Greetings, great steemians and friends, my names are Amadi Gerald obinna from nigeria in Africa. I’m currently in my final year in the university of Nigeria, Nsukka as of the time of this introduction and my discipline is Molecular genetics and biotechnology.


I love playing football and love dancing as well, I choose to be a member of this great community because of its fascinating activities, and I choose to be a partake to the activities done and carried in this community .

I humbly wish for your acceptance, and also perform and keep to the activities, rules and regulations of this great community.

I have been following the @worldofxpilar for some months now, but due to school activities and personal matters I have been absent. Most importantly was that I never knew the process to become a member, but thanks to my dear friend @nithku who replied to my comment about “how to become a verified member”.

I’m glad I have the chance to write to this community and also, I promise to keep to the rules and regulations.

Thanks, dear reader.

Here is the link to my previous post on worldofxpilarmemories of God in earth

NB: The post is all about the beauty of nature and what’s really what


Hola @jerryofkingz,
Lo mío fue una sugerencia jajaja Bienvenido nuevamente.

mi disciplina es la genética molecular y la biotecnología .

Interesante área de estudio, algo podrás enseñarnos al respecto.

elijo ser miembro de esta gran comunidad por sus fascinantes actividades, y elijo participar en las actividades que se realizan y se llevan a cabo en esta comunidad.

Hay muchos concursos interesantes, seguro encontrarás alguno que te llame la atención.
Saludos 😊

muchas gracias, no puedo esperar🤗🤗

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