Digital Art - Sad Thoughts

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year


Good morning my people today I come with a drawing in which I practice a little bit the painting with not so natural tones or better said usual for skin and hair; In this case I decided to create this character that I called Sailyn, and I wanted to use very pink tones for the skin and a lot of green for the other areas; and well I leave you with the process and I hope you like it a lot:



The first thing when creating my drawing was to start sketching Sailyn trying to achieve for her a structure that I liked, I chose in this case to draw her as if she was very thoughtful and uneasy about something that crosses her mind; finally I gave a long shape to her hair and then I moved to the outline of the sketch to be able to paint the sketch in a better way.


As I mentioned before for the skin section I decided to use a reddish color as a base to experiment a little with the skin, then on that base I applied tones with a lot of patience and with very soft strokes with the watercolor brush; then varying a little the tones I created what would be the volume with certain clear strokes for the areas where the skin comes in contact with the light. After having the shape and volume of the face ready the next thing I did was to blend everything very well and add some blush to the cheeks with airbrush; then for the eyes I did a similar process but here I used green tones a little brighter, I was detailing the inner part of the eye and above all I gave good volume to the lips to make them look much more realistic.


The next step in the process of painting Sailyn was the construction of her clothes, in this case I decided to paint her clothes as a kind of textured sweater; first I was making strokes to give a little shape to the bust and arms that would be covered by the sweater, and finally with a brush of the program (Sai) I textured the sweater and above all I gave her that pattern of bird feathers all over the fabric. The painting of the hair was a little simpler than the previous one since I have experience painting hair, in this case I also went for green tones and painted the hair in a light green almost reaching the white color; little by little I painted the locks in a loose and a little crazy way to make them look as natural and realistic as possible.


For the final part I only dedicated myself to accompany the drawing creating a kind of background as if it were a wall of a room, a room where Sailyn is locked up with the thoughts that torment her head at that moment; I textured a little the background wall with a pattern of flowers and old vegetation very scattered. I also decided to add a couple more layers of shadows to give a little more depth to my drawing; but what really gave it that cool touch at the end were some high glows that I added to Sailyn's front, with which I could give a little more warmth to the skin and hair.



  • Sai Paint Tool Program
  • Huion inspiroy h610 v2 tablet


Well my people this has been all for this drawing of today, I really hope that you like it a lot since I always put my best effort to bring you the best of my works here and I also thank you for the support that you always give me. Until next time and happy afternoon my people.

 last year 


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