Photo of the week #62 | Submissions post | The stairway

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)

Hi everybody! Всем привет! Hola a todos! Bonjour à tous! Hallo allerseits! Поздрав свима!




p r e s e n t s

Photo of the week #62

Dear steemians

Today we offer a theme for a photo The stairway

Today we propose a new topic for next week. Let it be The stairway!
There are a lot of stairs around you. Share interesting and unusual photos of stairs.


So... theme of next week is -The stairway- in any form!
Of course, you can post photos on any topic, but theme of the -The stairway- will take priority


For now, let's pick the winners.

This time we got not so large number of pictures. But! We have very interesting works! That means most of authors will receive prizes.

Congratulations to @mamamasha, who got the most upvotes.
Prize is 2 Steem!

Now the time has come to reward the authors whose photos were included in the top of the favorits.
The first one is... is... is... @radmi
This is exactly what we wanted to see in this round!
Prize is 2.5 Steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar


Silver is going to @lilia737
2 steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar

На берегу Чёрного моря

Bronze is going to @petface
2 steem + trail upvote of @Xpilar

Unfortunately I have problems, but I know someone who has no problems

Three winners, please send a link to the post for which you want to receive a community @worldofxpilar upvote!

The participants listed below receive 1 $teeM:



The participants listed below receive 0.5 $teeM:


That,s all for today. Nothing else caught our attention :-(


Competition start on 19 of December and ends on 26 of December (payout time)

The basic rules:

  • Upvote, Resteem the initial post or Update post
  • Use only your own photos! Any attempt to steal other's work is considered a serious infraction, we will cancel yours qualification permanently
  • Add photo to initial post. The photo can be on any topic, of any quality. No restrictions (except violence and porn)
  • A participant cannot upvote his own photo


Sponsors! We need your support!

Please support this challenge!

Stand by

Sincerely yours




Привет! Есть у меня одна интересная лестница (Исакий):


 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Thank you ever so much for the bronze @mister-omortson You made my day! I would like to receive a community @worldofxpilar upvote to my last night's post #club5050 My Handmade Christmas Wreath On a separate note I simply love the winning photo. Very well done to @radmi even for choosing black and white for this image which emphasises the equilibrium itself without any colour distractions. I also love @xaviduran's flamingos that reminded me of volunteering at the Curacao Sea Aquarium where I enjoyed feeding them. They are quite messy eaters to be honest.

Уважаемый,@mister-omortson, спасибо огромное за поддержку моей фотографии и присуждения работе 1-го места.
От души поздравляю победителей и всех участников Вашего интересного конкурса, и желаю им удачи и успехов.
Я совсем недавно вернулась на Стимит после двухлетнего отсутствия и многого не знаю, поэтому хотела бы у Вас уточнить. Для получения отзыва сообщества @worldofxpilar я могу дать ссылку на любой свой пост, или только на тот, где победила фотография? Заранее прошу прощения за мою неосведомлённость.
Дело в том, что победа фотографии с изображением моего внука совпала с его победой в соревнованиях по боксу, и вчера он также занял первое место. Я посвятила этому событию отдельный пост, и очень хотела бы получить поддержку именно для него, но если это невозможно, тогда буду ждать поддержку сообщества @worldofxpilar на пост с победившей фотографией:
Буду очень признательна за ответ и разъяснение

Поздравляю внука с победой и тебя, Радмила, с призовым первым местом!

Благодарю сердечно, Лилечка! И я от души поздравляю тебя с призовым местом!


Добрый день, @mister-omortson. Примите на конкурс.
Нарядная лестница в одном из отелей Индии.

 3 years ago 

Good evening @mister-omortson Please enter my photo of the tulip stairway which I photoed in the Queen’s House in Greenwich, London into the contest. Here is also a link to my #steemexclusive post in the WORLD OF XPILAR #club5050 The Queen’s House


Thank you and congratulations on all works. For this one, I have stairways to heaven :) I took this in KL


 3 years ago 

Spiral staircase with ascending muse.


Thank you very much @mister-omortson for the opportunity you give us to show our work.

 3 years ago 

Transfer 0.500 STEEM to dianadee Photo of the week #62
Transfer 0.500 STEEM to bonp Photo of the week #62
Transfer 1.000 STEEM to xaviduran Photo of the week #62
Transfer 1.000 STEEM to wnfdiary Photo of the week #62
Transfer 2.000 STEEM to petface Photo of the week #62 bronze
Transfer 2.000 STEEM to lilia737 Photo of the week #62 silver
Transfer 2.500 STEEM to radmi Photo of the week #62 Gold
Transfer 2.000 STEEM to mamamasha winner-winner chicken dinner

Спасибо большое за приз, @mister-omortson!
Пойду-ка поищу лестницу))

 3 years ago 

и покрасивее

Нет) так и не попалось ни одной красивой лестницы))

@mister-omortson, спасибо большое за приз!

Поздравляю от души!

Congrats to all the winning entries. Love all the pics. Keep on keeping on in your creativity 🍒🍒🍒

Saludos @mister-ormortson

Photo of the week #62

El altar de la Chinita en Maracaibo - Venezuela

Muy hermosa @yurilaya la escalera qué conduce al altar de la chinita.

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