On being Ole-Kristian Bryhn on Wednesday on 24 July 2024; Taking the Her Majesty King Harald V of Norway Trophy in the Norwegian national rifle championship!

in WORLD OF XPILARlast month


So, we were impressed by several shooters on the championship in Norway on 24 July 2024, especially the sixth placement of Caroline Finnestad Lund, coming from the known family in Søgne with Mette Elisabeth Finnestad og Tor Harald Lund. But the event in Steinkjer this evening on 24 July was fantastic, and we are really here to do our best efforts, and to do as good as we can, when we are here.

Ole-Kristian Bryhn got 348 of 350 possible points. And we are still waiting for the first person getting 350 points! The Norwegian national rifle championship has been done since 1893, and never there has been a person with the maximum points of 350 points, but some have been quite near, but it seems impossible to reach, but we are guessing these maximum sum will come in the future, and many and many more shooters are shooting several inner tiers and conventions are decided on it as well, and therefore we should shoot as good as possible to any times while we are here, and sport events and shooting have many similarities with how to get it as good as we can in sales management and doing the sales, and we are here to do things as good as we can!

Yeah, you know buying behavior is filled with pleasure, goodness and motivation about being willing to try something or being engaged with with buying something, and we are both having the willingness to buy and the ability to do what we prefer, and the size of the amount is never the most important, but the most important thing is to be to the value and the happiness of the lucky customer or the potential customers being willing to buy something of you or me or both of us.

So, we are getting the several variations in the shooting competitions when being where we are from time to time, and we are here to make and telephone call or making the calls, and we should be here to get and to give messages of different kinds, and that is about communication, and that is the way we can use things while we are here, and communication is something exciting and compelling and exciting things we can do to any times anywhere while we are here.

Well, which schools are best in buying behavior and consumer behavior, and we are here to use ourselves with the competence that we have, and we should always be in doubt about the schools if the competence and the experiences are under the evaluation for issues and tasks when we are here. So, which schools are best to use in the world to know something strong and good about the buying behavior? Well, there are schools like:

IE Business School. Market Research and Consumer Behavior.
Copenhagen Business School. An Introduction to Consumer Neuroscience & Neuromarketing.
University of Pennsylvania.
University of London.
University of Rochester.
Queen Mary University of London.
University of Pennsylvania.
Yale University.

So, you know, it is just getting some knowledges of what to know, and the concepts, the measures and the strategies about marketing when being here, and selling is about using the needs that are present in the markets, and the buying and the selling initiatives and activities are just about where things are bought or where we are giving economic support for products and/or organizations or foundations or associations.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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