The evolution and the history of the warm nights; The case of having it warmth in Norway!

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 months ago


You know, it is a warm night when the temperature is 20 degrees Celsius and more than 20 degrees, and this period with warm temperatures should be between 20.00 and 08.00 during the night. And we have had in warm in Norway now, and there have been warm waves in the Northern part of Norway, and we have for instance had a warm night in Bardufoss lately, and there have been bad weather in the Southern part of Norway now, and there have been good weather in the Northern part of Norway.

In accordance with the development doctrine, everything of all life on the earth has a common origin, and it has came by a changing process from earlier existing forms. All organisms on the earth are therefore in larger or less degree in relation to each other, and the changing process is called for evolution. And this is a properly theory with beliefs that we need to take care of, and the origin of species are in accordance with the learning from Darwin. And the warm and cold temperature are coming from something, and hence we cannot blaime that all things we see and how we explain things are related to God, since the humans need to understand what has happened and how things have be developed through any times while we are here.

The summer and winter climate is mainly controlled by the tilt of the earth's axis with the orbital plane of the earth. This slope at 23.5 degrees is such that in the summer that the northern hemisphere moves against the sun, and it is so that the sun comes high in the sky, and the days are longer in the north. This is what is getting the summer so warm. And at the same time there is cold days in the southern part of the world, and this is due to the fact that the sun is not so strong in these areas. The warm climate and the strong sun have definitions in such ways that we get in Norway, and it is also such in Sweden, Denmark and in Germany. So, when making analysis with the weather, we should know where we are, and how the sun is like it is where we are from time to time.

Why do we perceive the variations in the weather, and what is doing the weather as we experience it from day to day, and why are there variations where we are from place to place? There are changes in the weather due to changes in the sun, emissions from volcanoes, variations in earth's orbit and levels of carbon dioxide (CO2). And due to these things, things are as they are. And hence, we are perceiving variations in the weather from place to place, but what we have experienced today up to this time, is coming one more or more times, and we can also get new forms of the weather, and we need standardization or adaptation when the weather is coming, and such is the way to treat the weather how it is from time to time.

So, we are telling the people that there would be bad or good weather, and we are perceiving what we are getting from time to time, and we are here to experience what is happening from time to time, and we should ignore bad things in the societies, and we are just calm and friendly people, and these controlling institutions must operate on their own, and hence we do not have all kinds of variations in the organization when just perceiving public organizations, and the similarity is that there are working tasks from place to place, and things are not changed much, and hence people are just using routines and normally activities to explore and to describe what is happening from time to time, and we are perceiving causes and processes in the human nature and in the nature, and we are here to answer what happened and why was it as it was? Hence, there are causes and processes about what is going on, and we operate as we do, due to things that happens when we are here, and we should just not perceive all things in the religions, but there are many explanations and many ways to understand as good as we can. And the life is just as it comes from the parents, but it is also in accordance to changes in the environments, and why things are as they are, and we should try to explain all the human nature and all the nature with the sciences, and we should understand how things are, and why things happen as they did. And living and operating and working in the present and in the future, are just related to what the past has told us.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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