My experiment about pausing my calcium intake had resulted in re-emergence of body pain || Mi experimento sobre la pausa en la ingesta de calcio había dado lugar a la reaparición del dolor corporalsteemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago



I hate making myself a Laboratory Rat all the time but I have to do it.

Odio hacerme una rata de laboratorio todo el tiempo, pero tengo que hacerlo.

I had paused my Calcium Carbonate tablets for about 25 days to see if I can do without it in my body's system but the results seems to be bad for my case and situation. Well I have noticed that the pain in my body had returned a bit, it means that I can notice some of the pain in my back returning even though I am only lying on my bed. The pain is enough for me to feel depressed and not wanting to do anything much but to rest most of the time, trying to sleep so that I can get away from feeling the pain in my back in particular. That is why I didn't post a thing these past few days because basically I am not feeling good. I think it is just normal to suspend any activity even for animals for that matter if they are in pain or sick, it is what happened to me from these past few days.

He suspendido mis pastillas de carbonato de calcio durante unos 25 días para ver si puedo prescindir de ellas en mi organismo, pero los resultados parecen ser malos para mi caso y situación. Bueno, he notado que el dolor en mi cuerpo ha regresado un poco, es decir, puedo notar algo del dolor en mi espalda regresando aunque sólo esté acostado en mi cama. El dolor es suficiente para que me sienta deprimido y sin ganas de hacer mucho más que descansar la mayor parte del tiempo, tratando de dormir para poder alejarme de sentir el dolor en mi espalda en particular. Por eso no he posteado nada estos últimos días porque básicamente no me siento bien. Creo que es normal suspender cualquier actividad incluso para los animales si tienen dolor o están enfermos, es lo que me pasó a mí estos últimos días.



Pain discourages me to do things in my life like my hobby of writing.

El dolor me desanima a hacer cosas en mi vida como mi afición a escribir.

Now I have resumed my Calcium carbonate intake, the brand which is made by Kirkland. It has some vitamin D3 which I now do not want to take anymore. The reason for that is because I do not want the side-effect of calcifying my internal organs with soft tissue which includes the coronary arteries, then my lungs, my body's veins, my skin, and whatever body organ is susceptible to calcification. However I want to resume my phosphate binder as well but the issue was its cost, it is still a very expensive medication to sustain which is why I am reverting back in using Calcium which is a phosphate binder in itself. It is a dilemma because taking Calcium will give me more risk of calcification but taking it again will alleviate my pain. But if I will only take Sevelamer tablets, I might control my phosphate levels but I will experience these recent pain again, not to mention the extra expenses that I will have to take care of.

Ahora he retomado mi consumo de carbonato de calcio, de la marca Kirkland. Tiene algo de vitamina D3 que ahora no quiero tomar más. La razón es que no quiero el efecto secundario de calcificar mis órganos internos con tejido blando que incluye las arterias coronarias, luego mis pulmones, las venas de mi cuerpo, mi piel, y cualquier órgano del cuerpo que sea susceptible de calcificación. Sin embargo, quiero reanudar mi aglutinante de fosfato también, pero el problema es su costo, sigue siendo un medicamento muy caro de sostener, por lo que estoy volviendo a usar el calcio, que es un aglutinante de fosfato en sí mismo. Es un dilema porque tomar Calcio me dará más riesgo de calcificación pero tomarlo de nuevo aliviará mi dolor. Pero si sólo tomo pastillas de Sevelamer, puede que controle mis niveles de fosfato, pero volveré a experimentar estos dolores recientes, por no mencionar los gastos adicionales de los que tendré que hacerme cargo.



A substance that is supposed to help me is also a substance as my enemy.

Una sustancia que se supone que me ayuda es también una sustancia como mi enemigo.

I took a tablet of my NSAID pain reliever (Diclofenac) after my dialysis from Tuesday, it gave me a good relief from the pains that I am feeling especially from my upper-back. It had made me to realize that I was in agony all along because after the pains had been alleviated, I was feeling lighter once again. That is why I felt a level of relaxation and it gave me some good sleep in the process. However I do not want to use pain relivers all the time because of its bad effects in the body which will also produce illnesses if I will be keeping on taking it. NSAID medicines also destroys red blood cells which I do not want to happen because I have a low amount of RBCs compared to normal people which is why I think that it affects my appetite in a bad way.

