The Diary Game, Tuesday, August 11, 2020steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago


Every day I usually wake up early. and I always start my habit by getting up early. I woke up at 05.30 and went straight to the bathroom after bathing, and did not forget to take my ablution to carry out the morning prayer with my wife and my children.


Caffee nek syeh Lhok Euncien kec. baktiya barat Aceh Utara.

At 7 30 am,
As usual, my activities to caffee Grandma Syeh Kupie to drink a cup of coffee in Lhok Euncien village and enjoy a cup of coffee, smell the scent of steaming hot coffee which gives a feeling of relieving sleepiness when with my friends Muhammad Rusli, Abdul Hadi and M Saleh while drinking a cup of coffee, sharing experience during the Pandemic (Covid-19) which has not ended in Indonesia.

Today I am discussing with them about agriculture, fisheries and direct cash assistance (BLT), extended by the central government until the end of December 2020, the education of school children, employment, and the current economy of rural residents, not long sharing with my friends in Caffee Grandma syeh kupie today, I have an activity to Matang Raya Village Blang Sialet and Lhok Euncien

List of prices for drinks and cakes at caffee Grandma Syheh Kupie, Lhok village, Euncien kec. Baktiya barat, Aceh Utara,
1 cup of coffee Rp. 5,000 (Five thousand rupiah)
1 cake Rp. 1,000 (One thousand rupiah)
Great drinking coffee typical of Aceh with 3 members at caffee Grandma Syeh Kupie

This morning my shopping total was: Rp. 18,000- (Eighteen thousand rupiah)


pavement development area

Matang raya village, blang sialet kec. Baktiya barat, Aceh Utara

At 9.00, in the morning, I visited the village of mature raya blang sialet, coordinated with Jamaluddin as the team for the implementation of activities and Baktiyar as treasurer

Regarding the implementation of road paving construction activities carried out in the field, the activity implementation team on village cash-intensive work (PKTD) is carried out so that the economic resilience of the village community is maintained in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic situation according to the results of village deliberations and the village administration directs the team to implement activities (TPK) concerning the Corona Virus (COVID-19) response village and PKTD by involving all residents, especially the reduction of underemployment, poor household members with a daily salary payment system

Together with the activity implementation team (TPK) and the treasurer, we interviewed many things for the smooth running of development activities, and for the economy of the community during the Covid-19 pandemic and the work being done by residents regarding the implementation of road paving construction is almost ready to be done, this is the condition in the field. using a smartphone xiaomi redmi note 4-x at a glance my information during coordination with the activity implementation team (TPK) and the village treasurer is mature, blang sialet


area of ​​the Takwinul muntazi pesantren, Matang bayu village, kec. Baktiya barat Aceh Utara

At 1:00 p.m., I delivered my son's food at the TAKWINUL MUNTAZI Islamic Boarding School in Matang Bayu Village, traveling to the Islamic Boarding School on a two-wheeled motorbike, about 30 minutes, the distance arrived at the Islamic boarding school where my son studied

My son was waiting in front of the gate with his best friend then I immediately found him to hand over the food I brought today and then I gave a little direction to my son about education, good morals in front of his teacher, maintain health, cleanliness and get along well with his friends after that I said goodbye to return home, there were activities to the village of Hok Euncien


construction area for road bodies
Lhok village euncien kec. Baktiya barat, Aceh Utara

At 3.00, in the afternoon, I visited the village of Hok Euncien, coordinated with M Daut as the team for the implementation of activities and Tiasar Amar as treasurer

Regarding the Road Agency Restraint activities carried out in the field the activity implementation team on village cash-intensive work (PKTD) is carried out so that the economic resilience of the village community is maintained in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic situation according to the results of village meetings and the village administration directs the activity implementation team ( TPK) concerning the Corona Virus (COVID-19) response village and PKTD by involving all residents, especially the reduction of underemployment, poor household members with a daily salary payment system

Together with the activity implementation team (TPK) and the treasurer we interviewed many things for the smooth running of development activities, and for the economy of the community during the Covid-19 pandemic and the work was being done by the residents regarding the barrier of road bodies almost ready to be done, this is the condition in the field the picture was captured using smartphone xiaomi redmi note 4-x at a glance my information during coordination with the activity implementation team (TPK) and the village treasurer Lhok Euncien


Input data into the Sipede application

At 10:00 in the evening, I worked on the task that was asked by our superiors regarding the financial reports of the Saspras and non-Saspras village funds that had been completed, the provisions of the work area, Cot Murong Village, Matang Raya Blang Sialet, Lhok Euncien and Pucok Alue Buket, for 1 hour I finally finished the report, I was very relieved tonight, everything I did from morning to night was no obstacle, everything was smooth.



Winged butterflies at night on guava tree next to my house

After I finished making the report, I left the house to enjoy the fresh air while in the house the air was too hot even though I had a fan running at that time. I sat on a bench in front of my house while enjoying the night air,

Next to my house there is a guava tree. Then I looked at the tree next to my house. I was surprised that night there was a big butterfly standing on the tree branch that night.

Butterflies are winged insects with scaly wings tonight I am grateful, because next to the house there is a guava tree while enjoying the fresh air that night and enjoying the beauty of butterflies that have very beautiful colored wings.

Tomorrow I will tell you more. That's all for today.
Representatives from STATE INDONESIA who were recruited to STEEM POD as follows:

@anroja and @ernaerningsih
Southeast Asia Curator

The Indonesian team consisting of:

@p3d1, @muzack1 and @lord-geraldi.

Thank you for visiting the @f21steem blog.




Anda sangat aktif dalam kegiatan pedesaan, semoga perencanaan yang baik bisa menjadi desa yang berkembang dan maju.


Ya, bang @p3d1 saya selalu kelapang memantau pekerjaan bembangunan dan pemberdayaan untuk kemakmuran masyarajat desa

Terima kasih banyak pak @p3d1 atas komentan dan memberi suara

Sama-sama bang, teruslah berkarya semoga mendapatkan kurasi yang baik.


Postingan ini telah dihargai oleh akun kurasi @steemcurator08 dengan dukungan dari Proyek Kurasi Komunitas Steem.

Selalu ikuti @steemitblog untuk mendapatkan info terbaru.

Salam @ernaerningsih

 4 years ago (edited)

Postingan the diary game anda semakin menarik dan mendetail, saya menyukainya.

Sepertinya jalan yang baru dilakukan pengerasan sangat mengganggu di saat hujan dengan jalan yang becek, berlumpur dan licin. Sehingga ini berpotensi menimbulkan kecelakaan bagi pengguna jalan.


Ini bersifat sementara pengguna jalan terganggu dengan kondisi sekarang, tetapi tidak bermasalah saya sudah berkoordinasi dengan masyarakat, rencana pemerintah desa melanjutkan pembangunan jalan aspal

Terima kasih banyak Tim Steem @anroja

Itu ide yang sangat bagus, apalagi sekarang ini hujan hampir setiap hari turun, ini bisa berakibat fatal bagi pengguna jalan.


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