Reflections of Change

in WORLD OF XPILAR9 months ago


Last week I wrote a post called "Let's do Better" and one of the things included in what ended up being a rather lengthy share, lol - was some suggestions for post content. Among several suggestions was one called "A thousand words about a picture". I decided to "play my own game" and do a post around that topic suggestion, because it appeals to me individually - and though I have actually shared more than one photo - they were all taken on the same morning walk.

Photos are like little visual time capsules and it is always interesting to re-visit whatever nostalgia or memories they may offer.



If anyone had asked me a few years ago if I thought I would be standing where I am today, I probably would have laughed. Capetonian born and bred, I had no real intentions of leaving – not unless absolutely necessary of course and that would have revolved more around emigration which up until that point… had not been a “thing” and will never become one – again, unless absolutely necessary.

A regular end of year holiday visit up to my dad’s place in 2021 ended up playing catalyst to an entirely new life moving forward. Granted the craziness and chaos of city living can get to you, we stayed in a place which was pretty sheltered from all of that – until you drove out of the exit gate that was… but I really did not think I was going to turn into a completely authentic country bumpkin sporting “plakkies” (flip flops) and shorts in pretty much every kind of weather, quite as soon as it has apparently happened.


The above photograph was taken not long after we had begun staying over the mountain and it marked an important shift within my life and the way I saw things changing within myself having been removed from city life for a few months. The dissolving of fear, appreciation for the endless beauty which I was now surrounded with daily and really, just the simplicity of it all. It had been raining earlier that morning so the air was laden with the uplifting and consuming delight of petrichor. I stopped for a good few moments and absorbed it ALL! Contemplated my life, my sons and what lay before us and all my reservations fell by the wayside.

Yes, I had reservations about uprooting and moving out to “almost” the middle of nowhere. My life had been lived where we “were” and change is not always an easy thing to process and absorb, but in that moment, I asked myself – what are we actually leaving that we cannot re-create right here and probably in much healthier forms… especially for my son. I had no answer. No reason not to do it. Suddenly, the idea of spending more time barefoot in the garden, watching sunsets dip below mountains every single night and being surrounded by peace and quiet appealed to me greatly! A simpler life – one which ultimately requires a lot less money and eradicates the “pressures” and generally negative influence of society… I quite fancy the idea of my little boy growing up with a whole lot more “wholesome” in his life!


In that moment, I let go. I did not only accept it – but made the decision that I wanted it. It felt so good! The universe never ceases to amaze me because it was just about this point in time when another blessing came my way… well, truth be told – I did not just trip over it as it lay crossing my path, lol – no… I kinda had to go fetch it… haha! and truth be told, I didn’t even know I was doing that… but I was. Not a simple blessing – in fact, it is one weighted by ALL sorts of complication but a blessing nonetheless - some things in life which you are graced with involve great effort to finally reach but are absolutely worth it… this is one of those. I am excited, scared, nervous but mostly… overflowing with happiness!


Life, with all its twists and turns – challenges and adversities… always pops out with something every now and again which reminds us why our hearts continue beating and why we never gave up on everything or ourselves. There is always something more about to evolve, you just need to trust that, let it go and forget about it – then it arrives. Suddenly, the sunsets and simplicity took on an entirely new meaning and perspective for me. A wondrous one! Funny how that works really… you can exist for years on end being “accepting” of circumstance and in the blink of an eye you step over the threshold of a moment and absolutely everything changes. An entirely new beginning in the making – completely unexpected but welcomed with open arms, craved in fact!

It all works like a perfectly conducted orchestra – life I mean. Even in those classical pieces there are the moments of minor which your heart and mood sinks alongside, but as quickly as it dips it rises back to major. As rain comes and goes, so does the sun – it is a balance, harmony and perfection in its own right. Again, if you had asked me back then if I thought I would be blessed with that shift, I would have told you that you are crazy, never would have believed it possible… but apparently it was – is, and now it is!

