RE: Something Useful For Blockchain
How to organize it?
I would suggest that the first thing to do is to form a group (which may already exist... and in any case must not become too large).
I would like to brainstorm with the few people on a common worksheet and then create a common article (quasi the summary) from it in a common worksheet. Preferably Dropbox Paper or similar.
Oh, I'd even suggest using a whole new, unknown, virgin account for the publication, set up just for such purposes. The article can then be resteemt by users we know. Why? I want to avoid the risk of being accused of nepotism.
Am I too small-minded in this regard? Maybe. But believe me, I've seen, heard and experienced so many abysses here - a normal, honest person can't think so deceitfully and eaten up by envy...
In general, there are thousands of issues worth discussing. You can make a list, for example:
Each of these topics deserves a separate discussion thread. And far from each of these topics will be offered something useful and real. For something, resources will be needed, for something, the consensus of witnesses. We will need to focus on what we can improve now.
Dropbox Paper is a great solution for preparing a summary post. Where to hold discussions?
P.S. I still want to wait until the weekend as I'll be interested to hear more from @remlaps who hasn't spoken yet.
Of course, there are many topics. But our first task is to extract the essence from this discussion and develop proposals for a challenge: How can we as a community make Steem more attractive to real writers and real readers (and what part can the Steemit team, with or without its top-notch curatorial accounts, play in that)?
Challenge? Yes, this single question alone is a real challenge!
Right there! After all, it is a WORKsheet. You can distribute concrete tasks and everyone can enter their thoughts (in key words). These can also be discarded directly. The essence is sorted and brought into form.
Apart from the fact that we don't need any debates at first, but only useful and ponderable suggestions, such a common worksheet is perfect for structure and keeping the overview in a complex topic. In "chat groups" one only gets distracted by too many side issues.
Sorry for the slow replies to a couple of threads. We have some stuff going on in the extended family. Not sure when I'll get time to read and reply, but I know I owe replies. I'll read through this and respond as soon as I'm able.