Me tomé una pastilla de mi analgésico AINE (Diclofenac) después de mi diálisis del martes, y me alivió los dolores que sentía especialmente en la parte superior de la espalda. Me hizo darme cuenta de que estaba en agonía todo el tiempo porque después de que los dolores se habían aliviado, me sentía más ligero una vez más. Por eso sentí un nivel de relajación y me dio un buen sueño en el proceso. Sin embargo, no quiero usar analgésicos todo el tiempo debido a sus malos efectos en el cuerpo que también producirán enfermedades si sigo tomándolos. Los medicamentos AINE también destruyen los glóbulos rojos, lo que no quiero que ocurra porque tengo una cantidad baja de glóbulos rojos en comparación con las personas normales, por lo que creo que afecta a mi apetito de forma negativa.



Pain relivers are not the solution but the root cause of the problem is what I am trying to solve.

Los analgésicos no son la solución, sino la raíz del problema, que es lo que intento resolver.

It is really hard to manage my health issues because I feel like I am just constantly balancing things out in my body to which if I look away for a while, then it will all collapse. It is a situation where I feel like I have no more options in what I should do because which ever way that I go, then there will still be repercussions and still I will not achieve on what I want to happen. But regardless of what will happen or what can happen whether it will be favorable for me or not, I will still try to do what I know is right. My number one concern is losing my ability to sustain my needs, however it is still far from happening if I will not experience a catastrophic health issue like being paralyzed and all that horrible things that is a possible thing to happen because of my current health condition.

Es realmente difícil manejar mis problemas de salud porque siento que estoy constantemente equilibrando cosas en mi cuerpo a las que si miro hacia otro lado por un tiempo, entonces todo se derrumbará. Es una situación en la que siento que no tengo más opciones en cuanto a lo que debería hacer porque, sea cual sea el camino que tome, seguirá habiendo repercusiones y todavía no conseguiré lo que quiero que ocurra. Pero independientemente de lo que ocurra o de lo que pueda ocurrir, sea o no favorable para mí, seguiré intentando hacer lo que sé que es correcto. Mi preocupación número uno es perder mi capacidad de mantener mis necesidades, sin embargo, todavía está lejos de suceder si no voy a experimentar un problema de salud catastrófico como ser paralizado y todas esas cosas horribles que es una cosa posible de suceder debido a mi estado de salud actual.



In life there should be a balance which I am lacking right now which is why I am on this kind of health situation.

En la vida debe haber un equilibrio que ahora mismo me falta y por eso estoy en esta situación de salud.

The price of Sevelamer is putting me off, it is very expensive. The government actually had shed some of its price but not enough for most patients to ever afford it especially if they would be eating a few times per day with regular meals like breakfast, Lunch, and dinner. It is because for every meal that we eat we have to take it so that we will not absorb the Phosphorus from the foods that we would eat, otherwise the elevation of Phosphorus will happen which will further complicate the bone problems in which I have been suffering for many years now. I cannot let my Parathyroid to pump its destructive hormones because it will make my Leontiasis condition worse not to mention the emergence of my body pains. Again, I have to resume my intake of Sevelamer but it is biting a big chunk of my pockets.

El precio del Sevelamer me desanima, es muy caro. El gobierno ha reducido parte de su precio, pero no lo suficiente como para que la mayoría de los pacientes puedan pagarlo, especialmente si comen varias veces al día con comidas regulares como el desayuno, el almuerzo y la cena. Es porque para cada comida que comemos tenemos que tomarlo para que no absorbamos el Fósforo de los alimentos que comeríamos, de lo contrario la elevación de Fósforo sucederá que complicará aún más los problemas óseos en los que he estado sufriendo desde hace muchos años. No puedo dejar que mi Paratiroides bombee sus hormonas destructivas porque empeorará mi condición de Leontiasis sin mencionar la aparición de mis dolores corporales. Una vez más, tengo que reanudar la ingesta de Sevelamer, pero está mordiendo una gran parte de mis bolsillos.



I still have some cash to spare for my necessities but my necessities are still a heavy burden for me due to low income.

Todavía me sobra algo de dinero para mis necesidades, pero éstas siguen siendo una pesada carga para mí debido a los bajos ingresos.

I can still walk up to the bathroom and then back to my room but I would only do that if my parents are not around or if I do not want to bother my Mother which is the one that would prepare the bathroom for me if I would tell her that I want to use it for my purposes. However I will not be walking just to exercise my legs or feet because my joints are now in terrible shape, it is not feasible to exercise because it will only result in hurting my poor joints in the process. I will only try to exercise my body if I know that there is balance already but due to my body pains, it is telling me that I am still very far away from being normal with regards to my bone health issues. That is why I am afraid to exert myself because one reason is that I would feel breathless with just a simple exertion for my body, I cannot force it do normal things anymore, I am just "semi bed-ridden" already because of this.

