Drawing of the singer Jade Baraldo
Who is the singer Jade Baraldo?
Jade Baraldo is a 21-year-old Brazilian player, famous for being a semifinalist on La Voz Brasil. Her talent, charisma and style have allowed her to go further in the world of music, participating in important festivals such as Rock in Rio and debuting with the best artists in her country and the world. While staying at home due to quarantine, Ella Jade sang to the world in Spanish with her latest single, 'Yo Quiero'. This Brazilian surprises us with her unique visual style that complements art and dance, and now delivers her message in Spanish.
To make my drawing I used these materials:
Lápis de cor Prismacolor Premiere.
Lápis de cor Marco Renoir.
Lápis de cor Giotto.
Lápis de cor Caran Dache.
Caneta Posca branca.
Papel Hahnemuelle Bristol 300g.
Caneta Sakura Pigma Micron
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Twitter: @artesjaquevital
This is the photo I chose to make my drawing