Searching, Finding ... Journey inside an encrypted Matrix

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago

In search for the Enlightenment ...


Even if we are travelling through interesting Portals of an Encrypted Matrix the Journey is always guided by the True Light ... you just need to seek and find it ... and the Path is always there :-)

The other days i've just felt a totally new period of time that was forced and re-opened ... with lots of concerts/festivals that are somehow running against the Time to be fulfilled in a short time-frame, everything looking somehow like the calm before a storm ... or maybe The Storm ...

Meanwhile, i was thinking to let my creativity to express through its natural form ...

Therefore, i've thought that a contemporary Portal would be awesome to be created through the magical wood branches of the trees inside this mystical forest that somehow brought an interesting impressionism patina :-)


Now, travelling back to Earth ...

A few days ago, i've had the chance to play with my new project in which i was invited to play, entitled Pamant, which means Earth ...


The concert was organized inside of a Medieval Festival which took place inside the city of Demeswar ...

As we all know, a concert starts with a soundcheck :-)


Maybe some of you remember some of our music.

If not, you can visit my webpage and enjoy the music from one of our latest concerts live streamed ...

Our concert it happened to take us back in Time ...

The location where this festival was organized it happened to be near to the Huniade Castle in Demeswar ...

Some of you know that this castle was built between the years of 1443 and 1447 by John Hunyadi and the renowned italian architect Paolo Santini de Duccio.

This old royal castle was recorded in the history books as dating from the 14th century.

The place was very nice placed and decorated ...

As i've mentioned before, it was a Time Travel moment in those medieval glimpses of time ...

You could find the old crafts from those times, as well as the armor and the old knights and princesses ...

Even the food was cooked in those old fashioned ways from that period of time ...


Fire was a primordial element of that style of life ...

I was fascinated about the simplest recipes of food that were cooked with a cauldron.


Maybe in a period like the medieval age, when weird things happened to the humane race, with all the witchcrafts, migrations and invasions ... the invention of the so called "manorialism" or as some would name it as "seignorialism", which represented the organisation of peasants into villages that were placed in the state of owing rent and labour services to the nobles, and the feudalism class of that society ... somehow could grow and develop into an awesome thing ... but as we know there's always a way to ruin everything ... when it's all about greed ...

Even the knights of that Time and lower-status nobles could owe military service to their overlords in return for the right to rent from lands and manors, those being the only two ways of functioning inside of that society.

These were all organised in the High Middle Ages.

As i've said ... for us there was a Time Travel through a Portal which took us back in Time ...

Now, back to music, feel free and enjoy one of our live streamed concerts here:

Enjoy your encrypted medieval ages of 2020 ... or maybe you will find your inner Portal that will guide you to the True Path to Enlightenment ...


 4 years ago 

It's awesome to know that you were able to perform on that Festival. Wonderful news between much information on lockdowns. Also, it most be spectacular playing in the Medieval background, great commentary which can be related somehow to our times!!

Thanks for share on the World of Xpilar!!

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