CONTEST| DIGITAL ART| @XPILAR| FALL FROM GRACE| @caleb090steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago

No matter man's advancement in technology , his primitive instincts remain the same. He is designed to be a selfish being, that thinks of his own survival.



The world had changed the atmosphere smelt of purly refined oxygen and bio-enginerring had taken over society. People had consciously decided to take off their human parts in place of prosthetic arms & legs. Crimes was on the increase and law enforcement had learned how to bend the rules to bring about order. Some Christians believe that this was the end times we were living in and that their God would come for us any day from now.

We were at the brink of war with Tyrese {a neighbouring nation] because our governor had refused to join the Society of the Skull and Bone { a United federation of all nations in this Galaxy}. His ego would be the death of us all, our Arsenal was no where near that of Tyrese even a small attack would cause devastating effects on our home. I would know best because am the commander of the emperial army but the governor doesn't like to be told what to do. The prostitute I brought with me to the bar stared at me with distaste in her eyes, she could tell I was drunk and rambling. And in their line of work, time is important, so i put my hands in my pocket and bring out a bag full of credits, "For your troubles", I said. I raised my glass up and scream, "drinks for everybody", and the bar screamed in merriment.



I walked into a hall with Higher council seated and surrounded by many speakers of different houses. I felt a little light headed from the adventures of yesterday night but I coordinated myself and spoke. Greetings to Higher Council and to the speakers, I commander of the fifth brigade of the emperial army has come to make my report. The governor nodded his headed from the Higher council seat giving me the go ahead. I continued, in the war of 2036 with Rynex, Tyrese used the X-56 beam to wipe out half of Rynex population. In the battle of blood against Sinof, Tyrese used X-52 battle raider to destroy and kill over half of Sinof population. A speaker raised his voice and said,"What is your point?, you drunk". There was an echo of laughter in the room. The governor raised his hand and the hall fell silent again. I continued, our defense are down and we are running out of fossil fuels we use to keep this city afloat in the sky. This war means death for us. "Heresy!!!", a speaker shouted and mumming filled the hall now. The governor raised his voice speak and they all fell silent. He said,"We haven't lost a war for more than a century now, my father's and father's father has led you into the battle field and came back victorious , I would do the same". The hall was filled with chants of praise, he raised his hand to signify silence again. You Commander are not in right state of mind so I would not lock you in a dungeon for what you just said in front of the council, I suggest you step down from there, before you say something you would live to regret. I could see the emotion in his eyes turned serious, so I took a bow and left the High council and the speakers as I walked out.
Old fools, they will kill us all.

It all happened like a dream, the smell of death and burning skin filled the air, shouts of children crying echoed in a distance as they were taken captives to be trained into soldiers. I would woke immediately, oh thank God it was just a dream. Doomsday is coming sooner or later, the end is near. I walk to the bathroom and wash my face, we need a plan I thought. This is for our survival some sacrifices needed to be made, I know what must be done it is only me that can do it. I call upon five soldiers from my brigade, they are the best of the best. We had sharp shooters, a pilot and a medic. We all put Xo- exoskeleton and took a small attack jet, our mission was to kill the governor of Tyrese, that is the only way to stop the disaster that is coming. We took off and headed for Tyrese airspace , the jet was in carmaflage mode because this was going to be done under the radar. We land on the disolate area of the area ship and went ahead into the city.

The only way in the palace with not as much security was through the sewers but there were many booby traps and alarm's we had to be careful. One of the sharp shooters went into the city I search of higher ground where he could assist us with his sniper rifle. He walked in the dark and smelling sewer with precaution trying not to trip any of the alarms. We got to the opening that leads to the palace, so far so good I thought. We had lost communication with the sharp shooter above the sewers, the intercoms were faulty in the sewers. The palace looked empty like they knew we were coming. The room and courts were empty we all meet back at the hall that led in the king's chamber's. A berserker with an X-26 exoskeleton sat smoking through a pipe, he had the longest sword I have ever set my eyes on . He looked up and noticed our presence he stood 7ft tall. He smiled and let out smoke through his nostrils. He said in a deep voice as he reached for his sword behind his back,"Prepare yourself, you are about to die".

Our blasters were no good, he moved quick for his size. He slashed through us like piece of feather. His strength was enough to swing his might sword. He didn't let anybody escape his wrath. He cut open my stomach and I held my hand over my abdomen to avoid my internal organs from falling out, he drag me by the hair and opened a big screen on the wall. I watched as Tyrese force destroy my home world, I watched women and children crying as the ran for their lives. "Kill me now ", I said he laughed as he stood up and I closed my eyes to make the pain easier. He blew smoke from his pipe as he said,"you fucked up commander".


 4 years ago 

Great story

Thank you @caleb090

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