competition --HIGHWAY-- 4 - results and awards
We drove and drove and arrived...
The fourth stage of the competition ended with a successful finish, and there were participants on the track who presented their competitive photo reports to us. Four is a good number, I like it because it is a cluster with the potential for geometric growth in the progression to which it belongs.
It's time to get down to business.
This is how the contest entries feed looks at this stage in the technical account @highway111, where all posts related to the course of the contest are saved.
On the track, among the already experienced riders: @bambuka, @echooo, new participants have appeared: @alexey1976 and @ceramixer, and we hope that new names will be added with each next race.
The list of participants of the first stage and their competitive photo reports in the order of receipt of applications:
There are no restrictions on the number of posts in this contest, because in ten days you can have time to visit different places and tell us about it.
The winners of the competition will receive three prizes:
1st place - 2 STEEM
2nd place - 1,5 STEEM
3rd place - 1 STEEM
The first place
was again taken by the participant @bambuka, who provided two extensive photo reports, in which again I found very interesting photos. Taking pictures behind the wheel is not easy and risky, but @bambuka manages to do it without involving its passengers in the shooting.
The winner is rewarded with 2 STEEM
The second place
is taken by a philosophical photo essay from a participant @ceramixer. In addition to beautiful photos from different trips and places, it contains many things that you and I often think about while spending time on the road or later remembering about it. Everyone thinks about their own, and it's always interesting to get acquainted with someone's thoughts.
The winner is rewarded with 1,5 STEEM
The third place
is taken by a photo report from a participant @echooo, who used a lot of ingenuity to make it more interesting. In addition to documentary photographs, it presents post-processing experiences to enhance the impression of the trip.
The winner is rewarded with 1 STEEM
The prize "for participation" in the amount of 0.25 STEEM is awarded to the newcomer of the contest: @alexey1976 who failed to fulfill all the conditions and performed with only two photos, although beautiful.
All three winners will receive additional awards for any of their posts with an open payout window from the respected sponsor of the contest: @xpilar
1st prize 25%
2nd prize 20%
3rd prize 15%
In order for the winners to receive this support from @xpilar, they should post links here to any of their posts with an open payout window in the comments of the first level, with a mention of the nickname: @xpilar
Prizes have been sent:
Congratulations to everyone on passing the stage and receiving awards!
My thanks to all the curators and @xpilar for supporting the contest!
The announcement of the fifth stage will be released tomorrow
All competitive publications are stored in the account @highway111
The post is saved in the account @highway111
Thank you for the prize and also for the fact that my attempt to expand my post in this way was recognized as successful :)
Link to my new post for @xpilar:
Thank you for your support!
Э-э-э, новый тур ещё не открыт, это мои грабли! )))
пы.сы. не въехал я в тему... думал новая заявка про эту ссылку... совсем плохой стал, надо проспаться))
я ничего не понял про грабли :(
... вначале подумал, что это новая заявка на неоткрытый этап, а то грабельки мои были )))
Благодарствую за высокую оценку трудов и приз!
Вот да, летом поездок оказалось больше одной... это точно))
А мы летом меньше ездим, чем в другие сезоны. В городе каждый день выезд, а тут раз в неделю, не чаще.
я то в городе сижу, когда как не летом вылазки совершать ;-)
Спасибо большущее)))
Your post has been successfully curated by @stef1 at 40%.