Photo of the week #67 | Submissions post | In the mountains
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Photo of the week #67
Dear steemians
We are sure each of you has ever been In the mountains. If you have a interesting photo of the mountains share with us!

So... theme of next week is -In the mountains- in any form!
Of course, you can post photos on any topic, but theme of the -In the mountains- will take priority

For now, let's pick the winners.
It seems that the topic suggested earlier led many participants to confusion. We received a small number of photos. Well, so much the better for the participants. That means most of authors will receive prizes.
Congratulations to @qwerrie, who got the most upvotes.
Prize is 3 Steem!
This is exactly what we wanted to see in this round! Fantastic shot!

'Obvodniy channel' tube station at SPb, Russia
Now the time has come to reward the authors whose photos were included in the top of the favorits.
The first one is... is... is... @dianadee
Prize is 2.5 Steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar

Silver is going to @boddhisattva
2 steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar

Полустанок буранный
Bronze is going to @silviadiez
1.5 steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar

People waiting for a train inside North Station
Three winners, please send a link to the post for which you want to receive a community @worldofxpilar upvote! Post must be created on WORLD OF XPILAR community
The participants listed below receive 0.5 $teeM:


The participants listed below receive 0.25 $teeM:
That,s all for today. Nothing else caught our attention :-(
Competition start on 23 of January and ends on 30 of January (payout time)
The basic rules:
- Upvote, Resteem the initial post or Update post
- Use only your own photos! Any attempt to steal other's work is considered a serious infraction, we will cancel yours qualification permanently
- Add photo to initial post. The photo can be on any topic, of any quality. No restrictions (except violence and porn)
- A participant cannot upvote his own photo

Sponsors! We need your support!
Please support this challenge!
Stand by

Sincerely yours
Thank you ever so much for awarding my train station photo @mister-omortson It is greatly appreciated. The new mountain topic got me thinking already. By the way I simply love the second mountain photo that you featured! Congratulations to my friend @dianadee who won the gold. I love the colours featured in @birjudanak's image. I also find @silviadiez's black and white photo interesting and full of ideas as to me it reveals the daily sometimes lonely life of many in a big city.
Thanks so much for your words @petface 💜
Congrats on your black and white photo. Unusual atmosphere you captured @silviadiez :)
Thanks @dianadee and congrats too 😀💜
Thank you so much for appreciating.
Thank you for the Gold reward of 2.5 Steem for The Station photo collage.Also congrats to other winning entries. Love @kwerrie photo of train...amazing pic🎀🍒
My entry for contest - Thanks @mister-omortson for all your contests you organize. We all enjoy them too!
Enjoy your day :)
Espectacular éste espacio
Always appreciate your kind comments @sacra97
Hi! I present my contribution. I will call this photo On the Edge of the World.
The photo was taken during a hike in the Carpathians on the Kostrich mountain range.
Un espacio muy bonito
Estoy de acuerdo, me gusta mucho.
Привет! Спасибо за второе место! Очень приятно 8)
Вот такой вид из предгорий Тянь-Шаня у меня есть
Hi @mister-omortson.
Qué frío, espectacular
hi! here is my entry
Если придираться, то тема не горки, а ГОРЫ. Но я не склонен придираться)
"горы -- в любом их проявлении". но, да, я и сам понимаю, что у меня есть то что есть, совершенно без претензий. попытка не пытка
Qué divertido se vé
Agree! 200%
Hi @mister-omortson, many thanks for appreciating my picture. Congratulations to winners too.
This is my contribution to the subject 'mountains', a view of a cottage in the Austrian Alps of Tirol.
Hermosa montaña todo verde y bonito
Muchas gracias por tu apoyo @sacra97
With pleasure, take part in the contest! I want to share my view on the beauty of the mountains
Поздравляю всех победителей!
Спасибо за приз!
В горах бывала редко. Вот такие горы вокруг парка Линдерхоф в Баварии. Были там в пасмурную погоду и тучи сползали с гор вокруг. Раньше такого не видела.
Congratulations to all the winners. Especially, congratulations to @qwerrie
@qwerrie, заслуженная победа.!
@apnigrich, @dianadee, @petface - thankis for the compliments, it is always a pleasure and a candy for an amateur like me 😋
гыыыы. 😂😂😂