BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL 🖤//Charcoal pencil and poster color on needle point paper.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago



Greetings to everyone in this community I'm so delighted to bring to you one of my wonderful art piece I just finished recently .
At first it wasn't really easy, I even I had to start thinking that I have reached my creative end point.perhaps I had to give my self some Courage and inspiration by looking into other peoples art on Instagram and other socials.
As you can see below I have to share the step by step process in creating this wonderful art of mine,stay tune as you enjoy the step by step process....


Art displayed on my drawing board

1st step(outline)

This step actually represents the blue print of the art , without this I don't think this art will be in existence .
I made use of a very lighter pencil when at this stage to avoid making my work look rough.

2nd step:

At this point I was confused on were to start so I had to start from the eye ball because it seems to be the most easiest part on the reference picture, while I was drawing the eye I used a cotton bud and charcoal powder to make I first layer blending on the pupil before before applying my charcoal pencil directly before blending it finally with a blending stump and then I made the highlight with a mono zero eraser.

3rd Step:


This step explains my blending process using my soft painting brush and charcoal powder. perhaps at this point I created two layer blending to make the skin tone pop out.
When I was done in making a good skin tone I had to apply my monozero into action to create a little bit of realism on the skin .
In conclusion I used a different technique in creating the hair region by using my charcoal pencil in making hair texture and blending it up with a soft painting brush which after that I also used a monozero eraser and skin tints pastel pencil to create highlights on the hair.

4th step:

As we can see vividly from the image it shows the second face which i used the same procedure I used in step 2&3 although when I made the necklace on the child's neck I didn't spend much time on it because it was done with just drawing it with a charcoal pencil and then making highlights on it using a monozero eraser.

5th step:

At this stage , I was almost done on the skin region before I could jump into making the necklace of the mother which was kind of difficult for me .
In conclusion I had to just ddo my thing by repeating the same procedure I used in the step where I made the childs necklace but something the different came in , while doing my highlights I had to make it not much visible because from the reference picture it wasn't that colourful and bright like the one on the child's neck.

6th step:(Final step)


At this point, I was done with the drawing perhaps I had to give it a last touch by creating interesting details on the skin by using a skin tints pastel pencil to make it visible because of the texture of the skin in the reference picture.and also , I used my soft eraser to create a highlights on the toe which I must say came out nice.
In conclusion,when I was already done with my last touches I wasn't that satisfied on the work because it looked plain to me so I had to think of something to make the drawing more interesting .
Stay tuned as I share my what I did on the background

7th step:(coloured background)

When the background was completed

When background was still in progress
Making this background was kind of fun for me because it wasn't that stress for me because I really enjoyed the process . Actually I used a cotton bud and poster colour to paint the ages of the image to avoid mix up with the charcoal and poster colour.
In conclusion I used a bigger painting brush to complete the larger background of the drawing and also I used a charcoal pencil and blending stump in creating the flowers on the background.
Indeed I must say I really enjoyed creating this art piece which comes with an inspiration of a strong black woman.

Final display of my art piece with a white background and colourful background

  • Art on colourful background:

  • Art on plain white background:



  • Needle point paper
  • HB pencil
  • Charcoal pencil/powder
  • Skin tints pastel pencil
  • Monozero eraser
  • Soft painting brush
  • Blending stump
  • Cotton bud
  • Poster colour


  • 16x24


  • 200hours

Camera type:

  • Redmi9a


  • I used a skin tints pastel pencil to sign out the image below at the left hand side.

I'm inviting @curator01 to go through my new art piece and as you do that may God bless you.

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