Some thoughts

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago


I have kind of progressive ideas, you know I believe in equality, in the rich paying much more than what they pay now in taxes, just to even things up a little, I mean have you seen how many billionaires are out there? There are thousands of them, back in the seventies there were only two, and of these two Ludwig was giving back most of what he owned in environmental projects. Today the really rich are building ships to go out a few hundred miles in space and make their egos go sky high. You know acts like these bring zero benefits, at least NASA has helped invent a lot of practical stuff. Ok I want free education and free healthcare, to be paid of course with taxes everyone pays. One day I had an argument with this guy who earns a lot of money and he said I didn't pay taxes, dude everyone pays taxes I don't care where they live, they eat or use anything that is commercial they pay taxes.

Does this mean I am against the rich? Of course not, even more if you invest money in an enterprise you should get a profit, a good profit, just that to me, after a certain amount you should be taxed at growing brackets. Then we have another big problem, abortion, I personally do not agree with abortion, it is a life in there, but I also think the woman who carries this life has a choice, if it is a sin and there is a God she will pay for it later but I do think anti abortion laws are counter productive and dangerous, if a woman wants to get an abortion she will, legally or not, and I can bet you a lot of the most anti abortion women have had an abortion themselves, this is nearly always like a law, the more you are against something the more probable it is you have done that something. Also I find it abhorrent that these people who are so pro life are willing to accept exceptions like rape, malformations etc., have they never stopped to think that this life also wants to live?

Well that is enough of that, what I am most aiming at, and which I really find ridiculous is political correctness, just think about this, I learned this song as a child, now it would go like this?

One little two little three little native Americans
four little five little six little native Americans
seven little eight little nine little native Americans
ten little native American boys.

Doesn't that sound funny? And I think it just shows to what extremes this thing has gone, forget it there are no white people as there are no black people, there are just a lot of people with different tones of skin color, nobody can be really white as nobody can be really black, so forget about white supremacy or black lives matter because neither of these two colors exist in humans, on the other hand I have seen people who are almost red, but they aren't native Americans they mostly tend to be Scottish or Irish.

I really don't know if what I was trying to convey can be understood, I am dismal at transmitting my ideas.


A mi me parece que transmitiste tus pensamientos bastante bien. Es una de esas publicaciones que sirven para desahogarnos.
Pero son temas delicados que pueden generar polémica por haber diferentes pensares al respecto, me gusto la imagen que elegiste para la publicación.
Saludos ☺️

Si, un desahogo, gracias por tus palabras.

😊 Yo no soy muy buena redactando, así que a veces me desahogo también en algunas de mis publicaciones y hasta divago jaja, pero creo que eso es bueno, mientras alguien lo lea y se identifique aunque sea un poco.

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