Todavía puedo caminar hasta el baño y luego volver a mi habitación, pero sólo lo haría si mis padres no están cerca o si no quiero molestar a mi madre, que es la que me prepararía el baño si le dijera que quiero usarlo para mis propósitos. Sin embargo, no voy a caminar sólo para ejercitar mis piernas o pies porque mis articulaciones están ahora en terrible forma, no es factible hacer ejercicio porque sólo resultará en dañar mis pobres articulaciones en el proceso. Sólo trataré de ejercitar mi cuerpo si sé que ya hay equilibrio pero debido a mis dolores corporales, me está diciendo que todavía estoy muy lejos de ser normal con respecto a mis problemas de salud ósea. Por eso tengo miedo de esforzarme porque una de las razones es que me quedaría sin aliento con un simple esfuerzo para mi cuerpo, ya no puedo forzarlo a hacer cosas normales, ya estoy "semi encamado" por esto.



I just feel so sorry for my bones that seems to be not getting much better because I cannot exercise them anymore.

Lo siento mucho por mis huesos que parece que no mejoran mucho porque ya no puedo ejercitarlos.

I am still happy that at least I am able to improve my quality of life because of the improvements that happened to my bones. My current Vitamin K2 MK-7 therapy was the big factor and I am praying that it will save me from the big issue of calcification because it is the major health threat that can kill me because regardless that I am taking Calcium supplement as my Phosphate binder or not, I will still face that problem because of my Parathyroid issue which is not that easy to manage as it requires surgery of not a drug therapy that messes-up my quality of life because of the myriad of side-effects it causes like dizziness, bitter aftertaste in my mouth, and loss of appetite. I do not want to take Cinacalcet again because of these side-effects which is why discovering the vitamin K2 MK-7 is doing to my body is a thing that I am very thankful to God for, because of its excellent effects for my bones which at this point is still very far from being totally okay if it is still possible to happen.

Todavía estoy feliz de que al menos soy capaz de mejorar mi calidad de vida debido a las mejoras que ocurrieron a mis huesos. Mi actual terapia de vitamina K2 MK-7 fue el gran factor y estoy rezando para que me salve del gran problema de la calcificación porque es la mayor amenaza para la salud que puede matarme porque, independientemente de que esté tomando suplementos de calcio como mi aglutinante de fosfato o no, todavía me enfrentaré a ese problema debido a mi problema de paratiroides que no es tan fácil de manejar, ya que requiere cirugía y no una terapia de drogas que arruina mi calidad de vida debido a la miríada de efectos secundarios que causa como mareos, regusto amargo en mi boca, y la pérdida de apetito. No quiero volver a tomar Cinacalcet debido a estos efectos secundarios, por lo que descubrir la vitamina K2 MK-7 en mi cuerpo es algo por lo que estoy muy agradecida a Dios, debido a sus excelentes efectos para mis huesos, que en este momento todavía está muy lejos de estar totalmente bien, si es que todavía es posible que ocurra.



A "not so simple" vitamin is my magic bullet, it is my grace from heaven and I am thankful because of it.

Una vitamina "no tan simple" es mi bala mágica, es mi gracia del cielo y estoy agradecida por ello.

Still prayin' and hopin'...


Source quality of life will keep on rollin'.

Translated in Filipino [Taglish]

Na-pause ko ang aking Calcium Carbonate tablet sa loob ng humigit-kumulang 25 araw upang makita kung magagawa ko nang wala ito sa sistema ng aking katawan ngunit ang mga resulta ay tila masama para sa aking kaso at sitwasyon. Well napansin ko na medyo bumalik yung sakit ng katawan ko, it means na mapapansin kong bumabalik yung sakit ng likod ko kahit nakahiga lang ako sa kama ko. Ang sakit ay sapat na para makaramdam ako ng panlulumo at ayokong gumawa ng anuman kundi ang magpahinga halos lahat ng oras, sinusubukang matulog para makaiwas ako lalo na sa sakit ng likod ko. Kaya naman hindi ako nag-post ng kahit ano nitong mga nakaraang araw dahil hindi maganda ang pakiramdam ko. Sa tingin ko, normal lang na suspindihin ang anumang aktibidad kahit para sa mga hayop kung sila ay may sakit o may sakit, ito ang nangyari sa akin nitong mga nakaraang araw.

