I Am At Least Able To Eat Relatively Well Nowadays Compared To The Previous Years
I am spacing my meals as far apart as possible and if not for my mother I will not be able to eat as often because it was my mother who asks me if I want to eat already or not.
Spacing my meals also allows me to build the urge to eat unlike in my previous years that I would eat because it is just time to eat so what happens was I am really unable to finish-up my food with only two to three mouthfuls and that's it.
Also the cooking of my parents are also the factor as well because they do not have much skill to do it and cooking the same foods over and over really doesn't give me the appetite to eat them.
Now I am just having a delicacy side-dish that I pray that I would never get bored to the taste of because it is a factor that I helps me to make my meal interesting and thanks to my acquired taste for it my every meal gets interesting because it is good to get paired with rice, it tastes sour and yummy, well for me that is.
With the kind of depressed appetite that I have I really needed variety of meals. Now my mother is just buying me this fried pork belly for two days now and hope that I will not really get bored from it. Maybe I will just have it with different types of dips so that it will taste different every time it would get serve to me.
But the big factor that I am able to eat was my achievement to reach my dry weight. It now allowed me to basically put more room in my body relative to my former body weight which is why I am able to eat a day before my dialysis. But still I am not convinced that it is truly my dry weight but at least it had done me good because of the positive results that I am experiencing today.
Those are the factors that had made some improvements in my peculiar eating habits, spacing of my meals, a side-dish that helps me finish-up my food, and having more room in my body now through dry weight adjustment that allowed me not to get breathless before my appointed or scheduled dialysis.
But I hope that I will never ever have to take my Cinacalcet because it makes my life harder as it really affects my appetite severely unlike in my previous years before I was taking it where even a simple food tastes sweet for me.
I am still clinging to my hope that in the future that these things are just like a bitter memory that I will not even attempt to remember and enjoy the remainder of my life ahead with no more appetiteloss and body pain that I have to contend with everyday.