Contemplating Perspective - A Morning Ramble

in WORLD OF XPILAR7 months ago


Just before sunrise this morning

Good Morning Steemit

Was up before sunrise this morning, though not feeling my greatest today - physically. Perhaps I ate something, perhaps it is a bug or perhaps I have been a little weighed down by my thoughts. It happens, lol. Us overthinkers tend to encounter such challenges more often than others. Putting my thoughts into writing is one of the ways I use to process them myself and when necessary, let them go. So here with todays morning ramble...


Contemplating Perspective

I have always been a “lessons from life” kind of girl – and lately, this resonance has rung deafeningly. I am acutely reminded of something we all too easily lose sight of… perspective. Life is a forever “ebb and flow” and yes we could adapt a million quotes to the point of how we adjust our sails, but life does not always afford the time for preparation and “winging it” is all we are left with - torn sails and all.

To me, life perspective has become about moments of contemplation to process and absorb the magnitude of what actually matters so I can find a way to move forward, ever molding into a better version of myself. I suppose this “thought process” is not only applicable to me, but I do speak from only my perception of it all.

Recalling past moments with my now late mom as she struggled with her dignity, I found myself thrown into a nursing situation that I was completely unprepared, yet oddly grateful for. I know this did not change my mom’s experience of it all at the time, but it most definitely did open my eyes. No, it was not pretty, but I was filled with gratitude that I, her daughter could even offer her a FRACTION of what she gave me in my life time. The memories of those last few weeks still haunt me, because I constantly question what I could have done better… but in my heart, I know I did absolutely everything I could. So what was I left with?

Perspective - That’s what.


“It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters,” ― Amit Ray

In a thousand slippery moments of desperate love and care, I learned that all we EVER have is the present moment, the good times we so often take for granted… and even if we don’t take them for granted… when they run out, we realise we could have made opportunity for more of them! I learned what it REALLY means to be a mother and a child simultaneously. I learned just how big a mothers heart is… and that I should strive to make mine even a fraction as large as the mother I was blessed with. I learned that literally NONE of the shit we consider important… is.



“All people at root are time optimists. We always think there's enough time to do things with other people. Time to say things to them. And then something happens and then we stand there holding on to words like 'if'.”
― Fredrik Backman

Situations like these also remove the cloaks and hoods from those that “say and have said” that you, your heart and/or mind mean anything to them. People are well trained at pleasantries, especially in the eyes of others, and whether they have your number or not, most would never bother with the level of sincerity it takes to actually put a smile upon your face or ease your hurt… because guess what – they don’t ACTUALLY care. Another realisation I have encountered… those you often trust implicitly with friendship… vapourise without a trace… and interestingly enough, from the most unlikely corners of your horizon… the people who TRULY care show themselves.

Life gives us all a ticket on it’s carousel, but it is up to us as individuals to determine the minor from major when listening to the tune that ticks our time away as we enjoy and hopefully learn from the ride.


Every moment, opportunity, challenge, trauma and hardship we are faced with in life are the grains of sand which we scoop and hold within our palms… what we choose to do with those magnificently miniscule particles is entirely up to us. Toss them aside or embrace their beauty and build something great from their contributing facets… it is all up to us as individuals.


Nothing in life is perfect, yet in the same breath – EVERYTHING IS! It simply depends how you choose to see it and how you act upon what is dealt your way. Life is a great teacher – for those willing to open themselves to it’s lessons. This means embracing weakness, failure, loss, challenge and sand in your eyes… but the longer I am here and the more I am exposed to such hardships and salt confetti… the more I see the bigger picture and the more I realise that I need to be here doing what I am supposed to – to the best of my ability, and this journey is always unique.


“When you have once seen the glow of happiness on the face of a beloved person, you know that a man can have no vocation but to awaken that light on the faces surrounding him. In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” - Albert Camus


Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx



Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

All written content shared here is my property, unless otherwise credited

 7 months ago 

I like to wake up before the city is awake and admire the quiet, fragrant and beautiful sunrises :)

That makes two of us! :)

These photos made me feel peace, calm and reflection. Thanks for sharing!

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