Ngayon ay ipinagpatuloy ko na ang aking Calcium carbonate intake, ang tatak na gawa ng Kirkland. Mayroon itong ilang bitamina D3 na hindi ko na gustong inumin. Ang dahilan niyan ay dahil ayaw ko ng side-effect ng pag-calcify ng internal organs ko na may soft tissue which includes the coronary arteries, then my lungs, my body's veins, my skin, and whatever body organ is susceptible to calcification. Gayunpaman gusto kong ipagpatuloy din ang aking phosphate binder ngunit ang isyu ay ang gastos nito, ito ay isang napakamahal na gamot upang mapanatili kung kaya't bumalik ako sa paggamit ng Calcium na isang phosphate binder sa sarili nito. Ito ay isang dilemma dahil ang pag-inom ng Calcium ay magbibigay sa akin ng higit na panganib na magkaroon ng calcification ngunit ang pagkuha nito muli ay magpapagaan ng aking sakit. Pero kung Sevelamer tablets lang ang iinumin ko baka makontrol ko ang phosphate levels ko pero mararanasan ko ulit ang mga sakit na ito kamakailan, hindi pa banggitin ang mga dagdag na gastusin na kailangan kong asikasuhin.

Uminom ako ng isang tablet ng aking NSAID pain reliever (Diclofenac) pagkatapos ng aking dialysis mula Martes, ito ay nagbigay sa akin ng magandang ginhawa mula sa mga sakit na aking nararamdaman lalo na mula sa aking upper-back. Napagtanto ko na ako ay nasa matinding paghihirap dahil pagkatapos na maibsan ang mga sakit, gumaan na naman ang pakiramdam ko. Iyon ang dahilan kung bakit nakaramdam ako ng isang antas ng pagpapahinga at nagbigay ito sa akin ng kaunting tulog sa proseso. Gayunpaman, hindi ko nais na gumamit ng mga pain reliever sa lahat ng oras dahil sa masamang epekto nito sa katawan na magbubunga din ng mga sakit kung ako ay patuloy na umiinom nito. Ang mga gamot na NSAID ay sumisira din sa mga pulang selula ng dugo na ayaw kong mangyari dahil mababa ang halaga ng RBC ko kumpara sa mga normal na tao kaya naman sa tingin ko ito ay nakakaapekto sa aking gana sa hindi magandang paraan.

Mahirap talagang pamahalaan ang aking mga isyu sa kalusugan dahil pakiramdam ko ay palagi ko na lang binabalanse ang mga bagay sa aking katawan na kung saan ako umiwas ng tingin, babagsak ang lahat. It is a situation where I feel like I have no more options in what I should do because which ever way that I go, then there will still be repercussions and still hindi ko makakamit ang gusto kong mangyari. Ngunit anuman ang mangyayari o kung ano ang maaaring mangyari kung ito ay pabor sa akin o hindi, susubukan ko pa ring gawin ang alam kong tama. Ang aking numero unong alalahanin ay ang pagkawala ng aking kakayahang tustusan ang aking mga pangangailangan, gayunpaman ito ay malayong mangyari kung hindi ako makakaranas ng isang mapaminsalang isyu sa kalusugan tulad ng pagiging paralisado at lahat ng mga kakila-kilabot na bagay na posibleng mangyari dahil sa aking kasalukuyang kalagayan sa kalusugan.

Ang presyo ng Sevelamer ay nagpapaliban sa akin, ito ay napakamahal. Ang gobyerno ay aktwal na nagbawas ng ilan sa mga presyo nito ngunit hindi sapat para sa karamihan ng mga pasyente na kayang bayaran ito lalo na kung sila ay kakain ng ilang beses bawat araw na may regular na pagkain tulad ng almusal, Tanghalian, at hapunan. Dahil sa bawat pagkain na ating kinakain ay kailangan nating kunin ito upang hindi natin maabsorb ang Phosphorus mula sa mga pagkaing ating kakainin, kung hindi ay mangyayari ang pagtaas ng Phosphorus na lalong magpapalubha sa mga problema sa buto na aking pinaghirapan. sa loob ng maraming taon ngayon. Hindi ko maaaring hayaan ang aking Parathyroid na mag-pump ng mga mapanirang hormone nito dahil ito ay magpapalala ng aking Leontiasis kundi pati na rin ang paglitaw ng aking mga pananakit ng katawan. Muli, kailangan kong ipagpatuloy ang paggamit ko ng Sevelamer ngunit nakakagat ito ng malaking bahagi ng aking mga bulsa.

