Work on installing a PVC ceiling at the Babu Takwa Mosque ready permanently
Greetings from the master village to all friends
Tonight I'm posting a second post about the work of installing a PVC ceiling at the Babul Takqua mosque Tonight I show a picture of a PVC ceiling that is ready permanently today. The beauty and beauty of the motifs that we made are ready today
This is how we install it The croton is at the roundabout in the middle of the mosque or often called the dome of the mosque, meaning the dome is the peak of the mosque, the height of the mosque's peak from the floor to the top of the mosque is 18 meters.
We are ready to install the puring, we will continue with the installation of PVC volksfon leaves
After everything is ready, we install all the leaves in our dome room
We are ready to install all the leaves, we cut the ceiling leaves again to form the windows, I'm ready to cut them all and then we make the mosque top window motif so that it looks art or beautiful and beautiful
This is an image of a motif that has been finished or is ready to be permanent, how do you think those who read on my block tonight are beautiful or not, please comment in this post
This is a picture after we finished all of our work on internal cleanliness
regarding cleanliness, which is assisted by the local community, from parents to children, working together for a while, about two hours, it's all finished, thank you
I have prepared some pictures below, please take a look with all of your friends, thank you