DECEPTION CASE #03: @jhellenmjgr Photo Plagiarism on Steemit

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Today we have quite different and more unusual case involving not only clear plagiarism but also major disrespect to whole WOX community

The story is about @jhellenmjgr, who actually earned quite a trust while participating in my contests and receiving various prizes all way long, though with more like average amateur photography entries not allowing to hit for the first places. And as not the first time it happens in my contests, suddenly the quality of the entries started to rise

At this point have to make clear few basic rules for steemit in general and for my contests in particular

  • in case if you do use not own photography for steemit posts, you must to clearly indicate the source
  • if you re-work somebody's photography or art, above rule to apply as well and basically in that case you need to have permit from original author to do so (but that's more complicated case still)
  • rule No.4 of my contests clearly states: "Entries must be original work - NO PLAGIARISM". Means You can not use not own photography/artwork. Do not mislead on that

So let's go the the main case


Just to mention again due pretty heavy participation in my daily contests I'm too much overloaded for searching for image matches over the internet. There is a part of users who earned reputation and are whitelisted in WOX and those are not being checked (normally).
Thanks to @grecoloco for commenting under the contest post where @jhellenmjgr took the first prize (my fault, but s**t happens)


I'm not the person who starts to attack quickly. And even if plagiarism case is found and not a heavy abuse, we, Moderators of WOX, normally giving a second chance still. Maybe person was not really aware about some rules and finally the one could really regret about what was done.

Following comment was left under the initial post of @jhellenmjgr kindly asking to explain the situation


And here the replies we have got after couple of days



Unfortunately haven't took the screenshot of the initial post before the wording was changed, but that doesn't matter really.

So what do we have. As for the first comment it shows clear mislead about my contest rules, which are written pretty straight and clear (I guess). You can participate only with your own original photography/art and IT IS "a best photographer contest" on basis of "best" photo/art entry

And second reply is what all this story is about. Instead of apologizing for the mistake done (and returning prizes paid, maybe, as we had few cases before), we got here another bunch of explanations and lies.
Basically stating that @jhellenmjgr is a best friend of Pieter Raijkai, world top and well known photographer and even DIRECTED his shot from the drone! Why not? Magic happens in this world, but I did my homework

Luckily I'm quite a top worldwide photographer too and my colleagues do respond on my requests. So here is response from Pieter on Instagram



Guess no more comments needed, but still

  1. Statement to be a friend with Pieter Rajkal = FALSE
  2. Statement of directing his drone shot = FALSE
  3. Statement of obtaining this picture for final edit = FALSE

Actually exactly same picture was entered to contest as on Pieter's Instagram.

100% stolen, 100% plagiarism

And the Cherry on the top of the Cake. One more clear match found from earlier posts. And now I have a screenshot before text could be changed....


Description states: This is one of my pictures from my travel to Barranquilla, Colombia back in 2011 and edited in photoshop.

Original author: František Lukas


Original photo was cropped and added HDR effect. It even was boomed by WOX Moderators and got another good upvote

Well, most SAD thing is an attitude trying to fool me, moderators and whole WOX community.

Result - BAN from my contests and general BAN from World of Xpilar



I'm glad you're shedding light on this case, I was sure you would dig deeper into this...

things would be easier for all of us if she just admitted her mistake, returned the award and never repeated it again but instead of this she chose the hard way

I am so disappointed by this behavior...

Thank you for not letting it pass by so easily...these actions are disrespectful to all of us

Thank you for being so attentive and raising the suspicion :)

Thank you for your comment @stef1

Even though I'm not a mosquito squeezer,
I like to squeeze them when I find them :)

 3 years ago 

Yep, feeling kind of same. Hate such cases personally, but we have to keep an eye on. And thanks again for you help!

 3 years ago 

Привет, Руслан!
Наверное необходимы более глубокие изменения в твоём конкурсе.

С одной стороны, мне крайне приятно подавать тебе заявки, зная, как высок твой уровень. Сам факт участия в твоём конкурсе делает честь.

