Short story inspired by @xpilar's digital image. PART 3.~ Relato corto inspirado en la imagen digital de @xpilar. PARTE 3. (Eng-Esp)

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago
Greetings to all, the following short story was inspired by the digital art of @xpilar, from the #WORLDOFXPILAR community.

I share the link:


Digital image, by @xpilar.

Flooding in the town of Saint Peter

I never believed when I was told that going to the town of Saint Peter was dangerous, I had to go through the experience of living it in my own flesh.

I went on vacation with a group, everything was normal, on the third day at night after reading a few lines on my tablet, I looked out the window at the stars and the moon, it looked bright, and I was thinking about my life. When suddenly I heard a loud noise, which made me jump out of bed, immediately the whole group was on alert, something bad was happening, people were running, screaming, frightened, they left their homes, we also ran out of the house and joined the large group of people in the village.

The current of water had carried away the bridge, we felt how the houses shook, the roar was so strong that it made the frightened people leave their houses, the uncontrollable water was taking the streets of the town, in fractions of minutes, all the space of the town of Saint Peter was flooded.

The work of mutual aid was put into practice, as we could we reached the place of shelter, a hill that was somewhat elevated where the water did not reach. While we waited to be helped, we verified that there were no injured people, and we also transmitted tranquility to the great part of the town that they were safe. Thousands of comments were heard about the experience we had just lived.



Inundación en el pueblo de San Pedro.

Nunca creí cuando me decían que ir al pueblo de San Pedro era peligroso, tenía que pasar por la experiencia de vivirlo en carne propia.

Me fui de vacaciones con un grupo, todo era normal, al tercer día por la noche después de leer unas líneas en mi tablet, miro por la ventana las estrellas y la luna, ésta lucía brillante, además me dio por pensar en mi vida. Cuando de repente se escucha un ruido fuerte, que me hace saltar de la cama, de inmediato en posición de alerta todo el grupo, algo malo estaba pasando, las personas corrían, gritaban, asustados abandonaban las viviendas, igual manera nosotros también salimos corriendo de la casa y nos unimos al grupo grande de la gente del pueblo.

La corriente de agua se había llevado el puente, se sintió como se estremecían las viviendas, el estruendo fue tan fuerte que hizo que las personas asustadas salieran de sus casas, el agua incontrolable fue tomando las calles del pueblo, en fracciones de minutos, todo el espacio del pueblo de San Pedro estaba inundado.

La labor de ayuda mutua se puso en práctica, como pudimos llegamos hasta el sitio de resguardo, una loma que estaba algo elevada donde el agua no llegaba. Mientras esperábamos la atención de ser auxiliados, constatamos que no hubiesen heridos, además de trasmitir tranquilidad a la gran parte del pueblo que estaban a salvo. Miles de comentarios se escuchaban de la experiencia recién vivida.



 2 years ago 

Thank you for your story

Muy agradecida querido amigo @xpilar.

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Gracias mi comunidad favorita.

This is a sad story with a happy ending, everyone was saved and it pleases.

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