I came out here with no expectations, but in the time spent, I have re-connected with myself. It changed it all – everything. When you are in harmony with your true self the doors of opportunity open and oh… have they opened, more so than I ever dreamed possible. I do not take it for granted – not one little bit! I am grateful to my core for the way things have unfolded, the blessings I hold in my hands right now as well as the ones which I have to look forward to moving forward. Life truly is amazing! Everything we could ever hope for, dream for and desire is literally right there waiting for us to embrace it – we simply need to believe that it is. A deep sense of trust as well as release within that trust, because the letting go is a part of that process and the starting point – the beginning of a beginning if you will. It is a beautiful thing, when you allow it to be just that. I look at that picture and it warms me from the inside out because it represents an entirely new chapter in my life - one which makes my soul come alive!


Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx


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Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

All written content shared here is my property, unless otherwise credited

 9 months ago 

Greetings friend @jaynie

Your challenge to write 1000 or more words to complement your images is very interesting. In truth, those spaces where we receive fresh air and the harmony of nature are what give us the opportunity to find ourselves. It is amazing how we connect with our own "Self" when we are surrounded only by mountains, water and vegetation, where the noises of the city do not reach. I am glad that you have received that wind of change in your life and in your way of thinking.

Excellent post.

Your challenge to write 1000 or more words to complement your images is very interesting.

Thanks @adeljose :) I appreciate that. Primarily, I think the aim being to try and encourage people to think a little more... to dig deeper or to create a story out of a single visual - so I hope this inspires others to give it a try!

those spaces where we receive fresh air and the harmony of nature are what give us the opportunity to find ourselves.

Very, very true!!! There is a saying, that goes something like "sometimes you have to lose yourself, to find yourself" - and what better place to get lost than in mother nature :)

It is amazing how we connect with our own "Self" when we are surrounded only by mountains, water and vegetation, where the noises of the city do not reach.

It is magical really, isn't it!

Thank you for popping by and taking the time to read my post - as well as for the lovely compliment!

Hope you have a super Tuesday further :)

 9 months ago 

It has been a pleasure, I liked reading your article.

xoxo Thank you again!

I used to write stories from images, but lately I need to travel to a place like the one you visited.

I totally understand that! :) and thanks for sharing your stories! I will definitely take a look through them!

xoxo Thank you again!

 9 months ago 

Through reflections we see the world refracted through the prism of our inner world. The outside world is simply a reflection of who we are, and the people in our lives are a mirror.

too true! and Wow! What a beautiful compilation of words @charter!!! Are they your brainchild?

 9 months ago 

I had heard this thought from my grandfather 👴

Beautiful xxx

The decision to embrace a simpler life, surrounded by nature, is one that resonates with many seeking a more authentic and peaceful existence. The image of the rain-soaked morning, with the scent of petrichor in the air, becomes a powerful symbol of renewal and change. It's wonderful to hear about the positive impact this shift has had on your perspective and well-being.

Thank you for sharing this personal and inspiring journey of change and self-discovery!

Very true @butterfly-jt9!!!

In fact - in the short while that we have lived out here, it is already becoming evident how many MORE people are buying up land and starting to build - most desperately seeking to get out of, and away from city life.

It's wonderful to hear about the positive impact this shift has had on your perspective and well-being.

Thank you!!!

Thank you for sharing this personal and inspiring journey of change and self-discovery!

And much thanks to you for taking the time to read and for sharing your thoughts - it is always very much appreciated!

I hope you have a beautiful day further! And it is lovely to connect!

Congratulations on the big change in your life and as it turned out to be a good one, it’s a win-win situation. Your post was an inspirational and interesting read, really loved it.

Thank you very much sweetheart! Glad you enjoyed the read - and I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts!

I hope you have an amazing Monday!!!!

Congratulations: on your decision, on your experiences, on your new life and on your blogging style...! It's exactly because of you that I'm on the Steem (well: I was hoping for blogs like this!)

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