Photo contest #13 by bambuka

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago (edited)

Bambuka's Party geht in die dreizehnte Runde. Da wir nach den letzten beiden Runden schon richtige Profis im Raten von Motiven sind, wird in dieser Runde ein Ausschnitt aus einem eigenen Foto gezeigt, bei dem das Original nicht so leicht zu erkennen ist. Wieder dürfen die Teilnehmer raten, worum es sich handelt.

Bambuka's Party goes into the thirteenth round. Since we are already real pros at guessing motifs after the last two rounds, this round we will show a detail from one of our own photos where the original is not so easy to recognise. Again, the participants are invited to guess what it is.

Der Unterschied zu den beiden vorherigen Runden ist, dass der Bildausschnitt nicht bearbeitet oder verändert wurde.

The difference to the two previous rounds is that the image section was not edited or manipulated.

Hier ist mein Ausschnitt für euch:

Here's my cropped picture for you:


Vielleicht leicht, vielleicht schwer zu erraten, ich bin gespannt und freue mich auf eure Kommentare.

Maybe easy, maybe hard to guess, I am curious and look forward to your comments.


Auflösung / Solution


Ihr seid wirklich spitze, viele waren nah dran und @esthersanchez hat schließlich das Rätsel endgültig gelöst:
You guys are really great, many were close and @esthersanchez finally solved the riddle:


Mal sehen, ob ich wenigstens nahe dran bin. Ich glaube, die Blütenkrone und die Staubgefäße der in Venezuela so bekannten Passiflora zu sehen.
Let's see if I am at least close. I seem to see the crown and stamen of the intern of the Passiflora, so known in Venezuela.


Gratuliere! Sehr gut erkannt, es ist tatsächlich die Blüte einer Passionsblume.

Hier das original Bild:

Congratulations! Very well seen, it is indeed the blossom of a passion flower.

Here is the original picture:


Die Passionsblume hat für mein Empfinden eine ausgesprochen schöne Blüte mit einem angenehmen Geruch, der mich ein wenig an Bubble Gum erinnert.
To my mind, the passion flower has a very beautiful blossom with a pleasant smell that reminds me a little of bubble gum.


Sie blüht nur einen Tag, dann ist der Zauber auch schon vorbei. Zum Glück hat die Blume nicht nur eine Blüte und so beginnt der Zauber immer wieder neu. So wie Bambuka's Party :-)
It only blooms for one day, then the magic is already over. Fortunately, the flower does not have only one blossom and so the magic always begins anew. Just like Bambuka's party :-)



Hi @michelangelo3! Let's see if I am at least close. I seem to see the crown and stamen of the intern of the Passiflora, so known in Venezuela. :)

There it is, the 100 point comment!

Correctly typed, I just edited my post and added the original photo.
Ah, you can't do anything with 100 points, so a 100% upvote from me :-)

OMG!!! That's great!



I was not quite sure, because I had another flower in mind but I did not remember the name ( in fact I still do not remember it :)). I decided to give this one thinking, if it is not, I can still think of the other
Thank you !

 2 years ago 

Congratulations to the winner 🖐 😊


 2 years ago 

🖐 😊

 2 years ago 

... I saw this riddle first and I have a guess... but I don't want to take advantage of the first one... :-)))

My assumption is probably wrong, the author is not so simple as to show the obvious, he is a big sly with Easter bunnies and other tricks... obvious does not mean true))

I'm wondering what the guesses will be :)

Oh, I suspect your guess might be right. Very thoughtful of you to wait a little longer. And no, this time it's not the Easter Bunny :-)

 2 years ago 

The rabbit is hidden in the cropped part...)))))


Your post is nominated for the WOX Booming Support Programme, @booming account upvote.
Only the posts that are original, not cross-posted and posted from the Xpilar community page are nominated. If your post gets an approval, then you get an upvote within a few days.
Good luck! @ name of moderator

Oh pleasant surprise, thank you!

pART of orchid's flower?

Wonderful, we are getting closer. Part of a flower is right, but it's not an orchid.

I'm not quite sure, but I think it's a plant

Yes, that's right, a good hint. I suspect someone will even recognise which plant it is.
Thanks for stopping by.


Schon sehr verdächtig nahe, aber noch kein 100 Punkte Kommentar ;-)

Der Hobbybiologe hat sich auch vertan und meinte natürlich Staubblätter. Jetzt noch die exakte Pflanze?!
Einst war ich doch schon gut… 😁

Gambar yang sangat bagus, Sehat selalu Mr @michelangelo3 Dan terimakasih banyak telah mendukung saya semoga sukses terus 👍

Terima kasih. Apakah Anda bisa menebak, jenis tanaman apa itu?

Menurut tebakan saya itu adalah mirip tanaman daun bayam kampung 😀 Apakah bener Mr @michelangelo3 , Terimakasih banyak bapak Telah berkunjungi ke akun saya dan telah memberi dukungan, Semoga sehat selalu dan semakin sukses
[Postingan baru saya](The Diary Game 07 Februari 2023 : Seharian Saya Hari Ini)

Terimakasih 🙏🏻

Tanaman di desa Anda juga sangat indah. Dan memang benar, foto saya menunjukkan bagian dari sekuntum bunga.

Hehehe, benar kan tebakan saya😅

 2 years ago be completely honest, then realizing that these are stamens and pistils...I assumed the presence of a snail... her purple mustache stretched from the bottom to the right...
🤣 😂😅

The more I look, the more it actually looks like the antenna of a snail. I have to laugh, I had never noticed that before.

 2 years ago 

Nature is full of analogies and riddles. Too often we see things that aren't really there. Our mind deceives us :-)))

 2 years ago 

Very cool macro shot. How visible are all the details of the flower.

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