Photo contest: post processing #31

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year

Hola Amigos!

Nos encontramos otra vez por este mismo (bati-canal), en nuestra fiesta semanal . En esta ocasión la tarea se hace un poco complicada, sobre todo si tus destrezas como fotógrafo son poas, pero siempre es bueno sentir que se hace el intento.

Esta vez experimentaremos con una velocidad de obturación corta. Es decir, intentaremos detener el movimiento rápido. Por ejemplo, un atleta en un salto, gotas de agua en vuelo. No podremos detener una bala en vuelo, pero si es un colibrí en una flor... por qué no.
Muy hermoso, pero un poco ambicioso para mi.

Lo que les presentaré a continuación es una pequeña compilación de fotografías que creo se ajustan a los requerimientos de nuestro amigo @bambuka. Aunque no se si se apegue a esta petición...

... tenemos que conseguir que esta helada sea bella. Estética y belleza

Creo que se parece más a esto...

o tal vez toda una historia en una foto. En una palabra, debería salir algo muy significativo.

En conclusión, las siguientes son fotografías que tomé a manera de documentar el proceso de desarrollo motor de mis gemelos quienes tienen autismo y tdah. Regularmente se ha dicho que quienes sufren de estas condiciones, sus destrezas motoras suelen ser pocas y yo además de tener dificultades fuertes de atención, tomando estas afirmaciones, en cada paseo o viaje que hacíamos, decidí tomar fotografías con las que pudiera documentar mis observaciones.


Hello friends!

We meet again in this same (bat-channel), in our weekly party. This time the task is a bit complicated, especially if your skills as a photographer are poor, but it's always good to feel that you are trying.

This time we will experiment with a short shutter speed. That is, we'll try to stop fast motion. For example, an athlete in a jump, water droplets in flight. We won't be able to stop a bullet in flight, but if it's a hummingbird on a flower... why not.
Very beautiful, but a bit ambitious for me.

What I will present to you below is a small compilation of photographs that I think fit the requirements of our friend @bambuka. Although I don't know if it fits this request....

(...) we have to make this frost beautiful. Aesthetics and beauty

I think it looks more like this....

(...)or maybe a whole story in a photo. In a word, something very meaningful should come out.

In conclusion, the following are photographs I took to document the motor development process of my twins who have autism and ADHD. It has been regularly said that those who suffer from these conditions, their motor skills tend to be poor and I besides having strong attention difficulties, taking these statements, on every walk or trip we took, I decided to take pictures with which I could document my observations.


Continuamos... // We continue...


Afortunadamente, aunque son muy desordenados, su energía suele agotarse (un poco) cuando caminan, corren o tienen alguna actividad que demande estar activos por un tiempo prolongado :)

Fortunately, although they are very messy, their energy is usually depleted (a little) when they walk, run or have any activity that requires them to be active for a prolonged period of time.


Aman el agua // They love water


y divertirse // and having fun


Siempre tienen una buena razón para estar felices! // They always have a good reason to be happy!!

Hasta acá mi participación :) // So far my participation

Gracias por tu visita. Tu apoyo y Comentarios siempre serán bienvenidos!

Thank you for your visit. Your support and comments are always welcome!

Las fotografías son de mi archivo personal
The photographs are from my personal archive


You may remember - one of my sons is also on the autism spectrum.... And I assure you: your dwarfs look totally happy! That's how I know it too and, despite all the effort, it's wonderful to see how these kids come alive in their very own way.... All the best for you!

It will always be good to hit the button that makes that state of happiness is activated in them, although sometimes it becomes a little difficult task, but you know, their joy is ours!
Thank you for your visit and good wishes @weisser-rabe!

Your post is nominated for the WOX Booming Support Programme, @booming account upvote.

Club Statusclub751
Plagiarism Free1
AI generated post1
Bot free1
Quality content5
Total score10
Verified by@stef124/09/23


Only the posts that are original, not cross-posted and posted from the Xpilar community page are nominated. If your post gets an approval, then you get an upvote within a few days.
Good luck! @stef1

Always grateful for your support! <3

 last year 

I can see that these guys are in good shape and you're doing a great job.
I can imagine how difficult it is, but I can see from your photos that everything worked out for you and it will be even better in the future!

я вижу, что эти парни в хорошей форме и ты большая молодец.
Могу представить, как это трудно, но по твоим фотографиям я вижу, что у тебя всё получилось и дальше будет ещё лучше!

So it has been and so it will be. Thank you very much @bambuka! ^-^

 last year 

🖐️ 😊 👍

 last year 

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


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If you want to know more click on the link ❤️


Siempre tienen una buena razón para estar felices!

Esa es la mayor recompensa que una madre (o un padre) puede pedir, que sus hijos sean felices.


Siempre, amigo!

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