The world inventions; The history and the case of the guillotine!

We have had death penalty for a long time in the world, and today there are still 55 countries in the world doing this awful behavior, and it is given to persons being guilty in crime, taking life away of some people not being guilty of something, and it is also practiced when people have done wrong and bad behavior that should not be done.
The guillotine has been used to kill people that should not live their lives just as ordinary other people could do when being on the blue planet, and hence being in the guillotine is something you have deserved when braking the domestic or the foreign countries laws and rules and norms while we are here.
So, where does this terrible killing behavior come from in the world, when people had done something awful that qualified not to live the life any more and any longer? Well, the idea and the practice came from Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, and he was born on 28 May 1738, and he died on 26 March 1814, and he was a French physician, politician, and freemason who proposed on 10 October 1789 the use of a device to carry out executions in France, as a less painful method of execution than existing methods, and hence the guillotine was used during the French Revolution with the slagon; Liberty, Equality and Brotherhood, and hence people should be treated in the same ways for doing the same things, and we were just suffering when believing in something or claiming something, and that is the life about how it is perceived when being here.
One was beheaded in the guillotine, and hence one died and did not have a head after being going through this awful execution method, and people could not do anything to save their lives, and this execution method was equal with dying.
And nearly 17 000 humans were executed with the guillotine, and among all of these persons was the earlier queen of France Marie Antoinette on 16 October 1793. The Reign of Terror was ended by the execution of Robespierre on 27 July 1794, and therefore several known and unknown people ended their lives in this terrible execution method, and we are just here to condemn all the possible treatments when we do ignore them, and do not think that they should be used once more, and we are condemning organizations today, not being human and with not taking enough care of the human rights, and we should just work where we want to work.
And the doctor Guillotin, thought that the guillotine should abolish the death penalty, but instead thousands of people have been killed in this way and method of doing death penalty until 1981, and we should take away people we are not needing, and public organizations can always be questioned, especially when they are not efficient according to the the Pareto-criteria, and that many organizations are just wasting of time, resources and money when we are here, and we are ignoring people bothering us, and that is not allowed due to the human rights in Strasbourg.
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Kristiansand, Norway
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