficial for your society. I hope the better times happen as soon as possible.

I really want your wishes to come true and I believe that will happen.


Friend among so many bad news that you are experiencing, steemit gave you a moment of happiness, Of course solidarity will continue to grow, for my part I did it through a transfer from a friend who was in charge of donating it, where he really they are doing, it was not a lot of money, but as I say every bit counts, never give up, my prayers are present. Greetings.

 3 years ago 

Thank you, the whole world supports us. We receive a lot of humanitarian aid from caring people like you. God bless you.

Тримаймося друже ✊

 3 years ago 

Так, іншого шляху нема 💪

Все що не вбиває, робить нас сильнішими ✊
П.С. Велике дякую за підтримку моїх постів, друже 🙂
Хотів ще запитати Вас, як користувача тутешніх голосуючих сервісів. Я вже деякий час намагаюсь співпрацювати з @tipu, мінімальна оплата є, посилання на пост в нормі, оплату и запрос на голос відправляю в активний період в межах двух хвилин, але ще ні разу голосу не отримав, а оплата повертається на мій рахунок, і так завжди. Хотів запитати у Вас в чому може бути причина , якщо звісно Ви в курсі. Дякую Вам и тихого дня! 🙂🖐️

 3 years ago 

Привіт! Я не користуюся ботами для голосування, але колись пробував як вони працюють. Вам не вдається купити голос, оскільки інші користувачі мають ботів, які автоматично купують голос швидше від вас. Тому вам доводиться чекати наступного раунду, але тоді відбудеться таке саме.

Коли ви купите голос, ви також будете розчаровані. Часто гроші, які ви отримаєте від голосування бота, є меншими ніж ті, які ви заплатили. Боти є дуже вигідними тоді, коли ви делегуєте їм свій STEEM POWER, а вони за вас голосують. Чим більше делегуєте, тим з більшою силою голосують. Але для того, щоб голос бота приніс хоча б кілька центів потрібно делегувати 5000 STEEM POWER.

Команда Steemit (адміністрація) не схвалює використання ботів, хоча і не забороняє їх. Адміністрація має свою програму підтримки блогерів. Це кілька акаунтів booming та steemcurator. Ці акаунти підтримують авторів, які пишуть якісні дописи та не користуються ботами. Найбільший прибуток приносить голос від акаунту steemcurator01.

На цій платформі дуже важко почати. Я перші кілька місяців не міг заробити навіть кілька доларів. Згодом я почав писати дописи, об’ємом хоча б 500 слів, в які вставляв кілька власних фотографій. В мене з’явилося коло постійних читачів, які голосують за мої дописи, а потім за них почав голосувати і steemcurator01.

Але ботами для голосування я не користуюся.

Зараз війна і важко докладати зусиль для створення хорошої і об’ємної статті, крім того вам буде важко придумати про що писати. Придумати тему для статті, яка б зацікавила читачів, це найважче. Дуже популярними на цій платформі є статті Гра Щоденник (The Diary Game). В таких статтях люди описують свій день та викладають кілька фотографій. Ці статті добре підтримуються кураторськими акаунтами. Інший варіант писати статті в різних спільнотах на відповідні теми. Наприклад писати про подорожі в спільноті Steem-Travelers, про спорт у Steem Sports і т.д.

Якщо ви все таки хочете користуватися ботами, тоді мабуть потрібно спочатку інвестувати кошти і купити STEEM щоб підсилити свій акаунт, а потім делегувати його боту щоб він голосував за ваші статті. Але це мусить бути значна інвестиція, тому такий варіант не дуже добрий.

Для себе я зробив висновок, що найкраще відповідати всім правилам, які виставляє адміністрація і отримувати голоси від booming та steemcurator01, а також від читачів.

Так, перший час тут нелегко, поки з усім розібратися, як все працює, та як інші будують свої блоги, заробіток, я ще й досі вчуся))

Дуже вдячний Вам за відповідь, поки що це єдине змістовне і чітке пояснення яке я чув, бо інші говорять лише про якісь неправильні посилання , чи ще щось. Про ботів взагалі ні від кого не чув, але тепер все зрозуміло, тому вдячний за цінну інформацію та інші гарні поради🙂👍 Обов'язково візьму до уваги та буду намагатися реалізувати)
Ще раз дуже дякую)

Гарного Вам и тихого дня🙂

 3 years ago 

Питайте про все що вас цікавить. Я наробив чимало помилок поки більш-менш з усім розібрався :)

На перший погляд тут все було доволі зрозуміло, але коли зняв обгортку з цієї цукерки...почалися уроки китайської грамоти 😄 дуже багато нюансів, що треба зрозуміти)
Дякую за Ваш час, поради від такого досвідченого та успішного гравця на цій платформі дуже цінні для мене, бо добряче економлять час і дають більше шансів на взлет) Тому інколи можу набридати Вам с запитаннями , тим паче якщо Ви не проти)
Якщо що, то буду питати) Спасибі))

Congratulation!! You have reached a beautiful milestone...I am trying to get to 10,000 SP...I am very close.

 3 years ago 

Thanks. A little more and I will greet you :)

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