THE DIARY GAME: 28.06.2021. Rainy Sunset in Saint Petersburg

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)

Forecasters often make mistakes last year or two. Perhaps, something wrong with the climate or with the forecasters. But last night, their promises of rain came true: at 9 pm, when I launched cycling for a seaside sunset, it started drizzling.

No problem, I was tired of +34-degree heat in recent days so summer raindrops were a pleasure. Besides, clouds and rain, if combined with a break in the clouds on the horizon, can make a sunset even prettier.

There were few people at the beach, wet sand was sticking to the wheels of my bicycle, the sunset looked pitiful, and it was still drizzling. I unwillingly took several images while my camera was getting annoyingly wet.


It became clear that it would be better I stayed home. But returning after cycling for 20 minutes was silly.


I went to experiment with defocused photography of the street traffic when a tipsy (slightly drunk) young man emerged and started bothering me.


He asked me to take images of him and I reluctantly clicked the button to make him satisfied and leave. "So, send me the photos on Whatsapp, write down the number". Не was always too close when he was talking to me.

His name was Seryozha. I was cold to him but he couldn't notice I wanted him to go.

– I can find you customers, people who need your photography service.
– I don't need customers.
– I really can!
– I don't want customers. I want the sunset, the time is passing, sorry.
– But when are you going to send me the images?



The worst, he was so grateful to me that he constantly wanted to shake my hand and hug me. We did it three times.

I am cautious about coronavirus, I have avoided crowds and public transportation for more than a year and, then, this loony breaks in at the time when too many people in the city are sick.

Should I send him the photo? Or he is punished?

When he left, I squeezed the alcohol gel out of the tube to sanitize my hands and camera.

After the sun dived below the horizon, the light changed dramatically. Everything turned red and purple. It was like a sudden landing on another planet, and the skyscraper on the horizon reminded me of a spaceship from science fiction movies. The sea was rough, dark, and ominous as the living sentient ocean from Solaris.


Finally, the colors began fading. The very last scarlet sunrays were being reflected in windows of residential houses. I got on my bike and headed home.



The Solaris seascape with Lakhta Center will join Cityscape Photo / Art Contest by @axeman in World of Xpilar Community.

All photos were taken on June 28, 2021, in Saint Petersburg, Russia by me with Nikon D750 + a Nikkor 70-300mm telelens.

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Классное небо. Не пойму, с какой локации кукрузину снимал, от ЗСД?

 3 years ago (edited)


С пляжа справа от устья Смоленки.

 3 years ago 

Вот не был там ни разу )

 3 years ago 

Ну ... Вполне можно и заглянуть, пока там все не засыпали и не построили что-нибудь еще. ) Планируют вроде. Впрочем, там сильная пустырная магия ... ;) Возможно, это место обречено оставаться недостроем. Там же еще в советское время планировали, даже построили странное бетонное устье с прямоугольным островом посередине (безымянный, соединен с миром четырьмя ноунейм-мостами), фасад хотели морской создать городу... Но в итоге вышел пустырь.)

Так что ... Если приносить дары богу пустырей, то только там ;)

 3 years ago 

Заинтриговал ))
Надо на осень галочку поставить.

 3 years ago 

Send him a photo @datych! Ideally don't show your number should you prefer not to get involved..Reminds me of an old person a girlfriend and I were asked to photo here, in the English countryside, who even wanted to be photoed with a wide angle lens only!
The last but one photo you posted here I find stunning! It looks to me like life on another planet..Whatever that might look like..Based on Hollywood films I assume I have certain expectations..

 3 years ago 

:-) Probably, I should. He was just drunk and happy. Drunk people (including me) can be like that.

Also, he is from Odessa, Ukraine, it means he was having a traveling feeling so probably he just needed to discover that the world is super open and everybody loves hugging with strangers :D

The last but one photo

It is a 20-minute bicycle trip from me and I took many photos of this place. But yesterday, the view was marvelous. I am glad the photo caught the atmosphere.

Прекрасный закат! И симпатичный портрет получился:) Может быть, эта чрезмерная общительность - реакция на короновирусные запреты? Невозможно всё время жить в страхе и шарахаться от людей.

 3 years ago (edited)


Может быть - реакция. Можно предположить всякое... Но наиболее вероятно, что он просто выпил, и мир показался ему прекрасным местом, где все хотят с ним обниматься. Со мной такое бывало. Тем более он приезжий (из Одессы), студент?, возможно его еще и распирает трэвел-эйфория или что-то такое. )

Что касается запретов, сейчас у каждого своя убежденность в духе "а я всегда говорил" или "а я вдруг понял, что просто...", и частенько там имеется в виду отрицание вируса ли, пандемии ли, чего-то - я не ставлю себя выше, это как религия, каждый верит во что-то, но давайте же жить дружно. Вполне вероятно, что молодой человек из числа людей, которые что-то отрицают: "а плевать" или "все должны переболеть" или "молодые не болеют" и пр. пр.

"Жить в страхе" - это, правда, не надо жить в страхе, и думаю, большинство людей уже поспокойней. В прошлом году весной и летом (когда-то) я продукты покупал на дней пять сразу, а лучше неделю - надрывался под грузом, а сейчас не упускаю возможность лишний раз заскочить в магазин, чтобы купить конфету или банан. Но - безо всякой статистики - впервые за все время в моем социальном поле все пестрит заболевшими в Мск и СПб, включая родственников и друзей. Сейчас, кажется, самое время быть осторожным.

Да, я тоже прошлой весной сильно переживала из-за походов в магазин. Правда, решала вопрос иначе - ходила ночью, когда там почти никого нет:)

 3 years ago 

Аналогично ) В ночи или 12:00-14:00. Сейчас я тоже стараюсь, хотя уже и в час пик хожу иногда - есть у нас один просторный магазин 5ка, лучшее решение.)

The evening photos came out nicely, I can imagine that people were outside to have some fresh air.

You know some people like that Seryozha, open, friendly, start chatting straight away. Difficult to give an advise, but you must have you own seventh sense just listen to it :)

You post is nominated for „Wold of xpilar“ Community Support Program, @booming account upvote. Only the posts that are not cross posted, original and posted from community page are eligible. If your post gets approval, then you get upvote within few days. Good luck!

 3 years ago 

Thank you!

A sober is not a good buddy to a drunk, especially, during the pandemic, probably this is the moral of the encounter. :) But I wouldn't have this post without Seryozha so I am grateful to him and he will have his photo :)

Sometimes I get a really nice photo and later at my home, in hindsight, I realize that maybe if I hadn't stayed more than I wanted in someplace or with someone, I could have missed that moment with the ideal illumination or I would not have taken that path that got me to the place where I made the picture. Just send him the photo, at least you will make someone happy.

 3 years ago 

I will send :) Two votes for sending so I will. :) At least, I won't have this story without him so I should be grateful.

 3 years ago 

These touchy feely people are the worst. I hope that he did not pass you any covid.

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