Colorful Life - Dare to Be Bright
Sometimes I think what sets different places apart is their colors. Their unique palette. Their brightness. When you head south, it feels like the analog broadcast has been swapped for digital - the colors become vivid and saturated, like a watercolor painting by a ten-year-old child. The world's spectrum in and around us is endless, and the truth is that every color can suit us well enough to feel happy in it.
Too often, we try to force strict symbolism into colors instead of letting ourselves build associations filtered through our personal prism. The world is colorful. It constantly changes shades, and no matter what color it’s dressed in, it’s beautiful and will remain that way forever. The world inside us is colorful, too. Only we know which colors prevail.
There are shades deeply hidden in us that describe us in the finest detail, yet we often struggle to openly share them with others. That’s how it is - we keep something hidden from others. We guard these colors because, perhaps, we’re not sure if we’ll be seen as beautiful or if those are the colors people want to see us in.
We often put on masks so we don’t seem like open books in someone else’s eyes. But why not just allow ourselves to be sincere, to be us, to express what’s inside us freely?
If we don’t have the courage to be ourselves, to show the colors of our identity, we shouldn't be surprised if others paint us in shades we don’t want to be in. That’s how it is, no matter how unflattering it sounds.
What matters is to have more colors around us, to keep everything vibrant. Let’s not chain ourselves to monochromatic views. Let’s even create new colors, mix the old ones, and turn our world into a colorful palette!
The photos are from Morocco. One of the beautiful things about this country - the colors)))
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