View That Relieves/Weekly Contest. "Photographing Sundown Week #4"
Hi everyone,
I had many sunset photographs to share and I have chosen the specific ones from the specific day. These were taken during the time I was dealing with personal life problems. I do not want to call it depression so I will call it a mental breakdown. When I came up with it to my friend, he called me to this place called Yellow Bastion located in Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina. I accepted without thinking because I needed to go out, I just couldn't stay inside, walls were closing in. I went there and came across this beautiful view. Of course, you can't see my facial expression but I can't forget how small my problems got, and how free I felt while standing at the top of the hill and watching the sun go down as city lights appear one by one...
Greetings friend @emrefurkanozshn
Beautiful panorama you can enjoy from Yellow Bastion, nice sunset.
Thank you for your entry to the contest.
Participant #2
Todos pasamos por momentos así amigo. Lo bueno es que tenías alguien que te aprecia y al salir de casa.lograste captar estás bellas fotos. Un atardecer así de hermoso mejora nuestro espíritu. Un abrazo
Thanks for your kind reply and comments