Coding Practice: Write a Program to display image and link in HTML.
Coding Practice: Write a Program to display image and link in HTML.
img tag is used to display image on a htmlpage
a tag is used to create link a means anchor tag
<title> This text will appear on the Top of the Browser tab</title>
<body bgcolor=yellow> (html comment removed: the text writen in body section will be displayed on browser. )
<h1><center> BIODATA</center><h1> (html comment removed: <center> tag is used is we want to display somthing in center of the browser)
<br> (html comment removed: br is used for new line )
<b> Name : CJ Singh </b> (html comment removed: <B> for bold, <i >for italic , <u> for Underline, hr to draw a line )
**see the below image for img tag, img tag is not working in steemit, use the line that is in the image here**
<a href=> Click for Google </a>
<h1> heading tag</h1> (html comment removed: h1,h2,h3 h4 h5 h6 are th heading tags h1 has maximum size and h6 is the smaller )
<center><h3> End Of Program </h3> </center>
img tag pic
Output of the above Program is