Luna | The Inner Flare

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year


Hello my people, happy Monday and welcome to one more of my little drawings, today I want to share with you a work with the theme of elements of nature and it is about a kind of girl with the special ability to generate fire from the palm of her hands. This is a character that I decided to call Luna, and it is a young girl who is just learning about the amazing and dangerous ability she has; I decided to create this drawing because in recent months I have been practicing the painting of natural elements, including fire and here I wanted to try a new technique of lighting the flames that I hope you like it very much:



The main idea for my drawing was to create a character that was in direct interaction with the fire element, I tried several structures and sketches until I finally decided to create this character of Luna with an adolescent appearance; with long hair and very loose and casual clothes. For the painting of the character I decided to use quite opaque tones, the skin I wanted to give a tanned or slightly tanned appearance; with the clothes I tried to capture contrasting tones and therefore I used a very dark gray and a soft sandy white.


The first thing I did after having the bases of each section was to detail each one separately, first I carefully worked the skin and added airbrush strokes to build a little relief on the face and palm of the hand; then with a much more defined brush I created depth lines and some shadows of occlusion to give a better realism to Luna's skin, along with small glitters. Then I created some touches of blush with the airbrush that I later blurred, then I continued with the eyes and here I played a little with the yellow tones; I painted the inner iris with soft yellows and little by little I went climbing towards brighter tones and detailing with fine brushes the inner strands of the eye.


The painting of the clothes was easy, I just created a little diffuse texture on the sweater at the bottom, and then I did the same with the dark part but with a slightly rougher brush to make a slight difference; I tried to create a slightly worn cotton texture on the clothes. Then I continued with the hair, here I only used a shade of color; I worked with the brown tones from the lightest to the darkest to make the hair look as good as possible.


Finally we arrived to the last part of my work, the part in which I would work the main element of my drawing, as I left I have practiced a lot the creation of elements of nature, and fire is what I am putting more effort; I worked each section of the flame with patience and in a specific layer. First I painted the origin of the flame and then I erased some circles around it to give it shape, then I was painting the glows of the inner part with light colors like yellow with very thin strokes; finally I created some heat waves to give the fire that appearance of incandescent heat and for this I helped me a little of the layer modes (Shine and Light) respectively, and with this I got that illumination that I was looking for from the beginning.



  • Sai Paint Tool Program
  • Huion inspiroy h610 v2 tablet


Well guys and girls, this has been all for today, thank you all very much for reading my post and see the process of my drawing, I hope you liked it a lot; greetings and see you in a next post.

 last year 


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