Maaari pa akong umakyat sa banyo at pagkatapos ay bumalik sa aking silid ngunit gagawin ko lamang iyon kung wala ang aking mga magulang o kung ayaw kong abalahin ang aking Ina na siyang maghahanda ng banyo para sa akin kung gagawin ko. sabihin sa kanya na gusto kong gamitin ito para sa aking mga layunin. Gayunpaman, hindi ako maglalakad para lang mag-ehersisyo ang aking mga binti o paa dahil ang aking mga kasukasuan ay nasa kahila-hilakbot na hugis, hindi ito magagawang mag-ehersisyo dahil ito ay magreresulta lamang sa pananakit ng aking mahihirap na kasukasuan sa proseso. I will only try to exercise my body if I know that there is balance already but due to my body pains, it is telling me that I am still very far from being normal with regards to my bone health issues. Kaya naman natatakot akong mag-exert dahil ang isang dahilan ay para akong makahinga sa simpleng pagpupursige lang para sa aking katawan, hindi ko na ito mapipilit na gawin ang mga normal na bagay, "semi bed-ridden" na lang ako dahil dito.

Masaya pa rin ako na kahit papaano ay na-improve ko ang kalidad ng buhay ko dahil sa mga improvements na nangyari sa bones ko. Ang aking kasalukuyang Vitamin K2 MK-7 therapy ay ang malaking kadahilanan at ako ay nagdarasal na ito ay magligtas sa akin mula sa malaking isyu ng calcification dahil ito ang pangunahing banta sa kalusugan na maaaring pumatay sa akin dahil hindi alintana na ako ay umiinom ng Calcium supplement bilang aking Phosphate binder o hindi, haharapin ko pa rin ang problemang iyon dahil sa aking isyu sa Parathyroid na hindi ganoon kadaling pangasiwaan dahil nangangailangan ito ng operasyon na hindi isang drug therapy na gumugulo sa kalidad ng buhay ko dahil sa napakaraming side-effects na dulot nito tulad ng pagkahilo , mapait na aftertaste sa aking bibig, at pagkawala ng gana. Ayaw kong uminom muli ng Cinacalcet dahil sa mga side effect na ito kaya naman ang pagtuklas ng vitamin K2 MK-7 na ginagawa sa aking katawan ay isang bagay na lubos kong ipinagpapasalamat sa Diyos, dahil sa mahusay na epekto nito para sa aking mga buto. at this point is still very far from being totally okay kung pwede pa mangyari.



There's still no end in sight about my battles, I am already accepting my defeat after at the end of it all.

Todavía no se ve el final de mis batallas, ya estoy aceptando mi derrota después al final de todo.

Wala pa ring katapusan ang mga laban ko, tinatanggap ko na ang pagkatalo ko pagkatapos ng lahat.

Posted through the AVLE Dapp (


zink instead of calcium... for sure

vitamin K regulates calcium osteoblast ... necessary to clean old bone before new one could be formed

tryptophan hormone supplement...?

wath does Ayurveda and Chinese medicine says? about balancing the earth element and meridian... things like sweet potato pumpkin... etc...

 2 years ago (edited)

*actually is mk7 right and the probiotics to control the calcium... metabolism ... using sodium bicarbonate i think would be better ... not so much calcium carbonate...
to much calcium might increase blockage or vessels and worsen condition...

... and other alternatives to pain management would be better also...

metals would actually slow down your metabolism and thyroid and parathyroid *

mercurius solubilis can be also used to treat pathogens that might be affecting your immune inflammatory response like a scar... ... but it occurs me to consider thins like azithromycin and pathogens like leptospirosis... or mycosis...

coconut oil and curcumin massage?

 2 years ago (edited)

do you use sodium bicarbonate ..? the upper part of sea water... forms light salt flower... source of sodium bicarbonate...


do you use b1? thiamine?
leveduras de cerveja ... bear yeast...

kimchi etc...? sources of phosphate? calcium phosphate?

speaking about eyast's ...

have you screening for molds and other yeasts that might be causing you problems?

like turulopsis ... and clamidia?
wath about heavy metal's like aluminium ...
have you tried homeopatic remedies like aluminium metalicum... 30ch ... or Mercurius solubilies 30ch for mercury filing in cavities 5 a day... 5 days... stop 5 ... and more 5 days ...or 15 days total treatment ... yeah wath about cavities?
iodine intake... ... hm... food poison pathogens have you stopped using flour product's and less diary?? and myostatin inhibitors
... and HGH high growth hormones??... its a list step by steep don't give up... you might learn enough to overcome and help other's... ;) GOGOGOGO

not sure about myostatin inhibitors... probably not...

vitamin k is in olive oil... olive oil massage also

paint 2 drops (betadine) like a coin size dot in your skin once a day somewhere as iodine supplement... also use in your ears... 1 drop...

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