Daybook 20 декабря 2003: Such weather / Такая погода

in WORLD OF XPILARlast year

English version below

Здравия, други!

Хочу показать вам причуды нашей зимы. Самый короткий зимний день (почти самый) должен быть по логике самым холодным (раз уж самый-самый), но не тут-то было. Несколько дней дождя и тумана превратили пушистые сугробы в плотную серую массу. Надеюсь, что в лесу всё иначе, но до леса пока не добрался.

Фотографии сделаны по дороге в гараж. Я решил воспользоваться тёплой погодой (+1С) и немного заняться обработкой дерева. Мне уже давно заказывали деревянную скульптуру Георгия Победоносца. Эскизный вариант я уже сделал и теперь надо постепенно доводить форму. Когда всё закончу, выложу некоторые результаты, пока показывать рано.

В начале восьмого часа вечера я вдоволь надышался деревянной пыли и вышел на свежий воздух. Здесь у нас не сыпали соль или реагент на дорогу между гаражами и я чуть не поскользнулся от неожиданности.

Небо просветлело, показался молодой месяц и температура стала падать. Снег превратился в наст, а дорога покрылась коркой льда. Хорошо, что завтра мне не нужно никуда ехать на машине...

Снимал я на смартфон, так что качество соответствующее. Просто хотел поделиться погодой :)









Hello, friends!

I want to show you the quirks of our winter. The shortest winter day (almost the shortest) should logically be the coldest (since it is the shortest), but it was not there. Several days of rain and fog turned the fluffy snowdrifts into a dense gray mass. I hope that everything is different in the forest, but I haven't reached the forest yet.

The photos were taken on the way to the garage. I decided to take advantage of the warm weather (+1C) and do some wood processing. I have long been commissioned a wooden sculpture of St. George the Victorious. I have already made a sketch version and now I need to gradually bring the shape. When I'm done, I'll post some results, it's too early to show them yet.

At a little after seven o'clock in the evening, I inhaled a lot of wood dust and went out into the fresh air. Here we did not pour salt or reagent on the road between the garages and I almost slipped out of surprise.

The sky brightened, the new moon appeared and the temperature began to drop. The snow turned to ice, and the road was covered with a crust of ice. It's good that I don't have to drive anywhere tomorrow...

I was shooting on a smartphone, so the quality is appropriate. I just wanted to share the weather :)

Unless otherwise specified, text and photos are copyright


100% SP - manual translation to SP( except for the prize fund #photo-process)


 last year (edited)

These are some frosty photos.
I'm imagining the vibe of weather at your place...
Grey, and beautiful... At least in pictures.

I am now eagerly waiting for your sculpture... How many hats do you wear?? Really impressive.

I hope you didn't get hurt. Be extra careful on ice:)

Lovely photographs as usual!

 last year 

It's warm outside for winter now, about 0C. That's why I'm dressed lightly))
Glad to see you and thank you for your kind words!

 last year 

Sorry I meant to ask "hats" meaning "how many roles do you play?"

I didn't know you could do sculptures also.

 last year 

I change roles so often during one day that I find it difficult to answer your question)))
Before I became seriously interested in photography, I was seriously interested in wood carving))
Here is an example of my friend's dog from the photo :)



 last year 

I'm blown away for real.

Kudos to you and your arts!

Beyond amazing... very impressive work.
Waiting for your sculpture really now :)

 last year 

... thank you for your kind words :-)
Right now, the sculpture is not ready for display yet. Today I was with her again and did something, but this is not the finish line)

 last year 

I wish my eyes did not see more of it :P

 last year 

Do you want to lose your eyesight or wear black glasses? )))
Or at least go to the equator ))))

 last year 

I'd choose tropic sea beach, please.

 last year 

It remains to take a full bath of hot water, immerse yourself and close your eyes...🤣 😂😅🍄

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