Talk Channel: "Comment or ask a question"/ Comente o pregunte (week 271) in the WOX

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 days ago

The idea of "Talk Channel"

The "talk channel" was created to share ideas and answer questions and concerns that you may have, being attended directly by the work team of the World Of Xpilar community, headed by the friend @xpilar. This channel is available to everyone, so I invite you to participate by leaving your concerns, questions, answers and ideas you have related to the platform..

El "canal de conversación" fue creado para compartir ideas y responder las preguntas e inquietudes que puedan tener, siendo atendidos de manera directa por el equipo de trabajo de la comunidad World Of Xpilar, encabezado por el amigo @xpilar. Este canal está dispuesto para todos, por ello, los invito a participar dejando sus inquietudes, preguntas, respuestas e ideas que estén relacionado a la plataforma.

If you have a question about Steemit, please ask it here. / Si tienes una pregunta sobre Steemit, hazla aquí.

Talk Channel

Theme this week:

#Questions, Answers and CommentsPreguntas, Respuestas y Comentarios
1What can you highlight about the updates that the Steemit interface has had? Has it improved your experience?¿Qué puedes destacar de las actualizaciones que ha tenido la interfaz de Steemit? ¿Ha mejorado tu experiencia?
2Do you know the current proposals for Steemit improvements? What do you say about these two, (DAO #proposal-89) and STEEM DAO Reserve Fund?¿Conoces las propuestas actuales para mejorar Steemit? ¿Qué opinas de estos dos, (DAO #proposal-89) y STEEM DAO Reserve Fund?
3It is important to support proposals. Have you previously supported any proposals to improve Steemit? Why?Es importante apoyar propuestas. ¿Has apoyado anteriormente alguna propuesta para mejorar Steemit? ¿Por qué?

These and other points we can discuss during this week.

Estos y otros puntos los podemos discutir durante esta semana.

Participate by leaving your comments, questions or answers here.

Participa, dejando su comentario, preguntas o respuestas aquí.

The post "Talk Channel" is published weekly, every Monday and is open to everyone the whole week. And there we should all appreciate comments and responses to each other.

El post "Canal de conversación " se publica semanalmente, todos los lunes y está abierto a todo el mundo durante toda la semana. Y en él, todos debemos agradecer los comentarios y las respuestas de los demás.

  • Yes, we need to talk to each other as well.

Sí, también tenemos que hablar entre nosotros

Everyone is invited to speak on the topics of their choice.

Tell us a little bit about your "experience, criteria and/or doubts" regarding the Steemit platform, have the opportunity to answer or join other comments that the community may be making in the channel.Cuéntanos un poco sobre tu "experiencia, criterio y/o dudas" con respecto a la plataforma Steemit, ten la oportunidad de responder o unirte a otros comentarios que la comunidad pueda estar haciendo en el canal.

We also invite other connoisseurs of the subject to present themselves here on "Talk Channel"."

In the "talk channel" we or you can also post a topic that needs a review, for example tools on Steem or other things you want to know about BuiltWORLD OF XPILAR


1/ Я жду, когда @the-gorilla вернет возможность админу ставить характеристики пользователям сообщества. Вероятно случайно он убрал эту полезную функцию.

Как теперь ставить метки 11032025.jpg

2/ Благодаря "Proposal for STEEM DAO Reserve Fund" через 7 лет пользования блокчейнами я теперь знаю, что эти предложения разработчиков для голосования находятся в Кошельке Стимит.

3/ Я полагаюсь на то, что 20 лучших свидетелей примут предложения разработчиков.

1/ I am waiting for @the-gorilla to return the opportunity for the admin to set the characteristics of community members. He probably accidentally removed this useful feature.

2/ Thanks to the "Proposal for STEEM DAO Reserve Fund", after 7 years of using blockchains, I now know that these developer proposals for voting are in the Steemit Wallet.

3/ I rely on the top 20 witnesses to accept the developers' proposals.

Yes, it's a bug from the last release.

The problem is that the page doesn't recognise the admin / moderator's permissions within an individual post. So the only way to set this permission is to return to the Community, and then click on the post. You should see the things that only admins and moderators can do at that point.

Hopefully I'll have some time to work on a fix at the end of the week.

Yes, it will be very sad if this interesting feature completely disappears from Steemit.

Interface update? I am not aware that there were any updates. Are they minor updates to the interface? Or, maybe it was there before I joined the platform itself. That is also a possibility.

I didn't know about the proposal. But, I am aware about the idea of a reserve fund and why should it exist in the first place. I guess, I will have to check that. In addition, I have not checked previous proposals too, I think that I need to locate that on Steemit and see what proposals are there.

#wewrite #comment

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