Activity Upate - Call me Hunchback of Notre Dam from now on!
Image taken from IMG Flip
Where do I even start this, I started going to the gym again in August with a personal trainer, started counting calories, I was doing this 4 times a week, everything was going smooth, day to day energy levels were rising, I started sleeping better and better, lost some weight while also gained plenty of strength, helped a lot with the daily stress.
After the first 3 months I thought myself I could improve this even further and got myself a bicycle to replace the car traveling to the gym, this meant cycling ~ 18-20km / session, which was more than enough for a daily cardio. I did this another 2 months, "pedaling" to the gym but my back started hurting little by little, from first part of November until mid December where the pain started to be a real issue where sometimes I couldn't move properly, get out of bed in a normal position or even get my back stuck in a position where every move felt like needles pinching my back. I went to the doctor for a checkup thinking this could be kidney stones as the pain was moving towards the abs, after a quick doctor check up it looked like this wasn't the case so I was sent to do an MRI.
I've done the MRI, it took me some time to get a doctor appointment to check the results and tell me what's next, well here is the part that sucks, it looks like I have a thoracic disc herniation (google says it's one in a million chance, at least I feel special) and some other issues that I am not sure how to translate as these are medical terms, all related with the thoracic area of the back.
Area of my pain described as a three years old!
Now why I haven't been active lately, well I started some recovery procedures, I started last Monday some kinesiotherapy combined with some physiotherapy these being done daily and every two days I do some manual therapy, some sort of massage combined with bone adjustments and as this wasn't enough each day ends with two types of injections one with minerals and the other with ozone. I had these prescribed for 10 days, hopefully this will help with some recovery, after all these I will probably continue with the kinesiotherapy for a couple of months and if the pain doesn't come back I will do another MRI to compare if there is any improvement.
The kinesiotherapy uses specific exercises to strengthen the muscle in that area, this way that area gets more support from the muscles, the physiotherapy uses different specific "tools" to heal and help the area recover using magnets, low electricity, lasers, not sure what the correct English terms are, these are directly translated as I understood them. The injections also are to reduce the pain (which is almost 0 now, it's almost because I get small feelings of pain after doing exercises for that area).
There's one more thing that I will do once a month, it's called PRP, something with blood being taken out getting the plasma, enriching it and injecting it back in the affected area, this will be for 6 months if I remember correctly.
Not sure if this was the best decision my brain only thinks that sooner or later there needs to be a surgery and the money I spent for this recovery could probably cover more than half of the surgery price.
Calculated at the current STEEM price 0.21$ I spent over 10k STEEM so far and still have like 5-6k left to spend, all this STEEM Power wasted 😂.
I am not sure if the back issue comes from the Gym as I don't remember forcing anything that much to get something like this, it could also be all these years of sitting down at the PC 8-10 hours sometimes even more.
I will also try to see a neurosurgeon to get another opinion but I will wait to get some recovery first so he can have a before and after MRI, I will rush this only if the life quality drops and I get pain and bad movement again.
And that's why I haven't been active lately, I will try to start the engine back, I really wanted to participate in the last challenges from @kouba01 and @alejos7ven but couldn't find the time to do it.
I'd like to end this with the following remark, if you ever feel something might be wrong with you (specially your back) do a checkup and don't assume things like I did and avoided it weeks until it got back, this unless you want to feel special like I do now :))
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