Traveling Iceland: Reykjavik - Hallgrimskirkja - A visual story Part 2 (20 Photos)
Second part and just to remind the story behind
Today we are coming back to Iceland, but not for another amazing nature set. This time the the Capital of the country and namely to quite famous Icelandic Church - Hallgrimskirkja
Located in the very center of the City it is really one of the best known Icelandic landmarks. While located on the hill, it is visible from all the city. And actually there is an observation place on the top of it, from which whole Rejkyavik looks just amazing around.
Very similar to Danish expressionistic architect style it took over 41 years to build it (from 1945 to 1986). Church houses large pipe organ, which details you also can see in this story
Amazing place to visit
Category | Travel/Architecture |
Camera | Canon 7D / Tamron 16-300mm / Natural light |

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Nice post. Looking forward for more @axeman
Iceland is beautiful! Thanks for showing us this country
Impressive photos of your trip... The most impressive for me was the second one. A true work of art 🤩
The beauty of Iceland
Is this even real😍
This is so beautiful