Collage: War No More

Collage: War No More

Final Digital Art, using Adobe Photoshop.

Humans must be reestablished again. Society needs to make a deep reflection, it is urgent. We are losing our rights as human beings with giant steps, it is a loss of all. We have degraded to such an extent that coexistence is decadent, becoming a normal condition of these times. There are those who have taken advantage of the situation in an intelligent way, especially to obtain power. Many moments in history have told us this, critical thinking is left aside, prevailing an imaginary humanity, where exploitation and war dominate.

A very complex panorama to change and transform, where command and control are moving towards the destruction of social systems, so that inhumanity grows among us. Some reaction to these powers has more and more impediments. The free, rational and independent human is the imaginary human evolution and progress. Who has the truth in his hands? Modernity screams at us that society has grown socially, but the elites silently monopolize the controls.

Globalization allows us today to understand how wars are taking place in many parts of the world. Everything seems that violence is our friend to reach agreements. It seems that we are all at war, either by those who have conviction and others who are by obligation, whatever the case may be, our perspective changes us about humanity, unintentionally. Evidently, knowing about wars in other countries changes us. The cruelty and weakness in the world changes our thoughts.

Evidently our mind is affected, and not paying attention to it, forming in us new criteria. According to our relation with this type of events, we will be affected by living with it, even more those who inside themselves will remember in the first line the bestiality of the human beings. Evolution is no guarantee for non-violence. Making the world anew is no guarantee that everything will work. Critical thinking will remain, but it will always be placated by power.

The collage was made using Adobe Photoshop as a tool of expression. All images are royalty free, they have been taken as a free download from

Artboard Steemit.png Primary elements to be transformed into a unique creation.



 2 years ago 

Muy acertada reflexión sobre el mundo y la humanidad... No sé a donde iremos a parar. Queda el reto de vivir como si fuera el ultimo de nuestros días y de la mejor manera.

Hola @alexarelatos, gracais por tu estadía aquí y leer.

Totalmetne de acuerdo, después de toda la "evolución del hombre" cuesta creer muchas cosas.


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