Every human being has two responsibilities in the world
Bismillahir Rahmani Rahim
Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.
Nowadays most of the people cheat on other people. One feels great only if one can cheat other people and deceive them. But remember, by deceiving other people, he is not harming him, rather he is harming himself.
Whoever is being cheated, maybe he is suffering a little in this world but Allah will reward him, he will bless him in this world and he will surely get his reward in the life of the hereafter.
And the person who cheated on him, he will also get his reward, various dangers will come upon him in this world and he will have to account for this cheating in the hereafter.
We live in this world, we have two rights or responsibilities, one is the right of Allah, the second is the right of a servant. We call the right of Allah Ta'ala Haqbullah, and the right of the servant is called Haqbul Ibad.
In order to make our life in this world and the life of the hereafter beautiful, these two rights must be fulfilled properly. If we do not fulfill these two rights properly, then there will be chaos in our worldly life and we will fall into terrible losses in the life of the hereafter.
The right of Allah Ta'ala is to perform the orders of Allah Ta'ala correctly, such as performing prayers, fasting, giving zakat, performing Hajj if able, etc. And the right of a servant is not to harm any person unjustly, not to cheat any person. Always do good to people, treat people well. Not to embezzle other people's things in an unjust manner, etc.
If we cannot fulfill the rights of Allah Ta'ala for any reason, then if we ask Allah Ta'ala for forgiveness, Allah Ta'ala can forgive. But if we do not fulfill people's rights, and destroy people's rights, then Allah Ta'ala will never forgive. I have to apologize to the one whose rights I have violated, if he forgives, then Allah will forgive.
And if someone does not seek forgiveness from another person after violating his rights, then on the Day of Resurrection, his sins due to violating his rights will be given to the wrongdoer, and the reward of the wrongdoer will be given to the person who violated his rights.
For this we all have to try, that we can realize the rights of Allah Ta'ala and the rights of the servant, these two rights correctly. May Allah Ta'ala grant us all understanding. Amen
Thanks everyone for reading my post today.