Но в последнее время я его избегаю.
Тебе подаётся слишком много заявок и у тебя просто нет времени вникать в детали. Мои же снимки, как мне кажется - лучше "худших", но существенно хуже "лучших".
А когда выясняется, что "лучшие" на самом деле было мошенничество, а у тебя просто не было времени это заметить - то смысл участия в твоём конкурсе таких как я утрачивается.

Ты заметил три случая плагиата. На самом деле я думаю что их больше. И будет ещё больше , потому что "пронести" к тебе краденную работу очень легко, а вероятность быть пойманным и понести наказание - низкая. Люди не честны и для некоторых даже 6 STEEM-в дороже Совести.

Надо менять формат конкурса.
Возможно следует ужесточать подтверждение подлинности. Например, требовать вместе с "художественной" работой предьявлять "исходный файл" (как он есть из фотокамеры, или кусочек снимка в исходном разрешении без обработки).
Возможно, следует проводить конкурс в ДВА этапа: на первом отбираются работы и объявляется ПРЕДВАРИТЕЛЬНОЕ РЕШЕНИЕ о награждении. Но выплаты не сразу, а например через 1 неделю - время достаточное, чтобы ДРУГИЕ УЧАСТНИКИ могли проверить (и оспорить) авторство призёров.

Я не хочу навязывать какие-то "идеи".
Но мне кажется, жизнь требует перемен.

 3 years ago 

Nu vezde est svoi pliusy i minusy... mnogo chego menyalos za tri goda i imeem rabochuyu versiyu :)
Uluchsheniya vsegda vozmozhny, no stoyat li togo dopolnitelnye zatraty vremeni.. vot eto vopros

Sam ponimaesh. dazhe samuyu umnuyu sistemu vsegda mozhno oboyti. A pravda rano ili pozdno vylezaet i tak

 3 years ago 

Это может быть только твое решение.
Но я вижу обьективный дисбаланс : между тем, как легко ("мало времени") подать работу на твой конкурс, и тем сколько труда ("много времени") тратишь ты , что бы просмотреть, отобрать, оценить, наградить 50-70 работ в одном конкурсе.
А их у тебя - 5.
И это - каждая неделя.
Пора "делиться трудностями" .

Hola, @hacha , pienso que en todos los aspectos de la vida tenemos que tener integridad, tarde o temprano las consecuencias de nuestros actos saldrán a la luz para bien o para mal, aplaudo tu ética profesional....que le da valor a esta gran comunidad !!!

Hola axeman. Pienso que lo de plagiar alguna actividad, alguna pintura, algún dibujo, alguna foto es un acto de cobardía y deshonestidad. Uno tiene que hacer las cosas, esforzarse un poquito y presentar originalidad. Prefiero no presentar nada cualquier día, antes que estar plagiando algo que no es de mi autoría. Saludos.
#onepercent #venezuela #afable

In fact, we should learn at least a little from these issues, I think ordinary users. Then everyone can be a little aware. Anyway thank you for writing about a beautiful subject.

That is really sad to see someone who we know for a long time and the whole community of "World of Xpilar" supported. Glad that we reveled this case, obviously he was deceiving lately on multiple occasion.

 3 years ago 

Hi @axeman, I really do not get out of amazement with what happened .. and I do not quite understand how it is that a person in the digital and cyber age could think that this type of violation cannot be hidden for long.
Thank you for the work done for the good and for the WOX Community

Oh my God.... This is Really a Shame. Because, We as Contestant's on the other side Portraying our own hard work in these contests held by @axeman. And someone winning the contest's by using some other person's work. An unethical way this is. Really good job @axeman to lighten up the whole issue.

Just one word... JUSTICE!
congratulation for your hard work, plagiarism for win a contest is not fair.

This is so bad, he already has the trust of the whole community, he could have just improved on his skills and stayed true to himself. Good work, plagiarism isn't a good thing and should never be encouraged

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